"I'm just a fool, a clown performing in front of you."

"Hanyu Shirasawa, you really pissed me off. Tomorrow night, let's have a showdown. This time, I won't use these gentle methods."

After she got up, she came to the basement of her home, looked at the rows of her equipment inside, and was already thinking about the scene of dismantling Hanyu Shirasawa into pieces in her mind.



the other side.

The fifth floor of the museum.

By the window, Hanyu Shirasawa stood here quietly, suddenly sneezed, rubbed his nose and muttered:

"Could it be that you found out and you're scolding me?"

"Hehe, you must have scolded me. Even if it were me, I would definitely not be able to stand it. After all, after being teased three times in a row, the accumulated anger probably cannot be suppressed."

"Tsk tsk, I really look forward to meeting you tomorrow..."

There was a smile on the corner of Hanyu Baisawa's mouth, unconsciously, the Twilight Annex, the last woman who wanted to slap himself, but was blocked by him, and ran away with tears in his mind.


He felt very helpless, and estimated that there would be more and more such things in the future, and there would be more and more women.


It was late at night.

Nothing happened that night again, and Hanyu Baisawa was slapped hard by a group of tool men to defend his subordinates.

It’s okay as it is, the main reason is that the shooting is really not up to standard, which makes him feel too embarrassed.

Chapter 0183: Lady Thief Copy: 1/3

Day three.

This is the third day that Hanyu Shirasawa has been here.

Edward Museum.

There are more flattering voices today, and even the boss has already stepped in.

"Hayu, do you think we should publish this incident in the newspapers? This is the first time in the past few years that someone has blocked the lady phantom thief."

The boss is a fat old man, who looks kind and friendly, but the lady thief steals from the kind of people who are rich and unkind, so there must be something wrong with the fat old man in front of her.

But these things have nothing to do with Hanyu Shirasawa, what he cares about is Lady Phantom Thief.

Hear the advice of the toolman boss.

Hanyu Shirasawa said quietly:

"Don't worry, she didn't write the date this time, let's wait two more days and see. If she doesn't succeed in another two days, it's not too late for us to publish the matter in the newspaper."

"Okay, you have guarded it for the past two days, I believe you will be fine. I will leave the matter of the museum to you, and I will go back first."

"Ha ha."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, watching the fat man leave without paying attention.

He felt that Lady Phantom Thief would definitely come in person tonight, unlike the first three tricks.

I just don't know what kind of expression the other party will have after meeting him, whether they are gnashing their teeth, or simply want to kill him.

Just thought about it.

Then he found that the surrounding subordinates couldn't help but want to flatter him, and he resolutely reprimanded him back:

"Okay, don't surround yourself, just do what you need to do."

"I tell you, if you can stick to it for two more days, you may become famous in the defense industry, and many people will invite you. So, work honestly."

After a round of flickering, these annoying guys finally left.



time flies.

In the blink of an eye.

A day passed.


nine o'clock.

On the fifth floor of the museum, Hanyu Shirasawa was staying in his security room, when suddenly the intercom on his body began to emit the sound of electric current, and then someone shouted anxiously:

"Captain! It's not good! Lady Phantom Thief is here!!"

"Don't worry about it." Hanyu Baisawa replied lightly: "We just need to guard the fifth floor, after all, the things she wants to steal are there."


I got up and went to the exhibition hall, where I stood silently.

After a while, more than a dozen guards ran up the corridor, all guarding here together.

As for why the rest of the people didn't come, it's probably not necessarily because they were fainted by the strange thief lady who was mentioned on the walkie-talkie.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

Hanyu Baisawa pulled a chair over and sat down: "It's still the same sentence, don't worry about it. So many people are guarding, are you still afraid?"

"Uh...Okay." The guy who spoke was embarrassed, and retreated silently, but there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.


The entire museum fell silent.

It seems to be isolated from the outside world.

After half an hour.

Someone couldn't help it, and complained: "Captain, that lady who is a strange thief must be afraid, right? Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to remain silent like this."

"I think so too."

"Let's go, does anyone want to go downstairs with me?"

For the noise of this group of people, Hanyu Baisawa didn't care at all, he just sat on the Diaoyutai, firmly guarding in front of the crown glass cabinet.


A "click" sound.

The lights in the showroom went out.

Not only here, but the electricity in the entire museum was cut off.

Before the guards could say anything, there were screams in the darkness, and then the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

About 1 minutes.

All sound disappeared.

Also at this time.

A "click" sound.

All the lights that had been extinguished were turned on again.

Hanyu Shirasawa sat in his position from the beginning to the end without moving, watching everything in the field at this time.

Those guys who can only flatter all passed out on the ground, leaving only the guy who was talking to Hanyu Shirasawa at the beginning still standing.

"You are the phantom thief lady?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked.


The answer was a cold snort, and then a ball fell to the ground, and a cloud of smoke burst out, covering a place several meters away.

Hanyu Shirasawa narrowed his eyes and watched silently.


The smoke in front of him dispersed, and a somewhat strange but graceful figure appeared.

Looking at the figure, she is a woman. She is wearing a black tights, with a bandage above her nose, a bandage on one arm and one foot, and a bandage around her waist, which gives people a slight sense of horror.

"Hanyu Baisawa, you have played tricks on me three times, is it fun?" The woman spoke, her voice was very pleasant, but at this time there was a little coldness.

Hanyu Baizawa laughed and said, "Hey, it's obvious that you want to steal something, but I just stop you. What do you mean, can't I stop you?"


Qianying choked for a moment, and said viciously: "Of course you can stop me, but why are you playing me? It's still three times."

Hanyu Bai Ze asked back: "It seems that when you steal things, you are also playing tricks, right? You always fight in groups to make fun of others, and then steal things. What do you think is the difference between us?"


Qianying had nothing to say, looking at the smiling man in front of her, she felt furious for a while.

Silently, she took off the ax she was carrying on her back, as if she was about to cut someone at any time.

"Well, don't talk anymore?" Hanyu Shirasawa's expression was still calm.

Qianying paused, thinking about her own affairs, and said it out of spite:

"Do you know? This was the last time I stole something. After this incident, I will retire. It's all your fault, you damn bastard. You dragged on something that was easy to handle on the first day." Now, can't you show kindness (to Zhao Hao) and act as if you didn't see anything? You are not the owner of the museum, so there is no need to stop me like that."

"It turned out to be so double."

Hanyu Shirasawa suddenly realized.

He really didn't know whether the other party was the last to steal this time, or if he would retire after stealing, which really surprised him.

I remember that in the original book, Lady Phantom Thief seemed to be seduced by something two years after she retired, and then she was rescued by the first generation Phantom Thief Kidd and Black Feather Pirates. Just got together.

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