Qianying looked towards the entrance of the exhibition hall.

But in the next second, her expression froze and her eyes widened.

I saw Hanyu Shirasawa kicking a ball wrapped in cloth and a layer of adhesive tape under his feet, kicking it slowly like a football.

And this thing looks very familiar to her, isn't this the cloth ball that she put the crown inside in the guard room before?

"Fixed?" Hanyu Baisawa kicked the ball and came to her.


Chikage suddenly wanted to say that it wasn't fixed, but Hanyu Shirasawa had already stepped forward, and as soon as he got close to the glass cabinet, the alarm device made a harsh sound.

"That's right." Hanyu Baisawa backed away, smiled at Qianying and said, "You've done a good job, you can go back. With this thing, if Lady Kaiju dares to get close tonight, I will definitely let her eat it. Walk."


Qianying almost spit out a mouthful of blood...

She has been busy here for more than half an hour, seeing that the plan is about to succeed, but another accident happened.

No way, she changed the subject decisively: "Uh... Well, Captain Hanyu, what is this under your feet? It looks like a ball wrapped in a pile of garbage?"

"I don't know." Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, and seemed to have no intention of saying: "Just now when I was wandering downstairs in the museum, I found it in the grass altar behind. I don't know who threw it there. It really is Not hygienic."

"That's it...Captain Hanyu, I'm going down anyway, why don't I take you with me and throw it into the trash can."

"No need, there is a trash can here, and someone handles it specially at night."

After Hanyu Shirasawa finished speaking, he even showed off his footwork.

He kicked the cloth ball up with his feet, volleyed it, and kicked it into the trash can in the corner not far away.

After doing all this, he raised his eyebrows at Qianying: "How about it, I'm not worse than some football stars, am I?"

"Heh... heh... umm..."

Qianying smiled nervously, nodded with a little madness, picked up the two toolboxes, and walked outside through gritted teeth.


She left the museum.

She parked on the side of the road far away, looking towards the direction of the fifth floor, Hanyu Shirasawa's hateful face unconsciously appeared in her mind.


"I'm not angry, I'm not angry, anyway, someone will pick up the trash when 3.1 is on, and I'll just pick it up and finish the job."

"It's okay, it's just a small thing."

While talking to herself, Qianying came to the trash can on the side of the road, threw the two tool boxes into it decisively, kicked it straight, turned and walked in one direction.

She said she wasn't angry, but her behavior clearly seemed to be about to explode, and it didn't look like she wasn't angry at all.

at the same time.

Next to the window on the fifth floor of the museum.

Hanyu Shirasawa stood here quietly, already using his "Eagle Eye" ability, seeing the distraught look of the figure in the repairman's clothes, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Hehe, Mrs. Phantom Thief, Ms. Phantom Thief, let me see how long you can bear it. There will be a good show at night. Hehe..."

Chapter 0182: Lady Thief Copy: 1/3

time flies.

blink of an eye.

Nine p.m.

Still the Edwardian Museum.

Today, the security here is still not very strict, because in the eyes of many people, although the strange thief lady is very famous, but the other party does not kill people, for these security workers, they are not too anxious.

The ones who are really anxious should be the owners of the museum, after all, they are the owners of these treasures.

Last night, Hanyu Shirasawa sat in the museum, making everything look calm. These bosses chose to trust him and let him continue to guard and not intervene, so as not to produce some counterproductive effects.

Outside the museum.

In a shadow.

Qianying continued to hide here disguised as a maintenance worker, staring at a garbage collection point not far from the road.

Because the museum has to come out to throw garbage, it can only be thrown here.

In the morning, Hanyu Baisawa threw the cloth ball into the trash can of the museum. According to the museum's rule of cleaning up once a day, she just needs to wait here.

at last.

Her waiting paid off.

I saw an impatient guard coming out of the museum building, carrying a few large black plastic 29 bags, throwing them at this garbage collection point, and then quickly ran back to the museum.


Qianying exhaled lightly, took out two balls of cotton to block her nose, put on several layers of transparent gloves on her hands, and then began to rummage through the garbage at the garbage collection point.

Her behavior made some people who occasionally pass by the side of the road at night see nothing suspicious, just thought it was a homeless man looking for garbage that could be sold for money.

Find this.

Just ten minutes.

Just when Qianying got impatient, she finally found the cloth ball in a black plastic bag, with joy on her face.

But as soon as she turned around, she realized that there was a person standing three meters behind her staring at her. When she saw that face, her heart skipped a beat, and she became vigilant at the same time.


Instantly became depressed.

half an hour.

The person opposite, Hanyu Shirasawa, said with a sad face:

"I really didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it..."

Listening to his words, Qianying subconsciously put her hands on her waist and touched the smoke bomb she made herself.

But in the next second, Hanyu Baisawa's words almost made her shiver:

"Sorry, I didn't realize how difficult it was for you in the morning, and you even came out to dig through the trash at night. Alas, no wonder you care about that cloth ball. The cloth wrapped in a ball can probably be used to make a Clothes. I'm sorry, but I didn't consider your feelings. By the way, I still have some money here, so you can use it first."

After speaking, he really took out a few hundred yuan bills and threw them on the ground like alms.

"Oh, I'm leaving, I won't bother you anymore, you can continue to browse."

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly towards the museum.


Because Qianying was wearing a mask, she couldn't see her face under the mask turning blue and red, but she looked at the banknotes on the ground, and at the dirt sticking to her clothes and plastic gloves, even if her nose was blocked She felt like she was vomiting.

"Him once."

"It's the first time I hate someone so much."

"Hanyu Shirasawa, I remember you, if this is not the last act of my retirement, I will definitely let you look good."

After finishing speaking, she was about to leave with the things she took, but she looked at the hundreds of yuan on the ground, rushed up and stomped a few times, and said viciously:

"Who do you look down on? Who do you look down on?"

"Send me a few hundred dollars?"

"Hmph! Just wait..."

After venting fiercely, she quickly disappeared into the night.

two hours later.

In a small villa.

Qianying took a bath comfortably, making herself smelly and clean. Wrapped in a bath towel, she sat down in front of her sofa, looked at the cloth ball that had been washed at the same time, and took out a Scissors, start cutting a little bit.

in a short while.

The crown inside the cloth ball was exposed, shining golden under the light.

"Ha ha."

"Tomorrow, I'll send out a notice letter to humiliate that guy severely."

As Qianying said, she tossed the crown in her hand, finally put it on her head, took out a small mirror to look at it, and nodded in satisfaction.

Then the next second.

She widened her eyes.

Staring at himself in the mirror, or staring at the crown on his head in the mirror.

She gently stretched out her hand and took it off. She put the crown in front of her eyes and looked at the four words engraved on it - Hanyu Shirasawa.


Dead silence.

Suddenly, she thought of the fake crown she made, turned it over, and saw the same four small characters engraved on the back—Lady of the Strange Thief.


With a calm expression on Qianying's face, she walked behind the sofa, with her slender legs crossed, her shoulders shrugged slightly, and a deep laugh came out of her mouth.

"Interesting, really funny."

"I didn't expect that after spending so much effort, what I stole was a fake made by myself?"

"Ha ha……"

The garbage collection point appeared in Qianying's mind, and Hanyu Shirasawa looked at him with pity, and raging anger burst out of his beautiful eyes.

"You must have been thinking..."

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