Chapter 0178: Go to Xiaolan's room

Downstairs at the Maori Detective Agency.

Hanyu Baisawa took Xiaolan down from the car, looked at the darkness on the second and third floors, and asked softly:

"Mr. Maori hasn't come back yet?"

"Probably so." Xiaolan said helplessly, "Dad should have come back from Osaka before us, but I'm not in charge of him, so he must have gone out to play."

"That's it. Xiaolan, would you like to invite me to sit up?"


Xiaolan turned around and walked upstairs.

When she thought of Hanyu Shirasawa following behind her, she felt her heart beating faster.

At first, I didn't think there was anything wrong, but when I thought about returning to the upstairs house, it would become the two of them, alone and widowed, and I thought of some strange pictures for no reason.

"Click" sound.

Xiaolan took out the key and opened the door, and closed the door after Hanyu Baisawa changed his shoes, but for some reason, she subconsciously locked it.

"Brother Bai Ze, shoes." Xiao Lan took out a new pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet next to her.

Before Hanyu Shirasawa could bend over to take off his shoes, Xiaolan squatted down and offered to help take off his shoes.

"Uh...Xiao Lan, I can do it myself."

"It's okay, brother Bai Ze, I remember my mother took off my father's shoes like this when I was a child."


Hanyu Shirasawa thought about it, and let Xiaolan serve him.

Change your shoes.

He wandered around the room.

This was the first time he came here, but he found Xiaolan's room right away. As soon as he opened the door, he smelled a faint fragrance. It can only be said that it is a girl's room, and it is different from a boy's room. .

There was no seat in the room, so he sat on the bed and patted the place next to him:

"Xiaolan, come and sit down."


Xiaolan's heart was beating fast, and she obediently sat beside her.



time flies.

The night got deeper.

Downstairs at the Maori Detective Agency.

Mori Kogoro was drunk, hiccupping while walking, and when he came to the roadside downstairs of his house, he found a black Mazda parked here.

"Whose car is it?"

"Don't you know you can't park here?"

He wobbled to the front of the car, put his hands on the hood of the car to feel it, and muttered: "There is no temperature at all. I don't know how long I have been parked here. It is really disgusting."

After finishing speaking, he looked up and saw that the light was still on in his daughter's room on the third floor, and said in a low voice:

"Xiao Lan still doesn't go to bed so late... It's over, she will definitely disturb me when I come back so late. Or... Let's find a place to rest for the night."

Kogoro Mori regained his composure, turned around and was about to leave home, but looking at the black Mazda and the light on in his daughter's room upstairs, he suddenly had a bad premonition, subconsciously Go up the stairs.

Soon, the second floor arrived.

He didn't open it and kept going up.

In a few seconds, the third floor arrived, just as he was about to put his hand on the doorknob.

"click" sound!

The door opened from the inside, startling Mori Kogoro and nearly rolling down the stairs.

"Hey, Mr. Mori, you're back." Hanyu Shirasawa appeared at the door and greeted politely.

"Uh..." Mori Kogoro was very surprised that an outsider appeared in his house, he was stunned for a moment and realized: "Mr. Hanyu, um, why did you come out of my house?"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and said, "Xiao Ran went to a party with me before, so I sent her back."

"oh, I see."

Mori Kogoro nodded, changed his shoes at the door, and strode in.

As soon as he came in, he saw that the door of his daughter's room was open. When he took a peek, he saw that his daughter was making the bed sheets with her back facing her.


Kogoro Mori breathed a sigh of relief watching this scene, and shook his head amusedly, feeling that he was thinking too much, turned around and said to Hanyu Shirasawa who was at the door:

"Mr. Hanyu, I'm sorry, I drank a little too much, I'm going to sleep first."

After finishing speaking, he finally couldn't bear the drowsiness and drunkenness, so he couldn't wait to open the door of his room, and immediately ran in and lay down on the bed.

In less than five seconds, there was already a loud snoring sound.

Also at this time.

Xiaolan ran out of the room covering her mouth, and ran straight into the bathroom.

Hanyu Baisawa walked to the door, and asked with concern: "Xiao Lan, what's the matter, are you feeling well?"

"Hmm..." Xiaolan shook her head, spit out the water in her mouth, and said softly, "Brother Bai Ze, I'm fine, I just feel a little sick."

"I see, I thought you were sick." Hanyu Baisawa breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down on the cushion in the living room, waiting for her to come out.

Waited a few minutes.

Xiao Lan came out after the treatment, and sat next to her, and asked in a dazed way, "¨‖Brother Bai Ze, why am I different from last time?"

"Don't worry about it." Hanyu Baisawa lightly stroked the girl's hair: "You will understand many things in the future. You don't need to understand anything. I just like the way you don't know anything."


Xiaolan nodded obediently, but she had already made up her mind in her heart. She might call Yuanzi and ask Yuanzi later, maybe she would know.

"Okay, I'm going back."

Hanyu Shirasawa got up, kissed her on the forehead, and left here directly.

Wait for him to go.

Xiaolan went straight back to her room, took out her mobile phone, and called her best friend Yuanzi.

"Xiaolan, miss me?" Yuanzi's voice was still full of vitality, and then continued to shout: "Mom, I won't study for now, I'm talking with Xiaolan on the phone."

When he finished speaking, he heard fast footsteps, and he didn't know where he was running.

After running for a while, Yuanzi said with a smile and panting voice: "Okay, Xiaolan, you are really my savior (king's) star. Just now my mother forced me to look at some companies. Documents, it is too tiring to recognize."

"Well, or I don't want to bother you anymore, you can go to the file again."

"Don't, Xiaolan, you don't even know how pitiful I am, so don't hang up the phone." Yuanzi's tone was full of helplessness: "My sister, my father, my mother, they took turns teaching me Looking at the company's documents, I really can't stand it anymore."

"Okay... Then I'll chat with you for half an hour, and I'll hang up if it's too much."

"Okay, okay, half an hour is already good, today I almost suffocate to death, I can't take the initiative to make calls, I can only answer the phone passively. By the way, do you have any questions to ask me again?"

"Yes, Sonoko, do you think there is really something in the human body that can be used for beauty?"

"Who told you? What is it, why don't I know?"

"Uh, it's just... Actually, it's nothing, don't worry about it."

Chapter 0179: Start a new copy

Four chome.

Hanyu Shirasawa lives downstairs in the apartment.

He drove back here and found a woman sitting on the steps downstairs of the building playing with her mobile phone.

"Yumi, what are you doing?" Hanyu Shirasawa rolled down the window and shouted.

Yumi Miyamoto raised her head in surprise, rushed up to open the car door, sat on the co-pilot's seat, and said happily: "You came just in time, take me to the Metropolitan Police Department, I'm going to find Miwako."

"Uh, she's going to work, why are you looking for her?"

"I work with her."

"Let's go upstairs and sit down." Hanyu Baisawa directly invited her.

"Tch." Yumi Miyamoto curled her lips: "You don't know what's going on in your house? I don't want to sit there in embarrassment."


Hanyu Shirasawa was helpless.

This really is the case.

With so many women together, Miyamoto Yumi would definitely feel uncomfortable if she went, otherwise she would not have been able to go downstairs to Kobayashi Chengzi's home after dinner.

"White Pond."

Miyamoto Yumi reached out and patted Hanyu Shirasawa's shoulder, and said earnestly:

"Although I don't know how you managed to step on so many boats, I think your behavior is immoral. I'm afraid that one day, you will die of love. Think about what I said. Don't really When that day comes, I don't want to collect your body."


Hanyu Shirasawa had nothing to say, really no rebuttal at all.

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