When I heard that Yuhiro Kusiya said that he met the legendary female swordsman Ichiha Jinghua, everyone was very excited, just like a fan meeting a star.

They also introduce themselves.

First of all, there are three men-Toshiaki Fukushima, Shigehiko Kiesaka, and Yuji Kato.

Finally, there is the only female—Maho Katagiri.

Hanyu Baisawa silently watched the performance of the five people in front of him, with a vague smile on the corner of his mouth, but a cold killing intent emerged in his eyes.

"I hope you don't seek death..."

He murmured a sentence in his heart, and the memory of the original book emerged in his mind.

I remember that the five people in the original book were looking for treasures, or four of them were in a group, and the remaining one was here for revenge.

It's just that I didn't expect that the things in the original book have now become things about him and Chi Bo Jinghua 20 years ago, everything is such a coincidence.

The attentive appearance of the five people is not right no matter how you look at it.

at last.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while.

Hanyu Shirasawa and the others chose to continue shopping and separated from these five people.

And these five people just stood there and watched them leave, the original frantic expressions on their faces disappeared, and they became indifferent and greedy.

You Hong Youyou of the bad house said: "I really didn't expect it. I wanted to find it myself, but I met the protagonist of the previous story here. Tell me, what should we do?"

Xiesaka Shigehiko rolled his eyes at 110 beads, and said with a smile: "Let's find it by ourselves first, after all, she is a legendary female swordsman. I dare not say too many, we are definitely not her opponent. If it is really If you can’t find it, find another way. What do you think?”

The four of them didn't answer his words, they just looked at him with inexplicable eyes.

Xiesaka Shigehiko also looked at the four of them with a smile on his face.

a time.

The five people seem to have become two waves of people, the atmosphere is indescribably weird and indescribably harmonious.



the other side.

Hanyu Shirasawa and the others are here.

Hanyu Shirasawa and Ikebo Shizuka walked at the back, and they were whispering something.

"Xiao Jing, who spread the news about the treasure?"

"I don't know. Anyway, within a month after our incident, someone spread such news. At that time, there were still people asking about me, but they were all stopped by the upper echelons at that time. Even at that time I was thinking, is this your left behind? But I also feel that you have disappeared, so I would not do such a thing. "

"That's it."

Hanyu Shirasawa thought about it, but had no clue.

After all, it has been so many years, and it is really impossible to judge whether this was deliberately made by someone with a heart, or whether it became like this after some people casually spread the word.

Anyway, there are two possibilities.

It's just that the first one is that someone is targeting Chi Bo Jinghua, which means that the other party must have some purpose.

"What is the purpose..."

Hanyu Shirasawa narrowed his eyes and asked, "Xiaojing, when the news came out, did any changes happen around you, or did you have more people?"

"Let me think about it~" Chi Bo Jinghua stretched out her jade hand to pinch her chin, her brows were slightly frowned, she looked extraordinarily dignified and full of intellectual charm.

half an hour.

Her beautiful eyes lit up slightly, as if she had thought of something interesting, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"What did you think of?" Hanyu Baisawa knew something was up by seeing her expression, and asked directly.


Chi Bo Jinghua hugged his arm, put his head on his shoulder, and said teasingly: "You don't know, you once had a rival in love."

"Who?" Hanyu Shirasawa raised his eyebrows.

"Probably when the rumors started, that Mr. Hattori is Mr. Hattori Heizo. He even took the initiative to come to tell me not to worry, saying that he will solve this matter."

"and then?"

"Then I wasn't worried at first, but it would be the best if someone is willing to deal with it. It's just that I didn't expect that he would want to pursue me later."


Hanyu Shirasawa didn't know what to say, although they were husband and wife in the original book, but it's different now.

Chi (cjdb) Bo Jinghua belongs to him, and he has no intention of letting go. Besides, it already belongs to him now, and Heizo Hattori already has a son, and the ending is already obvious.

Chi Bo Jinghua continued:

"I ignored him. But he persisted for about a year. Seeing my determination, I finally gave up."

"What about the rumors?"

"It's not very clear. It's just someone passing it on from the beginning to the end, and then there's nothing strange about it."

After Chi Bo Jinghua finished speaking, she felt a little confused. After all, the rumors were so powerful at the beginning, but nothing happened, which is very abnormal.

"Is that so..."

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, combined these news, thinking crazily in his mind.

Soon he came to a conclusion.

A bit of a dumbfounding conclusion.

Said to Chi Bo Jinghua:

"Xiao Jing, I probably know who spread the rumor."


"It's that Hattori Heizo."

"Ah?" Chi Bo Jinghua was puzzled, "Why did he do this?"

"You just said that."

Hanyu Shirasawa couldn't help touching her fair face, and said with a smile:

"You said that he had pursued you. I think maybe he deliberately created this rumor at that time, just to get close. After all, you solved the things that the whole big board hadn't solved at that time, and you are so beautiful, plus this halo formed , I think that as long as he is a man, he wants to conquer you. So he came up with these methods, and then said it in front of you deliberately, just to want to move you, and then he followed the trend to pursue you, so that he has a great chance of success, What do you think?"

"Well... this is all your guess."

"Conjecture is conjecture, but the rumors you said have always been rumors, but nothing happened. It means that he has been controlling, otherwise it would be impossible."

"Hehe, you." Chi Bo Jinghua straightened his collar, and said softly: "Don't worry about these things, it's over anyway, we just need to enjoy the future life."

"That's right." Hanyu Shirasawa nodded: "Anyway, I am the winner in the end, and I really shouldn't care about the losers."

He really doesn't care.

It's useless to entangle with the things that have passed, unless you can go back to that period of the past sometime in the future, and it's not too late to teach the other party a lesson.

"By the way, when you were in Izu before, those two women had an unusual relationship with you, right?"


Hanyu Shirasawa's expression froze, and he turned his head to look at Chiba Shizuka's half-smile expression, and knew that he had to explain it carefully.

Fortunately, the lies I told Fei Yingli and the others were not bad, and they can be used now.

Chapter 0170: Stop calling me Brother Bai Ze?


Osaka Castle.

In the snack bar by the square.

Chi Bo Jinghua and his group are eating here, and they are going to leave after eating~.

"Mr. Hanyu..." A soft, thief-like voice sounded-.

Hanyu Shirasawa turned his head to look, and saw Kazuha was winking at him, and at the same time hooked his fingers, with an expression of "Come here soon".


He couldn't help laughing, stood up naturally and changed his position, came to sit beside her, and asked casually:

"What do you want me to do?"

"Mr. Hanyu." He Ye glanced at a dining table not far away, and said in a low voice, "Did you quarrel with Aunt Jinghua?"

"No." Hanyu Shirasawa looked normal.

"Look for yourself." He Ye gestured for her to peek at the location not far away just now.

Hanyu Shirasawa took a look.

Chi Bo Jinghua pulled Xiaolan to whisper, the expressions of both women, big and small, were normal, there was nothing wrong.

"Look, then what?" Hanyu Shirasawa looked at the girl again.

He Ye was unhappy, puffed up his little cheeks angrily, and said sullenly: "You must have quarreled. You were still tired of being together in the morning, but after lunch, you didn't get tired of being together anymore. Moreover, since the afternoon At night, Aunt Jinghua didn't say a word to you, and you still said that you didn't quarrel? You can't lie to me. "

After finishing speaking, the angry expression on her face disappeared, revealing a smug look, those big smart eyes flickered, and a silly and cute breath came over her face.

"Hehe, we're fine anyway, so we don't need you little girl to worry about it."

Hanyu Shirasawa was actually very helpless in his heart.

In the morning, Chi Bo Jinghua asked about Feiyingli and Yuxizi, thinking that they would definitely be exposed in the future anyway, so he answered honestly.

He even talked about Xiaolan.

Of course, the excuse is the same as last time, saying that there is a price for going back to the past, otherwise you will die.

Even if Chi Bo Jinghua didn't believe it in her heart, she had to agree with this statement, after all, she had no evidence.

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