
Chi Bo Jinghua smiled slightly.

In the next second, the person shot out, so fast that an afterimage appeared.

"Bullet time." Hanyu Baisawa directly used his ability, without any intention of relying on his true strength to compete.


Two wooden knives collided.

Chiba Jinghua stared into Hanyu Baisawa's eyes, and the smile on his face became even brighter: "Mr. Hanyu, let's take a look at the results of my cultivation over the years."

"Okay, then you have to be careful." Hanyu Shirasawa decided to use his own advantages.

So ever.

In the next competition, he changed his method, using agility and skill.

Of course, the skills are just made by relying on one's own "bullet time", which is like slowing down.

For a moment, Chi Bo Jinghua felt the pressure, and was beaten back steadily.

But one thing is still the same as before, Hanyu Shirasawa is still releasing water, and he didn't bully her too much.

Anyway, it is always stronger, giving people the illusion that they can win as long as they work harder.


Another collision.

This time Chi Bo Jinghua took the initiative to back off, and put down the wooden knife in his hand: "Teacher, rest. It seems that my realm is still not enough. I thought that the cultivation in these years is not much different, but I didn't expect that it is still far away."

"Hehe~" Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, feeling that he was still too serious, in fact, he should give way, there is no need to be so competitive.

He came to sit under the eaves, looked at the 097 moon above his head, and said softly: "Xiao Jing, I have already figured out what happened 20 years ago. I just didn't expect it. The truth is like this. You didn't blame me, did you?"


Chi Bo Jinghua was stunned.

half an hour.

She came back to her senses, with a very bright smile on her face, and said softly, "I thought it would take a long time, but I didn't expect, teacher, you have experienced it so soon."

"Don't blame me?"

"It was there at the beginning, but after so many years, I no longer care about it."

After Chibo Jinghua finished speaking, she walked forward slowly, hugged Hanyu Baisawa's head lightly, and said with a slightly red cheek, "I remember the teacher once said that his wife disappeared. So now, is it considered to be back?"

"Is this..."

Hanyu Baisawa put his arms around her waist, turned her around slightly, and pressed her on the floor behind him. Looking at the already shy face, he said softly:

"Sorry for keeping you waiting for so many years."

"No, it's all worth it."

"Let's go back to the room."

"Well..." Chi Bo Jinghua pondered for a while, then whispered in a shy voice: "There are a lot of our memories here, which are actually pretty good."

"Okay, listen to you."

Hanyu Shirasawa agrees with this statement, after all, there are indeed many memories of them here, even if the time is relatively short.

Chapter 0168: Bai Ze: I found a treasure?

The next day.

Osaka Castle.

Hanyu Shirasawa, Ikeha Shizuka, Xiaolan, Kazuha, Mori Kogoro, Conan, Hattori Heiji, and a group of seven of them looked at the distant scenery from the wall on the tower.

However, when it comes to watching the scenery, only Hanyu Shirasawa and Ikebo Shizuka are watching the scenery, and the rest of the people are watching them.

"Xiao Lan." He Ye whispered: "You said, Mr. Hanyu and Aunt Jinghua, their relationship should be more than just ordinary friends, right?"

"Hehe~" Xiaolan didn't know how to answer, so she could only smile awkwardly.

In fact, she already had the answer in her heart. It is estimated that Chiba Jinghua and Hanyu Shirasawa have the same relationship between her and Hanyu Shirasawa.

Thinking that this would be the case, I didn't pay too much attention to it.

in fact.

It is estimated that among the remaining people present, only He Ye himself is still a little confused, and everyone else has already seen their relationship.

After all, Chibo Jinghua put her arms around Hanyu Baizawa's shoulders with a happy face, and her whole body was hanging on him. The two of them have been rubbing each other there all the time, and it is clear at a glance what the relationship is.

"I said Kudo." Hattori Heiji bent down slightly, and said lowly to the kid beside him:

"How much do you know about that guy? It's a bit too much to actually take away our Osaka legend. This is something that many of us here have failed to do. If it spreads out, it will definitely cause a sensation."

"Uh... Actually, I don't know much about it." Conan shook his head, still a little depressed because of what happened last time, but he answered some things honestly:

"However, if you want to inquire about any information, you can find him. That guy is good at collecting information. By the way, I will let you know that he knew that I was Kudo Shinichi a long time ago."


Hattori Heiji gasped when he heard the words, he didn't expect that Conan was Kudo Shinichi, besides him, an outsider who knew about it, there were outsiders who knew about it, even earlier than him.

Thinking of this, he cast a glance at Hanyu Shirasawa who was not far away from Chiba Shizuka, and finally stopped underestimating this guy.

Waited a while.

Qingqing, me, and I are almost there, and finally came in front of Xiaolan and the others.

Hanyu Baisawa looked at the building behind him, the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Xiao Jing, how long did it take for the castle tower to be repaired?"

Chi Bo Jinghua smiled and said: "Actually, it didn't take long, it was only a year. After all, it was such a big thing that it was very rushed to rebuild it."

Xiaolan was puzzled and said, "The Tianshou Pavilion was rebuilt before, how many years ago did it happen?"

"It happened 20 years ago."

Suddenly, a somewhat aged voice came from beside the crowd.

They turned their heads and found an old man with the same hairstyle as Dr. A Li, the same age, and the same body shape.

"It was rebuilt because of something? Did something happen 20 years ago?" Xiaolan asked after hearing someone answer.


As soon as this guy wanted to speak, Hanyu Shirasawa preempted him:

"Because 20 years ago, there was a terrible hostage-taking incident here. Although the hostages were rescued in the end, because the bomb was planted in advance, the place was blown up in the end."

"So that's how it is." Xiaolan nodded in a sudden realization.

"Sir, you know a lot." The old man took a deep look at Hanyu Shirasawa, and then introduced himself: "My name is Yuhiro Koya, and I still have some understanding of the past 20 years ago. If you are interested, we can find time to chat."

Hanyu Baisawa raised his eyebrows: "From your point of view, it seems that there was no secret 20 years ago?"

"of course."

Yuhiro Zaiya nodded confidently.

This time.

Everyone else became interested and stared at him one by one, waiting for his next words.

"On the bright side, the hostage-taking incident happened 20 years ago, but it was not like this at all. Because at that time all the police were mobilized, even the army came, and the siege of the entire Osaka Castle was blocked. This situation Next, let alone saving the hostages, even launching a war is enough. But in the next three days, they didn’t do anything at all, they just surrounded here. Do you think it’s strange?”

"A little bit indeed." Mori Kogoro nodded.

Hanyu Shirasawa and Ikebo Shizuka looked at each other and couldn't help but smile.

Arihiro Kusaya continued: "Actually, there was a rumor that many of us agreed with. It was that the prisoner who took the hostages at that time actually found the treasure location left by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in the castle tower."

"Treasure?" Conan and the others exclaimed.

"That's right, it's the treasure. That's why those high-level officials didn't attack for three days, because they wanted to get this huge treasure. In the end, they didn't know what they discussed. They chose to compete in swordsmanship. The winner will be able to Know where the treasure is."

Hanyu Shirasawa narrowed his eyes, and interjected faintly: "¨‖Could it be a female swordsman who won later, and no one knows what they said in the end, so the treasure is still a mystery until now. Next, it will be the female swordsman She came out with the rescued hostages, became a living legend, and became a female swordsman in Osaka. Right?"

"Uh..." Zaiya Youhong was taken aback, but still nodded: "Sir, it seems that you really know a lot. These news have always been blocked by the upper echelons of Osaka, and it is not ordinary people who can know."


Conan and the others were silent.

They already knew the news about the female swordsman at the 3K World restaurant yesterday, but they didn't expect that there were such inside stories.

And the protagonist, just... Thinking of this, they couldn't help looking at the beautiful woman next to Hanyu Shirasawa with a faint smile.

Only He Ye, exclaimed like a little (Nuo Zhao) idiot, looked at Chi Bo Jinghua and asked: "Aunt Jinghua, was there really a treasure at that time?"

Chi Bo Jinghua knocked on the girl's head, and said amusedly: "He Ye, don't think about it, how could such a thing happen."


Zaiya Yuhiro was stunned for a moment when he heard the conversation between the two, then he reacted, widened his eyes, stared at Chibo Jinghua, and said excitedly:

"You...you...are you the legendary female swordsman?"

Chi Bo Jinghua didn't reply, but nodded slightly.


Zaiya Youhong gasped, shaking uncontrollably, as if he was about to die suddenly in the next second.

"Mr. Bad House, why are you here? We have been looking for you for a long time."

At this moment, another three men and one woman walked over slowly, and they all seemed to be about 35 years old.

Chapter 0169: Chi Bo Jinghua: You have a rival in love

Three men and one woman just arrived.

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