At this moment, Chi Bo Jinghua's whole demeanor has changed, and at the same time, raging anger burst out of his heart.

Enduring the anger in her body, she put the little girl down and said softly: "Okay, go back and find mom."

After finishing speaking, he bowed deeply to a group of women not far away.

It's like a very tacit understanding.

The group of women also bowed their heads, and some of them even wept with joy.

They understood that this was their only hope, and finally agreed to them after three days.

Although their behavior was shameless, there was nothing they could do. The only thing they could do was to bow down and salute to express their apologies and thanks.



Time passed little by little.


The moon is very round and bright tonight.

Osaka Castle.

Tianshou Pavilion.

Wearing a mask, Hanyu Shirasawa stood on the ridge of the roof of the top floor, staring up at the moon in the sky, enjoying the evening breeze and the night view of Osaka.

And below.

There are countless vigilant people, and countless guns are aimed at him, but no one dares to shoot.

Because there were nearly [-] hostages inside, all of whom were children of high-class people. They had already experienced the lesson three days ago, so they didn't dare to be impulsive at all.

He was afraid that one shot would kill Hanyu Shirasawa, and the high-explosive grenade tied around the hostage would explode, and that would be the real end.

So in these three days.

They basically agreed to everything except that they did not rescue the hostages and did not come up to hang around.

Food and drink are served, and even medicines are prepared, just to avoid accidents to the children inside.

The reason for doing this was to wait for the savior to appear, and their efforts were not in vain, and the savior finally appeared tonight.

On the roof of the castle tower.

At some point, a woman with a dagger appeared, staring at Hanyu Shirasawa's back.

Hanyu Baisawa turned his head to look at Chiba Jinghua, and said with a smile, "I knew you would show up."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

"How are the children?"

"They're all good, none of them are fine."

"Huh... Hattori Heizo gave me the information. That boy three days ago did indeed do a lot of bad things, but it was only because of his family relationship that he settled it."

"So you agree with my approach?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked with a smile.

"No, I don't agree. No matter what bad things he did, everything is up to the law and the police. It's wrong for you to kill him."

"It doesn't matter, if you defeat me, you can save everyone and become the savior in their eyes."

"I have another question."

"what is the problem?"

"Did you teach the way they forced me to take action?"

"Of course." Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, at such a high place, the people below couldn't hear him, so he can safely say:

0 ........................

"I just spread a small piece of news. I told you about your character. Smart people will know what to do. Otherwise, they probably won't be able to bear it for three days. They may have already tried their best to do it, even if the ending They may regret it and won't bear me until now."

"You're such a bastard..."

Chi Bo Jinghua closed her eyes, whispered softly, and memories flashed in her mind.

The first time I met ten years ago, the first time I was defeated, the first time I said that the future is my wife.

The two train together, smile together, and eat together.

But now, he has to do such a cruel thing.

Chi Bo Jinghua has been waiting for the future, looking forward to what the future will look like, whether she will really become the other party's wife as she said at the beginning.

As a result, the future did not come, but now the result of two people having to work hard.

For a woman, this is really too cruel and cruel.

The person who caused this series of results was the man she had always believed in.

This man gave her a choice to become the savior and save all the children.

Otherwise, the consequences are not what she wants to see.


Chi Bo Jinghua let out a long breath, and opened her closed eyes, filled with endless anger and grievances, all pouring towards this man.

At this moment.

Under the dark night.

A group of people watching downstairs in the distance, their hearts were in their throats, and they didn't dare to take a breath, for fear of affecting Chi Bo Jinghua's performance

Chapter 0166: Chibo Jinghua Copy: 2/3

Hanyu Shirasawa drew his sword.

Chibo Jinghua also drew his sword.

Under the moonlight, the two knives seemed to be shining fluorescently.

Without any scruples, they started running on the roof of the tiled building.

This is a real fight.

Chiba Jinghua did not hold back, and Hanyu Shirasawa continued his water-releasing tactics.

The clanging sound resounded continuously, and the swords collided in the air, bursting out bright sparks.

The more he slashed, the more memories from ten years ago appeared in Chi Bo Jinghua's mind.

There is his hard-working expression, and the other party's gentle smile.

Obviously they shouldn't be like this, but now they are trying their best, and Chi Bo Jinghua's eyes are already flushed.

"Crack" sound!

The tiles on the roof were crushed, and Ikeba Shizuka's sword didn't hold back at all, and chopped on Hanyu Shirasawa's shoulder.

And at the same time.

"Zero Nine Seven" Hanyu Shirasawa, as if he couldn't feel the pain, pulled out his empty foot and kicked Chiba Jinghua's abdomen fiercely.




The two stepped back, stepping on the tiles one after another.

And the people watching with binoculars below almost jumped up excitedly.

Because Chi Bo Jinghua had the upper hand, it seemed that victory was not far away.

Not waiting for them to continue to be happy.

The two people upstairs continued to fight.

Sparks shot out from time to time, and the swords of both sides cut gaps.

This fight in the dark was like a ballet dance, the two sides cooperated in a special tacit understanding, and the fight was very exciting.

But everyone knows that this is not exciting, this is desperate, if you don't pay attention, you will die.


Another tile was crushed.

This time, the top floor finally couldn't take it anymore.

A big hole suddenly sank under Chi Bo Jinghua's feet.

Hanyu Shirasawa who has "bullet time" can see clearly that he has been "letting water" without hurting Shizuka Ikebo, and of course he doesn't want to see her fall and get hurt.

Without any hesitation.

Go straight forward and grab Chibo Jinghua.

At the same time, the moment Chi Bo Jinghua held his hand, looking at the man's calm and firm eyes, she finally understood that this farce must have a result.

So ever.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

The sharp and icy Tai Dao took advantage of the situation and stabbed fiercely upwards from the other hand.


Bright blood flowers are flying every now and then.

A smile appeared in Hanyu Shirasawa's masked eyes, Chiba Jinghua was pulled up, and he fell down the hole.



The sound of broken bones.

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