"Xiao Jing..."

Hanyu Baisawa stared straight at Ikebo Shizuka on the edge of the hole above, a remote control appeared in his hand, and said hoarsely:

"Become the savior."

"Give me one final blow..."

After speaking, I was ready to press the remote control.

"Stop!" Chi Bo Jinghua's expression changed, and he jumped down from above, aiming the sword at his chest, and stabbing it hard.


The blood soared again.

This time, Chi Bo Jinghua's face was covered with blood, and he stared blankly at the man.

"Tick tock~"

Tears slid down her face and dripped onto Hanyu Shirasawa's mask.

Chi Bo Jinghua gritted her teeth tightly, and said in a crying voice: "How is it, are you satisfied?"

Hanyu Baisawa murmured: "Satisfied... Now, my future wife will definitely not be able to run away. Xiaojing, please don't draw your sword, I'm afraid of pain. Also, take them down for 15 minutes, or it will explode... ..."

The words are not finished yet.

The person had exploded into a ball of light and disappeared into the air, leaving only a Taidao deeply inserted into the floor.


Chi Bo Jinghua wiped away her tears and blood, and hurried out of the room to untie the bound children.

ten minutes later.

She brought more than 300 children to the audience downstairs.

Immediately, cheers sounded, followed by the cries of children and adults.

Chi Bo Jinghua watched all this silently, glanced at the group of people, came to a group of policemen, stretched out his hands, and said in a low voice:

"Catch me, I'll kill him."

The top police officers looked at each other.

half an hour.

They nodded at each other, and someone stood up and said: "Miss Chi Bo, this is none of your business, we don't know anything about what happened inside. We will suppress this news, you don't have to worry, after all, you are us um..."

A "boom" explosion interrupted what the senior policeman was saying.




Another continuous explosion sounded, and in a short while under the gaze of everyone, the castle tower in Daban City was reduced to ruins amidst the continuous explosions...

At this moment, everyone broke out in a cold sweat, looking at Chi Bo Jinghua with admiration and gratitude.

Because without this woman, they might have to take coercive measures, and it is estimated that they will eventually become part of the ruins in front of them.

Toyama Ginshiro murmured: "It's a pity, such a historic building."

Hattori Heizo shook his head: "Don't worry, I believe it will be repaired soon."

"That's right." Toyama Ginshiro nodded, then frowned and said, "Hattori, I always feel something is wrong. That man spent so much effort, did it end like this in the end?"

Hattori Heizo narrowed his eyes: "What do you want to say?"

Toyama Ginshiro glanced at Ikeha Shizuka, who was surrounded by a crowd not far away and had many bloodstains on his body, and said softly:

"This matter is full of things that are not right. We don't know what they said on it in the end. Especially the back fell into the room, and now the castle tower has been reduced to ruins. All the reasons why the man did this, whether he is dead or not , only Miss Chi Bo knows."

"Okay, Yuanshan."

Hattori Heizo shook his head and reminded: "No matter what Ms. Chiba is hiding, it doesn't matter now. The important thing is that she saved those children. The higher-ups have decided to treat this 3.1 times as if it didn't happen. You Don't make any more troubles. So, when you go back next time, you must emphasize that you don't want to tell what happened this time. "


Toyama Ginshiro shrugged and didn't care about it anymore.

There are many smart people in the world, and there will always be someone who has noticed that something is wrong this time.

But these are not important anymore. After more than a month, after the whole incident, a dude who did evil things died. It can be said to be a blessing in misfortune. These people dare not do any more foolish things.

Even if there is a secret in it, the upper class will not care about it. I just hope that this kind of thing that makes them tremble will not happen again.

As for Chi Bo Jinghua.

After saving so many people, in Osaka, I dare not say how many. The higher-ups probably would have respected her when they saw her, because this is a real benefactor, not the one who is in the slightest.

Chapter 0167: Task failure?new ideas


Chibo house.

Hanyu Shirasawa appeared in the room, lying on the tatami, and opened his system panel at the same time.

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Abilities: Bullet Time, Invulnerability, Internal Breathing, Absorption, Eagle Eye]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F unlimited bullet version, smoke bomb unlimited version, high-explosive grenade unlimited version, flash bomb unlimited version, tear gas bomb unlimited version, hang glider unlimited version]

"Huh..." Hanyu Baisawa exhaled lightly, with a smile on his face: "Sure enough, my guess is right."

He completed the mission this time, and the ability he got was—Hawkeye.

In fact, it's nothing. It can make him see farther and see more clearly. It's not clairvoyance, but it's still fine within a kilometer.

At the same time, the biggest gain this time is not this.

"29 Tsk tsk, a new idea, a completely new idea."

"Usually, when completing the second small copy, it is usually aimed at the body. The kind of touch that directly hits the soul is the easiest to complete."

"It's all right now. It turns out that the mission can be completed without touching it. In this way, Xiao Ai's second dungeon mission will no longer require her to return to her original state."

Hanyu Shirasawa is in a good mood now, and knows a way to complete the task.

To know the time.

He was very afraid that the mission would fail because he had nothing to do with Chi Bo Jinghua.

Not thinking wildly, he looked at Chi Bo Jinghua's name and clicked on it again.


The dungeon mission popped up.

[Dungeon: Chibo Jinghua (3/3)]

[Customs Clearance Condition: A Hundred Years of Good Cooperation]

[Task Reward: Shaking Fruit]

Without any surprises, the third small dungeon mission is still "Hundred Years of Love", but this time the rewards are a bit special.

Zhenzhen fruit, this thing should be from Pirate World.

Unfortunately, it will take a hundred years to get it.

"I don't know if Xiaojing is asleep."

Hanyu Shirasawa slowly got up from the tatami, opened the door, and came to the corridor outside.

Through the yard, I saw the bright moon above my head, just like the night at the end of the dungeon.

Thinking about it, he wanted to go to Chi Bo Jinghua, but he finally gave up this idea when he thought that the rooms of Xiaolan and Heye were next to each other.

"Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Can't sleep, go to the Kendo Hall to have a look."

Hanyu Shirasawa walked lightly, and quietly left the yard.

Head towards the Kendo Hall not far outside the house.

The small forest in the middle is still there.

It is no different from 30 years ago, maybe the only difference is that some grass grows taller.

Thinking about it, Chibo Jinghua only practiced here when he was a teenager, and he probably won't practice later. It's normal for these grasses to grow taller.

Wait until you reach the gate of the Kendo Hall.

Hanyu Shirasawa was surprised to find that the door didn't say anything, it was still half-closed, and he could even hear the sound of "咻咻" breaking through the air inside.

Gently push the door open.

under the moonlight.

On the square in the middle of the practice, a beautiful figure held a wooden knife in his hand, waving it up and down tirelessly, without a trace of laziness.

"call out!"

Chi Bo Jinghua slashed down again, then stopped, turned and looked at the door.


The eyes of the two people met.

She smiled slightly: "Teacher, you can't sleep and want to see the place where you used to be?"

"That's it."

Hanyu Shirasawa slowly came to the center of the square, looked at the weapon rack on the side, took a wooden knife from it, and raised an eyebrow at Shizuka Ikebo:

"I can't sleep anyway, do you want to practice?"

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