Even he is cautious about this kind of thing, for fear of offending one of the several women to be blackened, and then he will be in trouble.

"Cough cough."

He shook his head and restarted the car: "Okay, I'd better take you to the Metropolitan Police Department, I don't want to listen to your lectures."

"Just wait, there will be times when you regret it."

"Don't curse me."

along the way.

The two talked and laughed without looking bored.

Two 10 minutes later.

They came to the parking lot of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Miyamoto Yumi unbuttoned her seat belt, saw Hanyu Baisawa's movements similar to her own, and asked, "Why, you want to go in and have a look?"

"Look, it's boring at night anyway."

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged, opened the car door and walked out.

Before at Xiaolan's house, he asked Xiaolan to help him vent his anger, but now his behavior has a little bit of a saint pattern, a completely idle attitude, and he just wants to go shopping.


The two walked into the police station.

When the police on duty saw them, they didn't stop them, but nodded in a friendly manner.


They came to Sato Miwako's office, and when they got here, they realized that she was the only one here.

"Miwako, we came to see you." Miyamoto Yumi laughed and came to her best friend's desk, looking at her teasingly.

"Yumi, you're here."

Sato Miwako had a happy smile on her face, but looking at Hanyu Shirasawa who followed in, she asked puzzledly, "Why are you here? Aren't you at home with Miss Concubine and Miss Yukiko?"


As soon as Hanyu Baisawa opened his mouth, the woman Miyamoto Yumi preempted him:

"Meihezi, you don't know. After you left, another woman named Sharon came. It was so embarrassing for us to eat at that time. I really didn't dare to say a word. I was really scared. She's fighting with Miss Concubine and Miss Yukiko."

"Miss Sharon..."

As soon as Miwako Sato heard the name, her scalp felt numb, she subconsciously glanced at Hanyu Shirasawa, and then turned her head quickly.

Up to now, she still remembers what the other party said to herself in the elevator, which made her really unable to get off the stage.

At the same time, there was a feeling of gratitude in my heart. Fortunately, I left before, otherwise I would definitely be more embarrassed than my best friend.


Miyamoto Yumi raised her eyebrows: "Miwako, what you mean, have you seen that Miss Sharon?"

"Yeah." Miwako Sato nodded, and said with a wry smile, "I met her last time, and Miss Kobayashi also met her once."

"Ahem, okay, okay." Hanyu Baisawa resolutely reminded him of his background, and immediately changed the subject: "(cjdb) Miwako, what's going on with you, why are you alone in the office?"


Miwako Sato's whole face collapsed, and she said very unhappily:

"It's not my father's fault. He said that calling other people over and not calling me would be regarded as favoritism, so he simply asked me to investigate what happened tonight. I really convinced him."

"Haha, isn't that good, so that no one will gossip."

"Hmph, I'm ignoring you."

Miwako Sato bowed her head and continued to work.

"Okay, I wanted to take a look at it, but I don't think it's interesting, so I'll go back first."

Hanyu Shirasawa said something to the two women, and left here decisively.

As soon as he leaves.

The two women whispered immediately.

"Miwako, do you think this guy is really so attractive that so many women will fall in love with him?"

"I don't know, and I don't really understand."

"How about... let's try it too?"

"Uh, please don't get nervous. He has already been entangled with several women. What are you going to try? The only one who will suffer then will be himself."

"Ahem, don't be so serious, I'm just talking."

"Hmph, I can't even say it."

"Yes, yes, don't say, don't say."



the other side.

It took more than 20 minutes to retry.

Hanyu Shirasawa returned home.

But when I came back, I found that there was no one there. The only thing I was really relieved was that the room was cleaned, and even the dishes in the kitchen were packed.

Needless to say, among the three remaining women, only Concubine Yingli is such a good wife and mother.

"Come on, I'm fine by myself."

"Forget it, system, open the panel."

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Abilities: Bullet Time, Invulnerability, Internal Breathing, Absorption, Eagle Eye]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F unlimited bullet version, smoke bomb unlimited version, high-explosive grenade unlimited version, flash bomb unlimited version, tear gas bomb unlimited version, hang glider unlimited version]

Hanyu Shirasawa glanced at his panels, then went into the bedroom and lay down on the bed, and looked through them one by one.

He thought of the last woman in the Twilight Villa who wanted to slap him, and the last woman he met in the small town outside, and slowly stretched out his hand, pointing to one of their two names.

next second.

The person disappeared into the bedroom.

Chapter 0180: Lady Thief Copy: 1/3


20 years ago.

late at night.

Edward Museum.

[Dungeon: Lady Strange Thief (1/3)~]

[Customs Clearance Condition: Deep Impression]

[Task Reward: Master Key]

Hanyu Baisawa finished the task this time, and at the same time transmitted the memory in his mind, letting him know his identity this time.

He turned his eyes to the front, at this time it was an exhibition hall, most of which were gems and pictures, and finally a crown in the glass cabinet behind him.

This time, his identity was the captain of the museum's security, and he was in charge of more than 20 people.

The day before, they received a notice letter from the famous [Lady of the Strange Thief], saying that they would steal the crown in the museum, so he led his men to guard here.

But then I didn't know why, and found that the alarm device was broken, so I called the staff to repair it.

So here, in addition to the security guards, there is also a man in work clothes and a hat, holding a box, and is bowing his head to repair the alarm device.

"Ha ha……"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, glanced at the maintenance worker, then looked outside through the window, and said softly:

"It's getting dark, and I don't know if the Lady Phantom Thief will come."

"Captain, don't be afraid, with so many of us surrounded here, she can't do it alone." A team member said indifferently.

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, and didn't say much to these tool people in his eyes.

Also at this time.

A security guard ran in from outside, shouting loudly at the same time:

"Captain, it's bad, someone is trying to jump off the roof of our museum."


"Go and see!"

When the security guards heard the news, they all ran downstairs with excitement.

Just a few seconds of effort.

In the exhibition hall on the fifth floor, only Hanyu Shirasawa and a maintenance worker were left.

Hanyu Shirasawa narrowed his eyes, and said softly to the maintenance worker, "How long will it take for the alarm device to be repaired?"

Squatting on the ground with his back to the maintenance worker who was repairing things, he said softly, "Captain Hanyu, it will take about half an hour."

"Okay, just keep an eye on it, and call if you have something to do. I'll go and see who's on our upper floor about to jump off the building. You know, our museum has a full ten floors. It's really desperate."

Hanyu Shirasawa just said this to himself, and slowly came to the corridor outside, then got on the elevator and went downstairs.

Waited about ten seconds.

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