Concubine Yingli's house.

In Fei Yingli's room, Hanyu Baisawa was sitting on the edge of the bed, being pressed by a woman.

It was Yukiko, and Fei Yingli was sitting and watching the play with a smile on her side~.

"Hey, Yukiko, you should have spared me. You've been asking me for almost an hour..." Hanyu Shirasawa scratched his hair, his face full of a broken expression.

You Xizi pouted and said, "Although I've been talking for an hour, you still haven't answered my question. Is it really that difficult to answer?"


Hanyu Shirasawa almost spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Fei Yingli.

Fei Yingli smiled, hesitated for a moment, and said to help: "Okay, You Xizi, today I can testify that he really doesn't know anything, and it should be the first time I met that Miss Kutiao."

Yukiko said: "Eri, I still say the same thing. Everything must be based on evidence, and everything without evidence is false. You can be sure that he doesn't know the other party and that he is not pretending?"


Yukiko's sixth sense is still very accurate.

Of course, Hanyu Shirasawa knew Reiko Kujo, but it can be said that he didn't know each other, after all, it was only the understanding in the anime in the past world, which is different from now.


Fei Yingli shook her head, shrugged her shoulders at Hanyu Baisawa and said, "Okay, I can't convince her, you can talk to her slowly here, I'll go and see if dinner is ready, and help by the way."


Hanyu Shirasawa and Yukiko's expressions changed instantly, and they stood up in a tacit understanding.

"I'll answer honestly!"

"I won't ask any more!"

The two of them looked at each other, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly, and they said loudly in unison: "Don't talk yet!"

"Huh?" Fei Yingli tilted her head to look at the two people, and said quietly, "What's your reaction? Why are you saying these things all of a sudden?"

"Ahem, no, no." Hanyu Shirasawa sat back on the side of the bed again.

Yukiko stepped forward and hugged her good best friend's arm, and said with a smile: "Eri, what's the point of cooking, why don't the three of us play poker, and the loser will be punished."

this moment.

In order not to let Fei Yingli do the cooking, the two of them temporarily put the matter aside, even if they didn't say a word, the tacit understanding in their hearts was no less than the one they had been communicating with all the time.

"That's right." Hanyu Baisawa said, "Let's leave the dinner to Mingmei, and we will play our own."

Fei Yingli frowned: "But... if we always leave this kind of thing to Mingmei, will it make people think that we treat her as a servant?"

Hanyu Shirasawa really wanted to tell her.

They took Miyano Akemi in unconditionally, and let the other party do these things within their capabilities at home, which is already a very generous thing.

But thinking of Fei Yingli's character, he didn't say this kind of thing.

Also at this time.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knocking sound from the balcony next to the room.

This clear movement caused the three of them to turn their heads to look over, and what they could see made them astonished.

Because under the glass of the balcony, there is a crow staring at them with scarlet eyes, but these are not the most important thing, the most important thing is that it has an envelope in its mouth, which looks quite weird.

"What's going on?" Yukiko panicked and hid behind Hanyu Shirasawa's back.

"Could it be trained by someone?" Although Fei Yingli was very rational, she still hid behind the man's back. After all, animals like crows, in her opinion, symbolized bad luck.

The crow found that everyone ignored him, and hit the glass with his mouth holding the envelope again, making a "dong dong dong" sound again.

"I'll go take a look."

Hanyu Shirasawa comforted the two girls first, then walked to the French window on the balcony, and gently opened it.

And the crow.

Not afraid of people at all.

He just put down the envelope in his mouth, then flew up like this, circled twice outside the window, and flew quickly in one direction.

Hanyu Shirasawa directly activated his "Eagle Eye" ability, stared at the direction of the crow's flight, watched him gradually drift away, and finally surpassed the distance of "Eagle Eye" by a thousand meters, completely blending into the night, and disappeared.

"Bai Ze, is this someone sending you a letter?"

The two women walked over without knowing when, and carefully picked up the envelope on the balcony floor.


Hanyu Shirasawa replied, turned off his ability, thought about the direction the crow left just now, and read it silently in his heart:

"Flying to Ekota Town, or are you going to pass there? And it still uses crows to deliver letters. Is it someone I know?"

For an instant.

Several original characters living in that direction appeared in his mind, and one of them had recently become related to him.

But when it was the original book, I just don’t know if I still live in that direction now.

"Bai Ze, come and take a look, what do you mean?" Fei Yingli called out at this moment.

Hanyu Baisawa came back to his senses, walked to her side, looked at the contents on the envelope, and read out softly: "Mihua TV, nine o'clock in the evening. Tomorrow night, Lady Phantom Thief, there is danger."

His eyes widened.

I really didn't expect that there would be such a content on the envelope.

"Is this a gift from Chikage?" Hanyu Baisawa had this idea in his mind, but it was quickly rejected.


If Qianying really gave it to him, it would be better to send a letter of the meeting place, it is impossible to send a letter with this kind of content.

"Hello!" You Xizi was upset: "Who is this strange thief lady? Does it have anything to do with you?"

"Cough cough."

Hanyu Shirasawa was helpless, after thinking about it, he still said:

"Let me tell you something. I went back to the past last night. And I went back to 20 years ago, and got involved with this strange lady lady. If there is no accident, you may become sisters in the future. You know, my side effects must be the same as hers... I can't help it either. "


Yukiko and Fei Yingli were silent, Kujo Reiko hadn't figured it out yet, and now a phantom thief lady was coming, and Ikeha Shizuka would be coming in a few days, they just felt a lot of pressure at this moment.

Fei Yingli said quietly: "Bai Ze, there are so many people, can your body really withstand it? I'm afraid that you will not die from side effects, but may die from other things."

"Uh... don't worry, I will pay attention."

Hanyu Shirasawa answered, and then decisively changed the subject:

"Okay, it's nine o'clock in half an hour, let's see what the letter said about Mihua TV. Could it be that there is some special news to be announced?"

He is not in a hurry now.

I feel that one day I will get stronger physical abilities, and then I don’t have to worry about it

Chapter 0191: Continue to start the copy

In the living room of Fei Yingli's house.

You Xizi held the phone, and the exclamation sounded again and again:

"Wow! The female twenty-face face in the Showa era. No wonder I haven't heard of it. It turns out that I have been active in and around Paris most of the time. And read the news above, it is said that they are dedicated to stealing things that are rich and unkind. It's so cool." Already!"

Looking at the information she found on the Internet, she was so excited that she almost rolled on the ground.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at this scene and shook his head amusedly, besides, it was Yukiko.

He remembered that Chikage seemed to be Yukiko's fan, but now that the two adore each other, it must be very interesting to get along with each other.

"Bai Ze, you..."

Yukiko hardened her words when she got to her lips, because she saw Miyano Shiho sitting on the sofa not far away, and knew that some "[-]" words should not be said to others.

So she sat next to Hanyu Baisawa, leaned close to his ear, and whispered softly:

"I want to ask you something, are you really related to the heroine of this novel? Will she become our sister in the future?"

"Yes." Hanyu Shirasawa nodded with a smile.

"But I have some doubts." You Xizi's face was full of disbelief: "Can you tell me what happened at that time, I want to judge for myself whether what you said is true or not."

"Hehe." Hanyu Baisawa smiled: "Yukiko, your aggressive tactics are not good, I can tell at a glance. But you don't have to think about it, no matter what you say, I won't tell you the process."

You Xizi said angrily, "Why? Why can't I know?"

"Think about it." Hanyu Baisawa touched her tender face: "If other women ask me the same question and want to know the details of our past, would you like to let other women know? "

"I do not want to."

You Xizi shook her head violently, and at the same time understood that she didn't want it, and others certainly didn't want it, so she simply didn't bother with this issue anymore.

Looking up at the clock hanging on the wall, she hurriedly said, "It's nine o'clock in one minute. Hurry up and switch to Mihua TV to see what's going on."

In fact, she doesn't need to say it.

Fei Yingli on the other side has already picked up the remote control and switched directly to your TV station.

The 1 minute countdown will end soon.

The news broadcast on Mihua TV.

At the same time, Hanyu Shirasawa also understood what was going on.

Because the news only broadcast one message.

Said: Tomorrow night, there will be an exhibition of the secret treasures of the rich man at the special observation deck of the East Sakura Iron Tower. The reason why it will be specially reported is that when the rich man died, he bought a very large ruby ​​to be exhibited s reason.

After reading this news.

The three of them looked at each other, and returned to the bedroom in a tacit understanding, leaving only Miyano Shiho with a suspicious look on his face, and Miyano Akemi who was preparing dinner.

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