When he was going downstairs, he finally came to his senses and shouted:

"Didan Elementary School? Class B, Grade [-]? You bastard! Are you kidding me?"

Amuro Toru was still furious for a second, but calmed down the next second, frowned deeply, and said to himself:

"No, he shouldn't be fooling me with 3.1. He has already cooperated several times, so he shouldn't lie to me for this little money. Could it be... what he said is true? Or did he accidentally say something wrong?"

"No, no, it's impossible to say wrong. He even mentioned the FBI..."

Thinking about it, Amuro Toru's mouth gradually showed an interesting smile, thinking that he should investigate this matter by himself, then it will be clear at a glance whether it is true or not.



the other side.

In front of Hanyu Shirasawa's house.

He watched Toru Amuro get on the elevator and leave. Just as he was about to close the door, he saw a beautiful blonde woman in a sexy dress slowly walking out from the door of the escape stairs.

Well, Belmode is on the scene.


Hanyu Shirasawa sighed helplessly, nodded slightly to her, and made a gesture to invite her in from a distance.

Chapter 0177: Three Wives Compete for Xiaolan

"Bai Ze, who is she?"

Yukiko and the others looked at the blond beauty Hanyu Shirasawa brought in with surprise in their eyes.

And she is also a beauty, a world-class beauty, with a hot body, an angelic face, a unique temperament, and a pair of beautiful water green eyes. All these combined together make her extremely beautiful.

"Hehe, it's our first time meeting you. My name is Sharon. By the way, I'm Bai Ze's woman."

Belmode was very generous, without the slightest stage fright, but what he said made everyone astonished.

"Ahem, that, Sharon, come... let's sit here."

Hanyu Shirasawa forcibly stabilized the calm expression on his face, and pulled Belmode to sit at the table with Fei Yingli and the others.

As for Miyano Shiho's table, he really couldn't take care of it for the time being, so he could only pretend not to see it.

"Sharon?" Fei Ying thought about the name, with a very ugly expression: "Isn't it Chi Bo Jinghua? Why is another one popping up now?"

Belmode smiled without saying a word, just staring straight at Hanyu Shirasawa to see how he explained.

"No way, in the same situation as you, I really have no way." 29

Hanyu Shirasawa said the same thing, meaning the same thing, Fei Yingli and the others must be able to understand.

"I'm really convinced!"

You Xizi slapped herself on the forehead hard, feeling an urge to curse.

"Okay, let's eat first, let's talk slowly after we finish the meal." Hanyu Baisawa said at the end, and said in a low voice: "There are outsiders, there are some things we don't want to say .”

As soon as the words came out.

Let the two women look a little better.

Indeed, outsiders like Miyamoto Yumi and the others are still there, and Hanyu Shirasawa's secret cannot be exposed because of this trivial matter.

In this regard, the thoughts in the hearts of these women are still very unified.

For the next half hour.

Everyone ate dinner quietly, and the atmosphere became very depressing.

But fortunately, Miyamoto Yumi and the others are smart people, they left after eating, and went downstairs to Kobayashi Chengko's house together, including Miyano Shiho.

This time.

There were only four women and one man left in the room.

Belmode, Fei Eri, Yukiko, Xiao Ran... and finally Hanyu Shirasawa.

Yukiko looked at Belmod, curled her lips and said, "Miss Sharon, please tell me about your situation with Bai Ze."

The corners of Belmode's mouth raised slightly, and suddenly he changed into an unfamiliar voice, and said softly, "You Xizi, you are still the same as before, carefree."

"Ah?" Yukiko stood up in shock when she heard the familiar voice, pointing at Belmode: "You you...you you..."

"Hehe." Belmode teased: "We learned disguise together, you don't think the me back then is the real me, do you?"

"Sharon! Are you that Sharon?" Yukiko couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Youxizi, what's the situation?" Fei Yingli looked puzzled.

Xiaolan didn't speak, but nodded.

"Come on, come in with me."

As soon as Yukiko grabbed Fei Eri and Xiao Ran, she went into Hanyu Shirasawa's bedroom.

But soon she came out and pulled Belmode who was sitting on the seat together, leaving Hanyu Shirasawa alone with his mouth twitching.


"Throw me out, huh?"

Although very upset, but for the sake of harmony in the harem in the future, Hanyu Shirasawa held back and sat here obediently.

time flies.

Another half hour.

A "click" sound.

The bedroom door opened.

Belmode, Fei Yingli, Yukiko, Xiaolan, the four women came out, and they looked quite harmonious.

"So, last time Brother Bai Ze was chasing after you, Aunt Sharon?" Xiaolan was still asking questions when she came out.

"Yes, Xiaolan."

Belmode patted the girl's head.

To be honest, she liked this girl very much, and felt that Hanyu Shirasawa had done a rare good thing, which was to get rid of this girl.

You Xizi was unhappy: "Sharon, Xiaolan is mine, you can't compete with me."

"Hey, you guys don't take me seriously, it's obviously mine." Fei Yingli was very angry.

all of a sudden.

Three mature beauties started fighting for a girl who could be their daughter.


Hanyu Shirasawa watched silently, feeling pain in his heart.

Obviously the women in front of him belonged to him, but in the end they began to compete for each other's daughters. Borrowing what Fei Yingli said just now, they simply didn't take him seriously.

"Cough cough."

Hanyu Shirasawa coughed twice, ready to remind the four girls opposite.

Unfortunately, just ignore it.

"Ahem." Continue to remind.

Still ignore.

"Cough cough cough." He continued to remind heavily.

at last.

There is a response.

Fei Yingli looked over with a frown, and said unhappily: "If you have a sore throat, go and take some medicine, don't cough here, it sounds awful."


Hanyu Shirasawa curled his lips, went to the sofa and sat down, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, and immediately turned the sound to the maximum.

The effect was very good, suppressing the voices of several women.


Belmode smiled, came to sit next to Hanyu Shirasawa, gently folded his slender legs, embraced his hands, and said faintly:

"Guess what I just heard them say in there." 157

"do not know."

"Heard a lot of things, you really can make it up. You can make up such a reason, just to let them let you open the harem?"

"How can you be sure that what I said is not true?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked directly.

The corners of Belmode's lips, which were painted with purple lipstick, twitched slightly, and said lightly: "I don't need to be sure here, I suspect that you are, you are. Why, can't you?"

"Okay, very domineering." Hanyu Bai Ze didn't want to quarrel with her, and temporarily put up with her, winning the quarrel is not considered a skill, but defeating her in other aspects is considered a skill.

Belmode nodded in satisfaction, and then frowned: "I heard what they said just now. Chibo Jinghua, is that legendary female swordsman in Osaka 20 years ago?"


"It's quite capable. You were able to get her. I've also heard about what happened back then. The organization sent people to investigate and finally came back after confirming that there was no problem."

"You know my ability, it's not difficult to do this kind of thing."

"That is to say, when so many people were arrested, you were the one wearing the mask?" Although Belmod was in doubt, he already had a positive expression on his face.

"of course."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled slightly, stood up and shouted at the girl who was being tugged by Fei Eri and Yukiko:

"Xiao Lan, it's almost time, I'll take you home."

"Oh~ I know~".

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