Washing up is about the same.

Fei Yingli grinned at the mirror, let out another breath and smelled it, nodded in satisfaction, and returned to her office.

As soon as she came back, she saw the man sitting on the office chair with a calm face, as if he had no dreams.

"Haneyu Shirasawa!"

She yelled, walked over viciously, grabbed his face with both hands, and pulled it to both sides: "I am satisfied now, as you wish, right?"


Hanyu Shirasawa let out a comfortable voice from his nose. He looked very Buddhist, and he didn't intend to resist at all. His eyes were full of tenderness and calmness.

"Damn, hate, hate!" Fei Yingli didn't care about his current state of a saint, and continued to output a burst of output to his face, until it was slightly swollen, and then she retracted her hand in satisfaction, but her expression was still angry.

"Ahem." Hanyu Baisawa rubbed his face, and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, you've almost vented now, right?"


Fei Yingli snorted coldly, pulled the man up from her office chair, and sat down by herself. Suddenly, her momentum changed, and she said indifferently like a queen:

"Remember what I did today. If you dare to forgive me in the future, I won't let you go. I will collect all the evidence that you have stepped on so many boats. I hope you will not fall into my trap in the future." hands."

"Uh... you still want to sue me?"

"I'm using my own means to protect my own rights." Fei Yingli pushed up her glasses, her beautiful eyes fixed on him.

Hanyu Baisawa came to the chair next to him and sat down, nodded: "Don't worry, I will definitely not let you down, and I won't give you a chance to sue me."


Fei Yingli blinked, feeling that something was wrong with these words.

But she didn't continue to talk about this topic. Thinking of what happened just now, her cheeks blushed, and she said faintly:

"By the way, find a chance and let Yukiko come too."

"Huh?" Hanyu Shirasawa was puzzled.

"Huh..." Fei Yingli took a deep breath, and said in a low voice, "I said, let You Xizi experience my pain just now, and you must not let her go."


Hanyu Shirasawa scratched his hair and opened his mouth to say something, but seeing Fei Yingli's cold face, he still didn't say anything in the end.

Fei Yingli frowned: "Why, is this request very difficult?"

Hanyu Shirasawa hesitated for a moment, but said it anyway: "Eri, Yukiko is different from you."

"What do you mean?" Fei Yingli was angry, thinking that her status was lower than her best friend, her fists were clenched tightly, and her pair of beautiful eyes were even more frighteningly cold.

"Don't get me wrong, what I said is just the literal meaning, you are different."

"Hmph, explain to me clearly."

"It's just..." Hanyu Shirasawa scratched his hair, "Eri, although you look tough, you are actually very gentle."

Hearing this, Fei Yingli had a smile on her face, and her mood improved a lot.

"There is Xizi, although she usually looks carefree and heartless in doing many things. But she is very strong in her bones, otherwise she would not have retired when she developed so well."


Fei Yingli nodded and touched her chin. She knew a little about what happened back then, and at the same time she hated people in the entertainment circle.

But soon she reacted and asked:

"Then this has something to do with what I just said?"

"Yes, it's a big deal. You don't want to think about Yukiko's character. What if she suddenly goes crazy and bites me directly?"

"Uh..." Fei Yingli had nothing to say, such a thing could really happen.

"Tell me, what should I do?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked.

Fei Yingli gritted her teeth, and finally lowered her requirements: "Okay, I won't force you. Anyway, just work hard and try to do what I just said."

"Yeah, I'll try my best."

"Hmph, pervert."

When Fei Yingli thought about what she said to this man, she felt that she was crazy. She slapped herself on the head hard to calm herself down. She was really dizzy from being bullied just now.

Take a few deep breaths.

She picked up the documents on the table again and looked at them, then said, "Bai Ze, let's talk about the real thing, the real reason I let you."

"Let's talk." Hanyu Baisawa moved the chair under him, and looked closely at the document in her hand.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that I encountered some difficulties when dealing with a lawsuit."

"What suffering?"

"To be precise, this time my opponent in the lawsuit made me feel tricky."


Hanyu Baisawa raised his eyebrows, thought for a while, and soon came up with an answer, and asked tentatively:

"The person who can make you, a queen with a [-]% winning rate, feel tricky, shouldn't be some unknown person?"

"Yes, her name is Reiko Kujo.".

Chapter 0188: Bai Ze: Become a Tool Man

"Kujo Reiko..."

Hanyu Shirasawa suddenly realized, he said what kind of opponent could make his good wife find it difficult, if it was this woman, then it would be no problem.

He knew this woman.

A character in the original novel.

As a prosecutor by profession, he is the trump card of the Dongying District Prosecutor's Office. He is fair and strong.

Known as the "Madonna of prosecutors", she is as famous as Fei Yingli. Many lawyers would avoid her when they knew they were going to sue her. One can imagine her strength.

Of course, this Reiko Kujo has always regarded Fei Yingli as her opponent. Since he crossed over, he has never won against Fei Yingli in lawsuits in anime plots.


All this is not what impressed Hanyu Shirasawa the most.

What impressed her the most was her later changes.

When the main animation production team was behind, they changed Reiko Kujo's appearance directly. She looked very gentle, and also had a slightly sad feeling. Compared with the original one, the level of charm went up several steps directly, which was not at all like The elite and capable look when he first appeared on the stage.

It was also because of this change at the beginning that the opponent's popularity skyrocketed, and it was then that Hanyu Shirasawa noticed this Reiko Kujo who hadn't played much.

"Cough cough."

Hanyu Shirasawa coughed twice, retracted all these thoughts, and asked:

"Tell me what the case is."


Fei Yingli nodded, looked down at the document, and slowly said what was recorded on it:

"About a month ago, a thief broke into the empty door of an intermediary company. When the other president's office was about to steal the money in the safe, the president came back."

"Then the two wrestled together."

"In order to escape, the thief picked up the ashtray on the table and knocked it on the head of the president. Finally, when someone found out, the president was dead when the ambulance arrived."

Hanyu Baisawa said: "It sounds normal at the moment, so what is your purpose of taking this lawsuit?"

Fei Yingli shook her head and sighed:

"It's normal here, but it's not normal in the future. The prosecutor Kujo Reiko was going to prosecute the thief with the crime of intentional homicide. The thief firmly refused to think that he was intentional homicide, so I finally accepted him. The purpose of the lawsuit is to change the lawsuit into manslaughter."

"Any more details?"

"Well...by the way, there was the thief's fingerprint on the safe on site, and the 1000 and [-] million in it disappeared. What is strange is that there is no thief's fingerprint on the ashtray, and even one was found on the ground. The screws on the glasses. For now, these are the details. Oh, and one more point, the president died after being hit three times on the head by an ashtray. This is why Ms. Kujo Reiko will sue That thief was the reason for the intentional murder."

"Oh, so it is."

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Fei Yingli leaned over, hugged his arm, and asked gently: "Bai Ze, I remember that your reasoning ability is not weak, do you feel anything is wrong?"

"of course."

Hanyu Shirasawa felt that if his memory was correct, this should be the plot in the original book.

After all, the plot of the lawsuit between Kujo Reiko and Fei Yingli was not much, and he happened to memorize this few plots.

Thinking of what Conan said in the original book, he said it based on his own understanding:

"Eri, first of all, let's pay attention to the 1000 two million that disappeared. If the thief really didn't steal, if he didn't kill anyone, then the real murderer should be someone else. And usually in this case, when the body is found The eyewitnesses are likely to be the murderer. So, who found the body?"

"Hmm... I remember the document said the building's security guard and the president's son-in-law."

"Then let's investigate the two of them first. Let's start with the son-in-law and see if the other party has suddenly paid a lot of money recently. After all, if the money is in the safe, it will have the fingerprints of the president. If you can Finding the money proves that the murderer was not the thief, but the one who took the money."

"Are you so sure it's them?" Fei Yingli felt a little confused. What she had been embarrassing for several days was solved by her man with a few words, which was somewhat unreal.

Hanyu Baisawa kissed her on the cheek and said with a smile: "Trust me, I can still lie to you. By the way, when will you start the court?"

"We've had court once and the second is this afternoon."

"Can I go and see?"

"Maybe there is no place for you. After all, Miss Kujo Reiko and I are quite famous, and many media have already grabbed the position."

"Okay then, I'll wait for you outside in the afternoon."

"Well, then I'll investigate."

"I'll accompany you."

"No need." Fei Yingli smiled: "I can just ask Mingmei and Xiaoli to go with me, and you can help me watch the office here."

After finishing speaking, he got up decisively and walked outside without any nostalgia.

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