The atmosphere is a little stiff.

The two looked at each other without saying a word.

half an hour.

Hanyu Baisawa said quietly: "My future wife is a female swordsman, so you must become a female swordsman, Xiao Jing."

"Future? Huh..."

Chi Bo Jinghua smiled and lowered his head: "Then you go to the future, don't come back to the past. I will not agree to your request, our (cjdb) three views are not in line at all. I understand, no wonder you said In the future, I will lose my wife, because I don't like people like you at all."

When you're done, turn around and leave.

"and many more!"

"Is there anything else?" Chi Bo Jinghua stopped and looked back at him.

"There is a girl who has a high fever. You can go on like this." Hanyu Baisawa took a deep look at her, turned around and went to a small room next to her. After a while, he came to her with a three-year-old unconscious little girl in his arms. .

Chi Bo Jinghua was silent.

she knows.

This is a conspiracy.

If she just went on like this, it would prove that she also failed, and no one would care.

But now, if she takes a child down, it proves that she has succeeded on it. This is like the last straw, and countless people will reach out to her for help.


Chi Bo Jinghua exhaled lightly, took the child, turned and went downstairs.

Because the girl already has a fever, if she refuses, she is very afraid that this man will ignore the girl's life, so she can only agree.


Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, looked at Chiba Shizuka's back, and said to himself:

"Xiaojing, Xiaojing, you will come back and become a female swordsman. Although it is a bit shameless, the effect is really useful."



the other side.

A group of people downstairs were already waiting anxiously.

After all, they didn't go up for more than 2 minutes, but Chi Bo Jinghua had been there for 5 minutes now, which made them feel uneasy and ashamed.

Because this means that a group of old men are not as good as a woman.

at last.


A figure appeared on the stairs.

Hattori Heizo and the others widened their eyes, watching Chiba Shizuka come down, and the girl in her arms, they almost shouted out of excitement.

"She has a fever, please take her to the hospital." Chi Bo Jinghua handed the girl to everyone, turned around and strode away without the slightest bit of nostalgia.

Once outside the castle tower.

She saw a group of people.

Policemen, soldiers, and countless men in suits and leather shoes and beautifully dressed women, some old men, and some old grandmas.

They all looked at this very anxiously, obviously they were the families of those children, they were the upper class people in Osaka.

They saw Chi Bo Jinghua coming out, but they didn't care when they saw her alone, and let her leave.

But when Hattori Heizo and the others came out, especially when they were holding a child in their arms, after listening to their story, these parents deeply regretted it.

It turned out that Chi Bo Jinghua just now, since he was the only one among this group of people who could fight the lunatic upstairs for more than ten strokes.

this moment.

They are crazy.

He wanted to go to Chi Bo Jinghua, but was persuaded by some calm people.

"Hattori, can we negotiate?" Odagiri Toshiro asked in front of Hattori Heizo.

Hattori Heizo shook his head: "Probably not, if we can negotiate, we won't let us compete."

"No, I mean can some people go in and take care of those children to see if anyone else is sick."

"This... probably won't work. But if we take some medicine in, he should agree. Otherwise, those children will die in large numbers, and he will have no bargaining chips at that time."

"That's a good idea."

Odagiri Toshiro nodded, but looked at a group of vigilant people around him, and at the seemingly independent castle tower on the tower, he fell into deep thought.

for a long time.

He said in a low voice: "All of us are not opponents, and now we can only rely on Miss Chi Bo. That person said that the ten-stroke agreement can be repeated. Now, the pressure is on Miss Chi Bo, I don't know how many people will ask for it Before her, let her save her own child first."


Hattori Heizo nodded in agreement.

They have never fully experienced what human nature looks like, but they also know what kind of scene it will be.

If this is not handled well, maybe the so-called celebrities will start fighting before the child is rescued. After all, no one is selfless. The sooner you save your child, the sooner you can feel at ease, lest something unexpected happen later. accident.

However this time.

Both of them guessed wrong.

Things didn't develop as they imagined, and they even extended to the other side.

At the same time, let the two of them understand that not everyone is a fool, but there are smart people.

that's it.

The time came three days later.

Chapter 0165: Chibo Jinghua Copy: 2/3

Three days.

During these three days.

Chi Bo Jinghua stayed at home all the time, never went out, and ignored everything that happened outside.

So now, she doesn't know what's going on outside.

I don't know if Hanyu Shirasawa died, or returned to the future, and whether those children were rescued.

All this, she does not know.

at last.

On the third day, she was no longer at home.

She was going to go out to see if the things outside were over.


As the door opened, Chi Bo Jinghua stood at the door, but when he saw the situation outside, he froze in place.


A dense crowd of people.

There is an old saying - soldiers - more than a thousand, no side.

This is the situation at hand.

Tens of meters away from her door, there are densely packed people, and all of them are women.

Some of them are in their late teens, twenties, and seven or eighty. Everyone is dressed brightly, but everyone looks haggard.

A group of people didn't say a word here, but looked at Chi Bo Jinghua with pitiful and begging eyes.


Suddenly a childish voice sounded, a three-year-old girl ran out from the crowd, staggered towards Chi Bo Jinghua, hugged her thigh for the last time, and shouted sweetly:

"Thank you sister~"

"What's your name?" Chi Bo Jinghua bent down and picked up the little girl. If she remembered correctly, this little girl was the one she brought down from the Tianshou Pavilion three days ago.

"My name is Keiko."

"Is the fever gone?"

"Yeah." The little girl nodded cutely.

"How long have you been outside?" Chi Bo Jinghua asked a crucial question.

The little girl stretched out her fingers and counted, and said happily: "Two days, my mother asked me to come here and wait after my illness was cured. She said that my sister should have a good rest, and then go to defeat the big villain. Let me come here to wait." Cheer on my sister."

Hearing this, Chi Bo Jinghua stared blankly at this immature face, and couldn't help clenching her teeth.

Yang conspiracy.

She knew very well that it was another conspiracy.

Originally, she thought that someone would come to her door these few days, but she had already figured out how to refuse.

But now when they played this game, a group of women and children were waiting for her, silently waiting for her to appear without saying anything, which happened to hit her weak point.


Chibo Jinghua laughed, laughing at herself: "Hanyu Baisawa, how can there be such a hateful man like you in the world..."

"A female swordsman, right?"

"The future, right?"

"In that case, I do as you wish."

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