Hanyu Baisawa said unhappily: "Eri, how could I bully her. Xiaolan has this kind of personality. It's not that I don't know what to say when asked, and I won't blame her."

Fei Yingli nodded in satisfaction, but quickly said in a displeased way: "Let's talk about that woman's matter, how do you plan to solve it?"

"Uh... She said that she would come to see you in a few days, so you can discuss it yourself."

"Dare she come to see us?"

"Of course she dares, her situation is exactly the same as yours." When Hanyu Baisawa said this, he couldn't help feeling guilty.

Fei Yingli punched him lightly, and said viciously: "You damned fellow, you are a debt you incurred in the past again. Can't you give up your damn ability completely?"

"No way, and then I can't control it. If I can control it, I don't want to travel back to the past like this."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

Hanyu Shirasawa immediately pretended to be wronged.

Anyway, if you say anything, you have to pick it clean, otherwise, if you don't make it clear, it will be an excuse for a woman to attack him.

"Oh, forget it, no matter how much you say, it's nonsense."

Fei Yingli shook her head, turned around and entered the living room.

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't stand on the balcony either, he walked in and closed the French windows again, and sat back in his position just now.

But when he thought that Belmode would come later, he felt dizzy for a while.

Involuntarily, he saw the women at the other table next to him.

Miwako Sato, Sumiko Kobayashi, Yumi Miyamoto, Shiho Miyano, Akemi Miyano... There are five of them in total, and several of them are outsiders. What will happen next will be a good show for them.

...... 0

Think of this.

He muttered in his heart:

"Sharon didn't do it on purpose, did she? Obviously she saw it with a telescope from the opposite side, but she still wanted to meet her. This must be on purpose. Let's not talk about other things at that time, I must be despised by them the one."

"Oh, it's really numb..."

Hanyu Shirasawa took a deep breath, keeping his face calm, looking calm and stable.

"Bai Ze." You Xizi smiled and said, "I heard that she is a very dignified woman. Let's make an appointment to meet some other day."

Hanyu Shirasawa knew.

He knew that he was talking about Chi Bo Jinghua, and he also knew that she was acting weird.

But he doesn't remember the villain's mistakes, the expression on his face didn't fluctuate, he said slowly: "You Xizi, don't worry, she said that she will come to meet you in the next few days."

"Hmph~" You Xizi sneered: "Hey, she didn't take us seriously at all. I really want to know where she got such courage."

Hanyu Baisawa couldn't help reminding: "Well, she is learning kendo, not to mention too many, you can easily hit a hundred."


You Xizi couldn't speak harsh words anymore, she silently looked at her good girlfriend, concubine Eri.


"Dong Dong" knocked on the door.

"I'll open the door."

Hanyu Baisawa quickly ran to the door, opened it, and found a person who surprised him:

"No, why are you here?"

Chapter 0176: Rum, you are damned!

"Mr. Hanyu, good evening."

Toru Amuro greeted him politely.

That's right, it was Toru Amuro, not Belmode, who came to the door.

Anyway, Hanyu Shirasawa was surprised to see him, and couldn't help but said, "Mr. Amuro, can you tear your face off."

"Huh?" Amuro was confused.

"Just pull my face off, if you can't, I'll help you." Hanyu Baisawa's tone was a bit inexplicable

"Huh?" Toru Amuro continued to be confused.

Hanyu Baisawa raised his eyebrows, and said quietly: "Mr. Amuro, you can't really do such an easy thing, can you?"

"Uh... well..."

Although Toru Amuro didn't know what Hanyu Shirasawa was going to do, but he wanted something from him, he could only stretch out his hand and pull his own face, leaving red marks, and then asked, "Mr. Hanyu, can this be done?"


"One-five-seven" Hanyu Shirasawa nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that Toru Amuro in front of him is real, not a fake by Belmode.

"Okay, you're looking for me..."

"Bai Ze, I have something to do, I have to leave first." Suddenly, there was an anxious voice from behind, and Miwako Sato hurried to the door, and then began to change shoes.

"Miwako, what's wrong?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked.

"My dad called me just now and said that some files were stolen, and they were all about Mr. Mori Kogoro's case solving. I have to go back to the Metropolitan Police Department."

"I see."

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded and stepped aside.

Miwako Sato smiled apologetically, ignored Toru Amuro directly, turned around and ran towards the elevator with big strides, and left after a while.

Amuro raised an eyebrow.

Thinking of some news that Miwako Sato said just now, a pensive expression appeared on his face.

"Mr. Amuro." Hanyu Baisawa reminded: "Let's continue with the topic just now, so why do you come to see me?"

Regarding the words of Miwako Sato just now.

He didn't care about something.

After all, in the Metropolitan Police Department in the world of Conan, the villains basically come and go freely, steal whatever they want, and watch whatever they want, there is nothing surprising.

"Sorry, I lost my mind."

Toru Amuro bowed down politely, then took out his wallet, took out ten ten thousand yuan bills inside, and handed it to Hanyu Baisawa, the meaning was self-evident.

Hanyu Shirasawa glanced at it casually, and said angrily, "Not enough. If you want to entrust something, at least 50 yuan will start."

"Huh?" Toru Amuro was taken aback.

He recalled what Hanyu Baisawa said, understood it carefully, and asked uncertainly:

"Mr. Hanyu, what do you mean, as long as it is my entrustment, the starting price is 50?"


"Uh... just me alone, right?"

"I'm not sure about this. I just made a temporary decision. Maybe someone will be treated the same as you in the future."


Toru Amuro was silent. He was like a volcano about to erupt. He looked very calm on the surface, but in fact he was already raging with anger inside.

He just wants to scold his mother now, and he was finally willing to come to buy some information, but he was treated unfairly.

"Mr. Hanyu." Toru Amuro said coldly, "Did you forget one thing? I am a member of a terrorist organization. It is rare to be able to speak nicely. You must not give me this face." ?”

Hanyu Baisawa laughed and said, "Well, I don't know about terrorist organizations, but your organization must have no money. Otherwise, why would you be reluctant to part with 50?"

This sentence.

It was like a small knife that pierced Amuro Toru's heart so hard that he couldn't breathe in pain.

What he said was so powerful that he couldn't refute it.

"Rum, you really deserve to die!" Amuro scolded the code name of the second in command of the black organization, and it was because of that stingy bastard that he was despised.

"Okay, if I don't have any money, I'll continue eating." Hanyu Shirasawa reminded impatiently.

"Huh... I see."

Toru Amuro had no choice but to take out all the money in his wallet and dig out some coins. It took a long time to get 50 together.

Hanyu Shirasawa took a pile of [-] yuan bills, and a handful of loose change, and said with some disgust:

"Okay, let me tell you about you. If I know, I will tell you. If I don't know, I will refund the money."

"I want to know the life and death of Kudo Shinichi, and where he is now."

Toru Amuro's question.

Hanyu Shirasawa was very surprised...  

Originally, he thought that the other party was going to ask for some special information, but he didn't expect it to be this one. This really made him not know what to say, so he just came to give money for nothing.

Thinking of what happened at the Cup City Hotel last time, he felt that he asked for less money from the other party. This guy looked smart, but he was actually a bit naive.

Amuro looked at Hanyu Shirasawa silently, and asked, "Mr. Hanyu, don't you know his situation?"


Hanyu Shirasawa smiled:

"I just happened to know what you said. Kudo Shinichi, he has changed his name now, called Edogawa Conan, and lives next door to his former home, in the home of Dr. Ali. By the way, he doesn't even have school now. It’s changed, it’s in Didan Elementary School, Class B of the first grade. The information is accurate, people from the FBI have come to buy it, it’s a sure thing. Well, you can leave.”

"Thank you."

Amuro revealed a smile on his face. Fortunately, he bought 50 worth of news, otherwise he would really feel distressed for a long time.

Silently turned around and came to the elevator door, thinking about the news I just learned, I always felt that something was wrong.

Wait for him to get on the elevator.

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