in the bedroom.

You Xizi was the first to say, "I probably understand what that letter is about."

Feiyingli nodded: "I understand too."

You Xizi continued: "But I'm a little puzzled. Judging from the information I just found on the Internet, the phantom thief lady has disappeared for 18 years. It's impossible to suddenly attack the ruby ​​tomorrow night, right? "

That's right, through the news, they understood that the letter said that the strange lady thief would go to steal the ruby ​​tomorrow night, and then there would be danger, it's that simple.

Fei Yingli suggested: "I heard that this exhibition is open to the public, and only the special observatory at the top needs invitations. Why don't we go and see it together tomorrow night?"

"No." Hanyu Baisawa resolutely refused: "I will go to see tomorrow night, so you don't want to go, if there is any accident at that time, I will be so heartbroken."

The two women heard the words.

They looked at each other and laughed softly.

You Xizi smiled and said, "Okay, for the sake of your sincerity, we won't go tomorrow night, you can go by yourself."

Fei Yingli nodded: "Yes. But you have to be careful, maybe this is a trap. And the letter sent is also very suspicious, so don't be careless."

"I understand."

Hanyu Shirasawa stepped forward, hugged the two women gently, smelling the different fragrances on their bodies, feeling extremely satisfied at this moment.

"Dong Dong" knocked on the door.

Then Miyano Akemi's voice came: "Mr. Bai Ze, Miss Concubine, Miss Yukiko, dinner is ready, hurry up and eat..."


Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, let go of the two girls, and came to the living room together.

He sat directly next to the little loli Miyano Shiho, lowered his head and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Ai, how is your research going?"

Miyano Shiho shook his head and replied in a low voice: "The progress is very slow, but there is still progress. It is that Kudo Shinichi's blood may not last long and needs to be replenished."

"Okay, I understand."

The corners of Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth turned up, thinking of Conan's frantic look, he found it particularly funny.

At the same time, he sincerely hoped that Miyano Shiho would get out the antidote quickly, so that he would not have any pressure to complete the task.

Although he got a new idea to complete the task from "Chibo Jinghua" last time, he hasn't had much contact with Miyano Shiho recently. Although the new idea method is good, there is no complete plan. It is simply impossible to complete.

Recently, he couldn't think of any good plans, so the matter of new ideas and methods has been stranded.


He didn't think about it anymore, because the two women had already started adding vegetables to his bowl, and if they didn't eat any more, it would be too much for him.



time flies.

Dinner is over.

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't stay longer at Feiyingli's house, and went home after dinner.

Back home, lying on the bed in the bedroom, he whispered softly 3.1:

"System, open the panel."

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Abilities: Bullet Time, Invulnerability, Internal Breathing, Absorption, Eagle Eye]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F unlimited bullet version, smoke bomb unlimited version, high-explosive grenade unlimited version, flash bomb unlimited version, tear gas bomb unlimited version, hang glider unlimited version, master key]

Hanyu Shirasawa stretched out his hand, and lightly tapped the words "lady of the phantom thief".

next second.

The person disappeared into the bedroom.

Chapter 0192: Lady Thief Copy: 2/3

Time went back to eighteen years ago.

late at night.

Paris, Eiffel Tower.

In the observation deck, a graceful figure flashed and moved in the open space, outlining his perfect figure and flexibility.

She is Lady Phantom Thief.

There are bandages on the head, hands, feet, and waist.


Qianying walked through the infrared alarm device and came to the target this time.

It's a motorcycle, a motorcycle with a big gem studded on it.

She rode on it, pushed up the infrared detector worn on her eyes, illuminated it with the flashlight, raised her eyebrows and said:

"As expected, it's fake."

"But who did it?"

"Obviously I have been retired for two years, but there are still people using my identity to do these things. Do you think I am dead?"

"And that guy, it's been two years..."

Chikage quickly thought of Hanyu Shirasawa, and felt depressed for a while.

Originally, she thought that she could bear it very well, but she thought that a few years would not be long, and she would meet again soon 29.

But when she really experienced it, she realized that a few years is really too long, and it was just a short two years, which made her a little unbearable, and she complained about that man in her heart. Appeared in front of oneself.

Then she saw someone pretending to be herself from the news, but she didn't care much.

But it was because I was too depressed and wanted to relax myself, that's why I showed up here tonight to see who was playing tricks.

"Very good skill."

Suddenly, in the dark observation deck, there was a voice of praise.


Qianying turned her head sharply, and saw a white figure standing in the direction she came from before.

White medieval top hat.

Wearing a monocle and a triangular four-leaf clover pendant.

A pure white suit, a pure white cape, pure white leather shoes and gloves, and a watch on his wrist.

The combination of all these things made Qianying feel very weird.


Qianying sneered, and said quietly: "So, you are the guy pretending to be me. Who are you?"

"No, no, no." The man smiled and shook his head, took off his white hat, revealed his face, and said softly, "My name is Black Feather Pirate One, and I'm a magician."

"Black Feather Pirates?"

Qianying frowned, and soon realized:

"I've heard of you. You performed magic tricks around the world when you were a teenager. You won the championship in the Magician Olympics FISM competition when you were 20. You are known as a young genius magician. You say you are not someone impersonating me. , then you, a celebrity like you, appear in this kind of place at night, shouldn't you come to enjoy the night view? And you are dressed so weirdly."

"This one." Black Feather Pirate looked down at his attire, and said, "This is a custom-made dress for the magic show held here next month, to pay tribute to the former great thief Arsen Robin. In respect."

"Is it?"

Qianying still didn't believe it.

After all, the person who can come here at night must not be a simple guy. She feels that even if this Black Feather Pirate is not the one who pretends to be her, he must know some news.

So ever.

She began to issue orders to evict guests:

"Genius magician, I advise you to leave. I have to take this motorcycle to the police station and tell them that the big jewel inlaid on the fuel tank is fake. So there will be some commotion later, but It will delay your escape."

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about this, I have the means to escape." Heiyu Pirates paused at this point: "But I advise you, it's best not to move this motorcycle, or you will bear the consequences."

"Oh? I don't believe it."

Chikage is a very confident woman.

The more others dissuade her, the more she wants to try.

So without even thinking about it, I twisted the accelerator on the motorcycle.

Available in the next second.

A "click" sound.

A handcuff was ejected from the side of the fuel tank, tightly handcuffing her and the motorcycle together.

Qianying was taken aback for a moment, then his expression changed.

Before she could speak, Heiyu Pirates said it on his own:

"The reason why I appear here is that I know that you have disappeared for two years, and it is impossible to suddenly come out to send notice letters and steal things. So I judge that this time is a trap for you, and I am here just to help you. Then Miss Phantom Thief, do you need my help?"

"She never needs help from others, because she can only help from me."

Suddenly, a third person's voice sounded from the observation deck, and it was a man.


Heiyu Pirates was shocked, a trace of cold sweat slowly dripped from his temples, he raised his head to stare at the ceiling little by little, his pupils trembling violently.

Because at some point, a person stood on the ceiling above his head, standing upside down like a bat.

But the next picture.

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