
Hanyu Shirasawa blinked his eyes, he always felt that he was just a tool man, he came here to help, but now he has to help look here, there really is no man more unlucky than him.

If it weren't for the little interest charged before, it might be a real blood loss today.

"Forget it, let's see."

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, turned on the computer on the desk, and started playing games boringly.

It's just a frustrating thing. Although the Internet is developing very well now, there are no interesting games in the end. They are all built-in on some computers, and they are not as fun as gamepad games.

Time flickers.

three hours later.

The office door opened with a "click".

Fei Yingli ran in with a smile on her face, and finally threw herself into Hanyu Baisawa's arms, saying excitedly:

"Bai Ze, you are really amazing. It is exactly what you said. That son-in-law has a problem (to get money). Recently, he suddenly got a lot of money, and he even gave us the 500 million usury loan he owed. Pay it back. You are so amazing, I love you so much."

"Really?" Hanyu Baisawa smiled, and turned his face sideways: "If that's the case, why don't you give me a little reward?"


Fei Yingli rolled her pretty eyes, and when she was about to kiss her, she seemed to think of something, and turned her head to glance at the door of the office.

I saw my secretary and apprentice, Kuriyama Midori, standing at the door with a blushing face and expectant eyes, as if waiting for the kissing scene to start.

"Cough cough."

Feiyingli blushed, and hurriedly left the man's arms, kicked the chair lightly with her high heels, and tried to pretend to be calm and said:

"Okay, it's time for lunch, you should go and have lunch."


The corner of Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but stare at Midori Kuriyama at the door.

Chapter 0189: First meeting Reiko Kujo

Five p.m.

Higashi Sakura District Court.

Hanyu Shirasawa waited silently downstairs, thinking that the lawsuit inside should be over soon.

Just as he thought.

As soon as this idea came out, a group of people came out of the gate noisily.

At the front are two strong women who take the lead, each with their own demeanor and demeanor.

Reiko Kutiao smiled and said, "Lawyer Concubine, you deserve it. I didn't expect to find out the real murderer, and almost let the real murderer go unpunished."

Fei Yingli shook her head: "Miss Jiutiao, this is not my credit. It was told to me by a selfless person, otherwise I would still have a headache."

Although she was speaking modestly, there was a blissful expression on her face, which made Reiko Kujo slightly astonished.

She couldn't help asking:

"Lawyer Concubine, look at you, are you in love?"



Kujo Reiko was shocked. She felt that even if Fei Yingli failed in the lawsuit, she would not be so surprised.

But she actually heard the other party admit that she is in love. This queen who has been undefeated for more than ten years has really found her other half.

She asked softly:

"Lawyer Fei, do you know which gentleman can win your favor? Is it someone from our industry?"

"No. Look, here he comes."

As Fei Yingli said, she looked at a man who was walking up the steps.

When Hanyu Baisawa came in front of her, she smiled and introduced to Reiko Kujo:

"Miss Kujo, this is my boyfriend, Hanyu Shirasawa. And this time, he reminded me, otherwise I would never have thought of that day."

Hanyu Baisawa showed a smile on his face, looking at Reiko Kujo in front of him, his eyes were full of admiration.

This is not the strong woman from earlier.

It is the one who changed the image later.

The cold and sad Reiko Kujo is really amazing.

But what he didn't know was.

When Kujo Reiko saw him again, her demeanor became even more sad. In those gentle and beautiful eyes, it seemed that tears would flow in the next second.

a time.

The atmosphere became so quiet.

Fei Yingli is not an idiot, she immediately noticed that the atmosphere was not right, looked at the normal-looking Hanyu Shirasawa, and then at the sad-faced Kujo Reiko, a possibility came to her mind, her expression changed slightly, and she asked softly out:

"Miss Kujo, what's the matter? Have you met Bai Ze before?"


Reiko Kujo came back to her senses in an instant, her sad expression retracted, she lowered her head, and said slowly:

"Nothing, I just thought of some things in the past. I'm sorry, lawyer Fei, I feel a little uncomfortable, so I left first."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, his pace gradually became faster, faster and faster, and even ran at the end.


Hanyu Shirasawa and Fei Yingli looked at this scene, the corners of their mouths twitched like a husband and wife, and the backs of each other didn't seem to be okay at all.

"Huh..." Fei Yingli took a deep breath, and pinched the waist of the man next to him.

"Ah!" Hanyu Baisawa yelled, and asked in confusion, "What are you doing?"

Fei Yingli said quietly: "I just want to hit you, can't I?"

Hanyu Bai Ze was not happy: "Even if you want to hit someone, you have to give a reason. Do I just let you bully me like this?"

"Why didn't you say anything when you forced me this morning? You didn't even have any sweet words. It's too bad."

"Cough cough..."

Hanyu Shirasawa coughed, feeling helpless in his heart: "Okay, okay, you can hit whatever you want, as long as you're happy."

Think about what you did this morning.

It's really nothing to ask Feiyingli to beat him up. If he can use "beating" in exchange for the morning's work, he thinks he will be beaten up by (cjdb) every day, it will be too profitable.


Fei Yingli sighed, thinking of the idea that came to her just now, and asked directly: "Bai Ze, Miss Jiutiao doesn't look right no matter what. Could it be your ability that made you go back to the past and what did you have with her?" Shall we meet?"


Hanyu Shirasawa blinked, and said silently in his heart - panel.


Something that only he could see appeared in front of his eyes.

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Abilities: Bullet Time, Invulnerability, Internal Breathing, Absorption, Eagle Eye]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F unlimited bullet version, smoke bomb unlimited version, high-explosive grenade unlimited version, flash bomb unlimited version, tear gas bomb unlimited version, hang glider unlimited version, master key]

After reading his system panel, Hanyu Baisawa muttered in his heart:

"It really made Eri hit the mark. That Reiko Kujo and I really had an intersection. After all, the other party just heard that I and Eri are in a relationship, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with the following things."

"Hey~" Fei Yingli touched her man: "What are you in a daze for?"


Hanyu Baisawa withdrew his thoughts, and said helplessly: "I just wanted to see the possibility you said, and I think it might be the same as what you said. Otherwise, that Miss Reiko Kujo would not be the same when she saw me. That look."

"I knew it. Oh..."

Fei Yingli shook her head, took Hanyu Shirasawa's hand, and left here directly.

If she had an excuse to attack Hanyu Shirasawa in the past, but today she saw it with her own eyes.

She saw with her own eyes that her man didn't know anything, and the woman opposite had a sad expression on her face. She knew very well that one day in the future, her man would go back to the past and interact with that woman.

And she couldn't stop this kind of thing.

Now she understands a little bit, understands how helpless Hanyu Baisawa is, because he really can't control this kind of thing, after all, it has side effects.

"Bai Ze, what do you think about this matter?"

"I do not know."

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged: "Let's talk about it later, I don't have any memory of the other party now. When I go back to the past, it won't be too late to discuss today's matters after I have those experiences."

"What a bastard you are!"

"Hey, it's really not my fault."

"But I still think you're an asshole. Forget it, write a letter to You Xizi first when you go back, so that she won't know and make trouble again.".

Chapter 0190: The Crow Flying to Ekota Town


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