"I remember telling you that only the people I specified are needed. Why are there so many outsiders?"

Hattori Heizo took a step forward and said, "Sir, you should know what you are doing. It is impossible for people not to follow you. Turn yourself in while there are no casualties."

His words fell.

The policemen and soldiers around him loaded their weapons one after another, aiming at Hanyu Shirasawa.


Hanyu Shirasawa smiled.

Raise your hand.

"Da" snapped his fingers.

next second.


A young man hanging from the beam of the house exploded immediately, turning into a bloody mist.

This time, the children were terrified, but because they were all gagged, they couldn't make a sound.

Not just them.

Hattori Heizo and a group of people were frightened.

It was really unexpected that Hanyu Shirasawa would dare to kill the hostages when so many weapons were aimed at him.

Hanyu Baisawa said coldly: "I dare to agree to meet here, and I am not afraid of any threats. In the end, I will give you ten seconds, and the irrelevant people get out. Otherwise, this place will explode directly, and I will accompany these little guys We will die together. As for whether it is true or not, you can judge for yourself.”

Actually, he doesn't need to say it.

The heads of the police and army had already turned pale.

After all, it was because of their toughness that they killed the son of a congressman first, so it was really troublesome now.

At the moment when Hanyu Baisawa's words fell, they didn't care about the embarrassment, regardless of the consequences of following them privately, and retreated in a disheartened and embarrassing manner.


Only Chi Bo Jinghua and his group of kendo learners were left at the door.

But when they looked at the mass of flesh and blood on the ground, their faces were also very ugly, and they understood that this time things were really tricky.

"Don't worry about it."

A hoarse voice came from under the mask of Hanyu Shirasawa: "The guy just now did a lot of bad things, he died as soon as he died, you don't need to feel guilty."


It doesn't matter if it's true or not.

Everyone felt better at the first moment. After all, the death of an ignorant child is worse than the death of a child who did bad things.

"Okay, let me talk about the rules. It's very simple. We have a one-on-one competition. As long as one of you can survive ten moves in my hands, I will let go of one person. Remember, overlapping is allowed. If you can beat Me, I will let everyone go, this promise is still valid. Well, you can discuss it here, I will wait for you in the attic upstairs."


Turn around and go upstairs.

There is no fear of these children around being rescued.

After what happened just now, it is estimated that no one will be so reckless again.


Hattori Heizo and the others had a gloomy face.

The main reason is that the conditions Hanyu Shirasawa just mentioned are really too humiliating.

There is even a ten-stroke agreement.

Hattori Heizo asked: "Everyone, which one of you wants to go up first?"

When many people heard this, it was as if they hadn't heard it, with blank faces.

After all, they don't know the consequences of losing the competition, so they don't dare to try.

"I'll go first." Toshiro Odagiri stood up and walked upstairs.

2 minute later.

He comes down.

He didn't say anything, just shook his head at everyone.

Everyone understood that he lost and failed to survive ten moves.

But seeing Toshiro Odagiri intact, they all breathed a sigh of relief, their courage came up again, and no one reminded them, someone had already walked up on their own initiative.

Can be the next thing.

It cast a shadow over their hearts.

Everyone went up without more than two points, so they went downstairs again.

Obviously they all lost.

The first one.

fifth place.

tenth place.

Until No.20, the four Hattori Heizo came down from upstairs, with basically the same expressions on their faces.

But this time, it was a little different.

"¨‖ Hattori!" Toyama Ginshiro came to his good friend and supported him, seeing him clutching his abdomen, blood oozing from his fingers, exclaimed: "What happened to you? Isn't he not a killer? ?”

"It's none of his business." Hattori Heizo smiled wryly: "It's because I don't know what's good and what's wrong, I make progress, I don't admit defeat when I lose, and I want to fight until the ten-stroke agreement. Then..."

He couldn't continue, looked at Chi Bo Jinghua, and said in a low voice: "Miss Chi Bo, you are the only one left now, you are our last hope. That guy is very good at counterattacks, you must pay attention, don't be caught off guard because of some ultimate move. It will definitely succeed, because this is where I suffer."

Chi Bo Jinghua was silent, did not speak, just walked upstairs step by step.

The people below looked at her back.

I feel a little helpless in my heart.

They have lost so many old men, and now there is only one woman left. It seems that there is really no way this time (Qian Zhao).


Chi Bo Jinghua came to the attic.

At first glance, I saw a Taidao stuck in the floor, a real Taidao, the kind with a blade.

Hanyu Shirasawa played a knife in his hand, and said calmly: "Let's start."

Chi Bo Jinghua was unmoved, and asked: "What is your purpose? There is no need for this in the sword competition. Is your purpose from the beginning to the end to kill those children? To make the whole of Osaka chaotic?"

"Who knows, maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong."


Chiba Jinghua took a deep breath, held the Taidao inserted in the wooden board, and slowly pulled it out: "Can you take off the mask? Since you have done such things, you should not be afraid of being known." look?"

"Are you sure you want to see it?"


"Okay, I will satisfy your request."

Hanyu Shirasawa put his hand on the mask, lifted it lightly, and took it off little by little.

Chapter 0164: Chibo Jinghua Copy: 2/3

Chi Bo Jinghua stared closely at the masked man in front of him.

Watching him take off his mask little by little.

But when he saw that face, he was already stunned.

When she never saw that face again, she had imagined countless possible faces under the mask, and she was already prepared in her heart, so she would not be surprised no matter what.

But she never thought that the most unlikely thing happened, and the most unlikely face appeared in front of her eyes.


Chi Bo Jinghua wanted to say something, but when she really opened her mouth, she found that she had nothing to say.

"Xiao Jing, long time no see." Hanyu Baisawa said with a smile: "I remember you were only 12 years old at that time, and now you look like a great beauty."


Chi Bo Jinghua let out a long breath, suppressed the messy thoughts and all the thoughts in his heart, calmed himself down, and asked puzzledly:

"Teacher, what are you doing?"

"I, I'm helping you."

"help me?"

"Not bad." Hanyu Baisawa narrowed his eyes: "Help you become the legendary female swordsman."

"What do you mean?" Chi Bo Jinghua only felt that the man in front of her was different from ten years ago, which made her feel that 087 was strange.

"That's right, I want you to save the world. You will be thanked by them for saving all the children here. Then your reputation will naturally rise, and everyone will respect you. How about it, isn't this script good? "

"What are you talking about?"

Chi Bo Jinghua couldn't believe what she heard: "And when you were just below, did you kill that child for this reason?"

"I've said it all, he has done a lot of bad things, and his death is not a pity." Hanyu Shirasawa said with a nonchalant expression.

"But you...you..." Chi Bo Jinghua was so shocked that he didn't know how to refute.

"Okay, Xiao Jing, come on. Beat me and become a female swordsman."

"I will not defeat you." Chi Bo Jinghua shook his head and put down the sword in his hand.

a time.

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