Heiyu Pirates felt even more unbelievable, seeing the man hanging upside down from the ceiling, walking on the ceiling step by step as if he was walking normally.

"how can that be?"

"What kind of method is this?"

At this moment, Black Feather Robber's mind was running wildly, thinking about what kind of magic principle was used in this performance, or what kind of magic mechanism was used, and at the same time, his eyes frantically looked left and right, looking for something wrong with 210 place.

But after looking around and thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, and couldn't find the flaw in the trick of walking upside down from the ceiling.

And this man.

It was none other than Hanyu Shirasawa.

The ability "adsorption" was used, not some magic trick.

Wait until it reaches the top of Qianying's head.

Hanyu Shirasawa canceled his ability, turned over gently and fell down, stood up and stared at Chikage dressed as a phantom thief lady in front of him, his eyes were full of tenderness.

Qianying looked at this man who suddenly appeared and had been thinking about it for two years, her nose was sore, her eyes were a little red, but she still turned her head away arrogantly.

"Hmph, there are quite a lot of people here tonight."

"Sorry, I'm late."

Hanyu Shirasawa stepped forward, hugged her gently, and at the same time looked at the mission this time.

[Dungeon: Lady Strange Thief (2/3)]

[Clearance condition: capture the heart]

[Mission Reward: The Sixth Sense]

And when this task appeared, it was already in the "completed" state, which also showed that his last dungeon was too perfect, and the effect was applied to the second small dungeon task.

At the same time, he also knew the effect of this "sixth sense" ability.

Because he has already felt that there are several strong malice attacking him at this moment.

Chapter 0193: Lady Thief Copy: 2/3

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Abilities: Bullet Time, Invulnerability, Internal Breathing, Absorption, Eagle Eye, Sixth Sense]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F unlimited bullet version, smoke bomb unlimited version, high-explosive grenade unlimited version, flash bomb unlimited version, tear gas bomb unlimited version, hang glider unlimited version, master key]

Hanyu Baisawa finished reading his system panel, then took out the "Master Key", and directly released the handcuffs on Chikage's wrist.

Qianying twisted her wrist, stared straight at the man in front of her, and asked, "When did you come back?"

"About half an hour."

"Is that so..."

Qianying nodded and got off the motorcycle. There were countless things in her heart that she wanted to say and ask, but she also knew that now was not the time to talk about them.

Hanyu Baisawa took her hand, and said helplessly, "You really are, you know it's a trap, why did you come here?"

Qianying curled her lips and said: "I'm a famous thief, the kind of thief who only steals for the rich and unkind. If I don't come out to solve this fake matter, won't my reputation be ruined?"

"All right……"

Hanyu Shirasawa actually wants to say that it doesn't matter whether he is famous or not, after all he is just a thief no matter what.

But he is very clear that some words are not effective for women, but will have the opposite effect.

The two had a conversation.

Finally reacted.

There were not only the two of them at the scene, and when they turned to the side, they saw the lonely Black Feather Pirate One.

for this guy.

Hanyu Shirasawa's "sixth sense" did not feel the other party's malice towards him, so he did not regard him as an enemy.

After all, this guy is the teacher of his wife Yukiko and Belmode, so you can give him some face.


When Black Feather Pirate saw the two staring at him, he coughed to cover up his embarrassment, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, the only thing that can make a female thief retire is love. It seems that I am busy today." .”

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't say anything.

He clearly remembered that the original book brought these two people together because of this incident.

Now it is different from before, he will not let this kind of thing happen again, even if he asks Black Feather Pirates to help him.

When thinking about it.

His "sixth sense" has already noticed that many malicious things are approaching quickly, and reminded:

"It seems that someone is coming up, be careful yourself, we will leave first."


Take out a high-explosive grenade and throw it at the glass window not far away.


The high-explosive grenade exploded, shattering all the surrounding glass.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at Chikage, smiled and said, "Hold me, let's go."


Qianying curled her lips unhappily, but her cheeks were slightly red, she stepped forward and stretched out her hands to wrap around his neck, her feet hopped lightly.

Hanyu Baisawa reached out his arms to wrap around her waist tacitly, and caught her legs, then quickly rushed towards the blasted window, and finally jumped down.

"Shh" sound.

The black hang glider opened and the tail thrusters popped out.

Just like during the first dungeon mission, Hanyu Shirasawa flew in the night sky with Chikage in his arms, enjoying the night breeze.

Qianying took off the bandage tied to his face, glanced at the Eiffel Tower that was fading away, and asked, "Will that guy be caught?"

"Don't underestimate him."

Hanyu Baisawa smiled and said, "I think from now on, he will become a famous thief in the world."

"Him?" Qianying raised an eyebrow: "Sure enough, I knew it was abnormal for him to appear here tonight, so he wanted to be a thief."

"Hehe, who knows."

The corners of Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth turned up, and he looked down at the shy woman he was holding, feeling even happier.



It didn't take long.

Under the night.

Hanyu Shirasawa landed in the former small villa.

As soon as Qianying returned to her home, she ran in quickly, ignoring the man who had been thinking about it for two years.


Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head helplessly, walked in slowly, went directly to the second floor, and soon came to the bedroom.

As soon as I came in, I saw the strange thief lady suit on the ground, first there were some bandages, and then there were many props.

With the sound of "squeaking" water coming from the bathroom next to it, I knew I was taking a shower.

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and stood by the window, looking at the night outside.

But in this environment, how could one be in the mood to look at the scenery.

So, he yelled towards the bathroom:

"¨‖Qianying, I feel a little dirty, and I want to go in and wash it."

"Wait, you can wash after I finish washing."

"But I'm very sleepy now, so I want to wash in advance."

"Tch, a liar."


Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged, touched his nose, and simply stopped thinking about these messes, turned around silently and went back downstairs.

Sit on the couch and turn on the TV.


A piece of news appeared.

It's about what happened just above the Eiffel Tower.

The content of the report is very simple. The Lady Phantom Thief did not appear, but a new Phantom Thief appeared. She has not yet been named, but is known to be dressed in white.

"Tsk tsk, the legend of Kaitou Kidd has begun..."

Hanyu Shirasawa raised his eyebrows, but he quickly thought of what happened in the normal timeline.

Especially the crow that delivered the letter, which made him very concerned about Shen.

And when he mentioned the crow, he thought of Renye Karasuma, but it was impossible for the other party to send him a letter, and it was impossible for him to know his relationship with Chikage.


"Who on earth is it?"

"Live in Ekota Town, let me think about it, Aoko Nakamori, Koizumi...uh..."

Hanyu Shirasawa's words to himself stopped here, he thought of "Koizumi Hongko", this is a very strange girl in the original book, the setting is magic, and it is real magic, not with Like a magic show.

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