"Hey, what are you thinking? You dare to be in a daze in front of me, don't you?" Qianying's angry voice sounded.

Hanyu Baisawa came back to his senses, and smiled: "I didn't think about anything, I just said so much, what do you want to do now?"


Qianying lowered her head, then rushed forward fiercely, throwing the ax in her hand:

"Now I want to teach you a lesson!".

Chapter 0184: Lady Thief Copy: 1/3

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at the phantom thief lady rushing towards him, and the flying axe.

Use your ability directly - Bullet Time.

Under the effect of this ability, he saw the flight path of the ax and reached out to catch it.

But after catching it, he realized that there was a metal wire of unknown material tied to the back of the axe, and at the same time he noticed the slightly raised lips of the strange lady thief.

Didn't think much about it.

Let go decisively.

At the moment of his hands, a short stick appeared in Qianying's hand, and he pressed the switch on it.


Crackling lights flickered.

Obviously, this was an electric baton, if Hanyu Shirasawa hadn't let go of it just now, he would have been shocked.

"The response is pretty quick."

Chikage jumped up into the air, kicked Hanyu Shirasawa with one kick, and at the same time pulled the metal wire, and the ax that fell on the ground began to fly.

"Hehe, throw yourself into the trap." Hanyu Bai Ze was delighted. Under the effect of bullet time, the woman opposite seemed to make a series of quick movements, which in his eyes were astonishingly slow.

He stretched out his hand to flick the kicked leg, slid it up the black tights, put one hand through the bend of her leg, and wrapped the other around her waist.

that's it.

It should have been a kick that flew hard.

That's how it turned into flirting.

And it's still the princess hug.

The tense atmosphere froze for an instant.


Qianying blinked her beautiful eyes, a little astonished by the situation in front of her, and then reacted, her face turned slightly red.

This was the first time in her life, the first time she was hugged by a man in such an ambiguous position.

"Bang" sound!

The ax that lost its owner's control fell to the ground and made a loud sound, which brought Qianying back to his senses.

"Bastard!" She was ashamed and angry, and raised her dangling foot, ready to kick Hanyu Shirasawa's head with the tip of her shoe.

Before she could get kicked, she was thrown out by Hanyu Baisawa. She showed her perfect flexibility in the air, turned around instantly like a raccoon cat, and landed perfectly on the ground.

"You guy."

Qianying narrowed her eyes and asked vigilantly: "You are not some kind of security captain at all, who are you?"


As soon as Hanyu Baisawa opened his mouth, he realized that there was a puff of smoke coming out from behind her, drifting towards him.

This time.

He got it.

This is a move to beat the West.

"Hehe, wait until you sneeze." Qianying smiled triumphantly, took out two balls of cotton, and stuffed them into her nose (cjdb).

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged, and used the ability of "inner breathing", so that he didn't have to breathe directly, and the smoke would have no effect on him.

Qianying was not in a hurry, she folded her hands, silently waiting for the good show to come.

But waited for a few minutes.

Finding that Hanyu Shirasawa is fine, he was a little puzzled: "It's strange, why the smoke I prepared didn't work?"

After finishing speaking, she also took the cotton in her nose, and lightly sniffed the remaining smoke in the air. Suddenly, her face changed, and she was blocked again in a hurry. She rubbed her name fiercely, and after a while, her eyes It's red.

Fortunately, she inhaled very little, otherwise she must have started sneezing as she said.

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and said, "How about it, do you want to continue?"


She hasn't finished speaking yet.

In an instant, the entire museum was shut down.

Then I heard the sound of parking downstairs and the noise of many people.

Hanyu Shirasawa and Chikage were taken aback for a moment, and they walked to the window in a tacit understanding, and saw that they were surrounded by police cars below.

"You called the police?" Qianying stared.

"No." Hanyu Baisawa shook his head, "Come with me."

After speaking, he directly took her hand, ran out of the exhibition hall, and went upstairs.

"Hey, what are you doing upstairs? Can you fly?"


"Tch, lie to the ghost." Although Qianying said he didn't believe it, he already believed it in his heart, but he still asked in puzzlement: "Although I don't know what your real identity is, but you are obviously Captain of the guard here, you shouldn't have to run, right?"

Hanyu Baisawa glanced back at her, smiled and said, "Because I don't want you to be caught, I only allow you to be caught by me."


Qianying's heart stopped beating, and then it started beating violently. Looking at the hand he was holding, she inexplicably felt a little hot in the palm.


The two came to the top floor.

As soon as I got here, I enjoyed the night breeze.

"How are you going to run?" Qianying asked.


While Hanyu Shirasawa was speaking, he took out a tear gas bomb from his body and threw it down.

Then, under Qianying's stunned gaze, he discovered that the man had pulled out dozens of tear gas bombs from his body.


There was a lot of cursing and crying from downstairs. They probably didn't expect that someone upstairs had tear gas bombs, or so many.

Against the night wind, Hanyu Baisawa looked at Qianying and smiled, "How is it?"

Qianying curled her lips: "It's useless to do this alone, why are you running?"

"Run? That's it."

As Hanyu Baisawa said, he picked her up, still in the princess's arms, and then jumped down from upstairs.


"You are crazy!!!"

Qianying hugged his neck tightly, feeling that she was going to die in the next second.

But after waiting for a while, it was discovered that the two of them did not fall down quickly, but were flying in the air.

Just when she was about to ask, she saw the black hang glider on Hanyu Baisawa's back, and now she understood everything.

"I said, you are not a thief like me, are you? Otherwise, the equipment is so well prepared."

"Hehe, guess what."

"I don't guess."

"Can you take off your straps?"

"Hmm..." Qianying thought for a while, and took off the bandage on her face, revealing her delicate face and short dark red hair with a faint fragrance.

She watched the man staring straight at her, her cheeks were hot and couldn't cool down under the night wind:

"Asshole! Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I just think you're beautiful."

"Tch, as soon as I heard it, I knew you were the kind of smooth-talking person." Qianying grumbled, but how could a woman get angry when someone praised her? Of course she was happy in her heart.

"Hehe." Hanyu Baisawa smiled: "By the way, which direction is your house?"

"Don't tell you."

"Don't tell me, don't you feel cold when we fly in the sky at night?"

"Also..." Qianying turned her head and glanced at the city below, then pointed in a direction: "Fly over there."

"Hey, you said that I saved you, can you get something in return?"

"What do you want in return?"

"I want to kiss you." Hanyu Shirasawa raised the corner of his mouth.

"You are dreaming!"

"Isn't it? I saved your life, so I can't even kiss you?"

"No!" Qianying was firm.

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