The maintenance worker stood up slowly, turned his head to look at the crown in the glass cabinet in the middle, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly:

"Hey, it's really a bunch of idiots. Just put a dummy on the edge of the top floor, and it's too easy to trick you all out."

"After this time, I'll retire completely."

That's right, the maintenance worker in front of me is none other than the famous Lady Phantom Thief—Qianying.

At the same time, this theft was also the last time she made up her mind to do it. After finishing this order, she was going to retire and live an ordinary life.

No nonsense.

She opened the glass cabinet carelessly, not afraid of the alarm device going off.

After all, she was the one who broke that thing, and she was just pretending to be repairing it just now, and she had no intention of fixing it at all.


The glass cabinet was completely opened, and she gently took out the crown inside. At the same time, she opened the maintenance box and took out an identical crown and put it on.

This is her plan.

Steal the things first, and then send a notice letter the next day, telling them that the things have been stolen by themselves, and the things inside are fake.


Qianying smiled triumphantly, closed the toolbox, and walked outside calmly.

But as soon as he came to the corridor, the elevator door opened, and Hanyu Baizawa came out with several security guards.

In an instant, Qianying froze in place, never expecting that the audience would come back so soon.

"Fixed?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked.

"No." Qianying shook her head: "I don't have enough tools, I'm going to go back to buy some tools at night, and come back to repair them tomorrow morning."

"Well, let's leave the things here."

Hanyu Shirasawa stepped forward, took the toolbox from Chikage's hand very familiarly, and went to the security room in the corridor next to it.

The corner of Qianying's mouth twitched, she gritted her teeth, and followed quietly.

She just looked at it.

Watching Hanyu Baisawa take out the key, put his toolbox in the security room, and lock the door at the same time.

She even looked at the environment of the security room. There was only one ventilation duct, but only a head could get in, not the body.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

So if you want to regain the crown, you can only enter through the main entrance, otherwise there is no way.


Hanyu Shirasawa yawned and lay down on the bed in the small room outside the security room. Looking at the maintenance man who followed, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he said casually:

"You will find me when you come tomorrow morning, and I will be here. Well, you can go back."

"I see."

Qianying nodded calmly, turned around and strode away.

As soon as she goes.

Hanyu Shirasawa got up, reopened the guard room, opened the toolbox, looked at the golden crown inside, and said with a light smile:

"Sure enough, I guessed it right. I said that there is a maintenance worker among the security guards who is weird. Hehe, let's see what you do now... Lady Thief."

...... 0



the other side.


Qianying slowly walked out from the gate of the museum, and saw the dummy falling on the ground not far away at a glance, and almost vomited blood:

"I said, why did you come up so soon?"

"It turned out that the dummy fell off."

In fact, she didn't know that it was all done by Hanyu Shirasawa.

She didn't leave, took advantage of the night, wandered to the back of the museum, looked up at the small window on the fifth floor, which was the security room, and complained:

"What bastards designed this... What's the point of designing such a small window that you can't even get in, just for ventilation?"

"And that nasty security captain, Hanyu Shirasawa, right... just wait for me, and see if I play tricks on you tomorrow."

When Qianying thought that she almost succeeded in the end, and then the box was taken away by that man, she was so angry that her chest hurt.


She stretched out her hand to pull on the face, and pulled off a soft mask, revealing a delicate face and short dark red hair.


Just when she turned to leave, she paused, and turned her head to look at the bottom behind her, which was a row of grass altars.

Gradually, Qianying's eyes lit up, and she reached out to touch her smooth chin, and said with a smile:

"I almost forgot such a simple method. Sometimes the simpler the method, the more effective it really is. Hehe...hehe..."

Chapter 0181: Lady Thief Copy: 1/3

The next day.


Edward Museum.

In the exhibition room with the crown on the fifth floor, Hanyu Shirasawa was surrounded by a group of tool men and flattered him very early on.

"Captain, you are really amazing. No one has been able to guard against Lady Phantom Thief in the past few years. Only you have done it. It's amazing."

"That's right, it must be because of the captain's name that he managed to scare her."

"Captain, don't forget your brothers when you develop in the future, brothers are willing to follow you."

Hanyu Shirasawa felt dizzy when he heard this group of people chattering.

Fortunately, they all had work to do, and after flattering for a while, they each returned to their jobs.

Patrol patrols, watch the gates, after all, this museum has a full ten floors, and more than [-] security guards are assigned, and it is estimated that there are two "[-]" people on each floor.

"Captain Hanyu, here I come."

After a group of security guards left, the maintenance man in overalls came over last night, carrying a box in his hand again.

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded: "Okay, then you can continue to repair."

"Uh..." Qianying pretended to be a maintenance man with a troubled face, and said in a low voice: "Captain, I still have tools in your security room. You locked them yesterday."

"Oh, I almost forgot, come with me."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled harmlessly, and led her to the security room, took out the key to open the door, and stepped aside:

"Okay, go get it yourself."


The expression on Qianying's face was normal, like a real maintenance worker, entering the security room to find her toolbox.

Soon she saw boxes in the corner.

Turning his head to look at the door, he found that Hanyu Shirasawa was not paying attention here, and opened it decisively, and the golden crown was inside.


She exhaled lightly, put down the other box she was carrying, opened it, took out a ball of black cloth to wrap the crown, and finally took out the tape and wrapped it into a ball like crazy.

After finishing all this, she opened the window where only one head could be exposed, and observed the outside for a while.

Fortunately, it was very early, and there was no one behind the museum. She threw the cloth ball containing the crown directly, and fell into the grass altar below, directly covered by a pile of dense grass.

"Ha ha."

Chikage smiled, nodded in satisfaction, picked up two tool boxes and walked out of the security room, and said to Hanyu Shirasawa who was in a daze at the door:

"Captain, it's all right."


Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, re-locked the door, led him to the glass cabinet with the crown in the exhibition hall, and said lightly:

"Fix it, remember that it must be fixed today. Lady Phantom Thief saw me here last night, she was too scared to come, but she will definitely continue to act tonight. So this alarm device is very useful to me, I hope you fix it as soon as possible. "


The corner of Qianying's mouth twitched, she didn't expect this man to be a narcissistic guy.

But her plan has been completed, and it is impossible to make people suspicious because of the last thing.


She opened the toolbox and honestly began to repair the alarm device.

This busy work.

That's half an hour.

Finally, it worked out.


Chikage let out a long breath, turned her head to look behind her, and found that Hanyu Shirasawa was not there, and asked a guard at the door:

"Well, where's Captain Hanyu? I've already fixed it, please ask him to take a look. If there's nothing wrong, I'll leave."

"Captain, he left while you were cultivating, and I don't know where he is. he is."


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