It's a pity that things won't be so simple. Chi Bo Jinghua was more or less upset, and immediately lost her temper. She dragged Xiaolan there all afternoon to ask her about her health, acting like a mother and daughter.

And he is the protagonist.

It was ignored directly, which is why He Ye could see that the two of them might quarrel.

He Ye, the little idiot, could see it, and Mori Kogoro and the others were even more speechless, they must have seen it.

It's just that their emotional intelligence is relatively high. Even if they already knew what conflicts might have occurred, they didn't mean to ask, and pretended not to know.

Only He Ye, who is as stubborn as he is, thinks he is so smart, and asks actively.

"I'm sure I'm right."

Heye was still insisting on his own ideas, seeing Hanyu Shirasawa ignoring him, he stuck out his tongue playfully and made a "little slightly slightly" sound.

"How old are you?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked suddenly.

"'s over seventeen."

"Then don't you think your behavior just now is childish?"

"It's obviously cute." He Ye clenched his fists angrily.

Hanyu Shirasawa said quietly: "A pretty girl is cute when she does those actions, and an unbeautiful one is childish."

"You say I'm not beautiful?" He Ye was not convinced: "Why am I not beautiful? My father also said that I am the most beautiful girl in the world."

"Ah, okay."

Hanyu Bai Ze felt that if he kept talking with her, he would become stupid, so he decisively changed the subject: "By the way, why don't you call me Brother Bai Ze?"

He Ye's cute face turned red, and he pouted: "You are not my brother Bai Ze, don't talk nonsense."

"Last night, at 3K World Restaurant, you must have wanted to say something when you dragged me to the second floor. Tell me, what exactly is it?"

"" Heye felt shy when he thought of the promise he had made with Hanyu Shirasawa to restore his memory when he was a child.

She felt that she was not ready yet, so it would be good to let Hanyu Bai Ze temporarily not recover his memory, and when she was ready to complete the agreement, it would not be too late to help him recover his memory.

"Not even lying."

Hanyu Shirasawa complained, and didn't continue to ask, since he wasn't going to say anything, it was pointless to ask again.

Also at this time.

In the square outside, screams of "ah" suddenly came out.


The three figures rushed out directly.

They are Mori Kogoro, Conan and Hattori Heiji.

"What happened?" He Ye couldn't help becoming nervous.

Chi Bo Jinghua pulled Xiao Lan over, glanced at the square outside, and said, "Let's go out and have a look too."

"Okay." Hanyu Shirasawa nodded.


· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

The four of them are out here.

After a while, I came to the tower of Osaka Castle, because many people gathered here.

In the dark corner of the shadows, as Hanyu Shirasawa and the others approached, they soon knew what happened.

It turned out that someone died.

And it was the person they met in the morning, one of the five people at that time, named Yuji Kato.

Hanyu Shirasawa took a look and stopped paying attention, similar to the time in the original book, he was the first to die.

He has no interest in what happened tonight, let Conan and Hattori Heiji slowly solve the case.

time flies.

ten minutes later.

The Osaka police are here.

Surprisingly, Hattori Heizo, who is the inspector of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters, personally led the team.

. . .

There are even his subordinates, the Criminal Department of the Osaka Prefecture Police Headquarters Toyama Ginshiro, and the police department Otaki Goro.



Hattori Heiji and Kazuha couldn't help crying out when they saw their respective fathers. At the same time, they also realized that the matter this time might not be simple. matter.


Hattori Heizo nodded calmly at his son, glanced across the crowd, saw Chiba Shizuka and the others, and walked over directly.

"Ms. Jinghua, please be careful tonight. What happened just now has something to do with what we came to ask you last night. Please pay attention."

"Thank you, Mr. Hattori, for your concern. I've already been protected." After Chiba Shizuka finished speaking, she naturally hugged Hanyu Shirasawa's arm next to her, with a sweet smile on her face.


Hattori Heizo watched this scene, and the eyebrows on those fox eyes twitched fiercely, but his face still had the expression just now, but he said politely:

"It turned out to be Mr. Hanyu. When we met last night, I felt that your relationship was unusual, but I didn't expect it to be unusual. Well, I will deal with the case and won't bother you."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and strode back.

Hanyu Bai Ze said quietly: "When you hugged me just now, his breathing was disordered, and now his steps are not as firm as they were at the beginning."

Chi Bo Jinghua said unhappily: "Don't think I forgive you, I'm just giving you face in front of outsiders."

"Ahem, yes, my wife."

Chapter 0171: Bai Ze kills, wife's choice

Stayed for a few minutes.

Hanyu Shirasawa felt that there was nothing to see, so he took the three girls back to the snack bar not far away.

As soon as I came back, I saw the shopkeeper's old lady looking at them helplessly, and gently reminded: "Just now I thought you were going to escape the order."


Several people looked a little embarrassed.

Chi Bo Jinghua smiled and said: "Mother-in-law, there is nothing to do, we will continue to eat."

"Yeah." He Ye nodded next to him, and said boldly: "Mother-in-law, give us another barbecue."

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged and sat back in the previous position.

Xiaolan sat down next to him and asked, "Brother Bai Ze, won't you help solve the case?"

"I'm not a policeman or a detective. I don't need my help."


Xiaolan nodded and didn't talk about this topic again.

He Ye came over and said "one one three" and said: "I think there is a problem. Just now I heard from them that it fell from the tiles on the top floor of the castle tower. Tell me, why did he go up there?"

Hanyu Baisawa said indifferently: "You forgot what they said when we met in the morning, what happened 20 years ago, they thought there was a treasure."


He Yeda's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "So, the clue to the treasure is on the tiles on the top floor?"

Hanyu Shirasawa couldn't help complaining: "Are you stupid?"

"Why do you scold me?" He Ye had the urge to hit someone.

"Hey, as I said before, the castle tower was rebuilt, where are the clues?"

" seems to be."

He Ye blushed with embarrassment, but in order to save face, he hurriedly said:

"If you say that, you must have been deceived. Then the murderer must be among the other four people who were with him."


Hanyu Shirasawa was a little surprised, he didn't expect this girl to change her mind so quickly, and she even got her point, but she didn't know if she was delusional.

"Am I right?" He Ye looked at his surprised expression with a happy smile on his face, then looked at Chi Bo Jinghua and asked, "Aunt Jinghua, am I right?"

"Yes." Chi Bo Jinghua smiled dotingly.

time flies.

blink of an eye.

Another half hour.

Hanyu Shirasawa and the others finished eating.

It was also raining lightly in the night sky outside.

Fortunately, there was a small shop selling sundries next to them. They bought two umbrellas and were ready to go home.

Of course, three women share an umbrella, and Hanyu Shirasawa is alone with an umbrella.

"The barbecue made by that old woman is really delicious." Xiao Lan thought about it as she walked.

"Yes. Xiaolan, come to play next time, let's come again." He couldn't wait to agree with Ye.



Just kidding.

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