If anyone could know his relationship with Chikage, let a crow deliver letters, and live in Ekota-cho, it could only be this girl.

"It's not really her, is it?"

Although Hanyu Shirasawa's tone was a little uncertain, he was basically certain in his heart.

As for whether it is true, we can only wait until it returns to the normal timeline, and then investigate slowly.

Chapter 0194: Lady Thief Copy: 2/3

The next day.

early morning.

Hanyu Shirasawa opened his eyes, and a beautiful face appeared in front of his eyes.

"Good morning, Chikage."

As if she heard someone calling herself, Qianying murmured softly, and she rolled over coquettishly, and continued to sleep.

Hanyu Shirasawa reached out to touch her face, pinched her nose to prevent her from breathing, but unfortunately the woman didn't respond at all, she still slept with her eyes closed.

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore."

He had no choice but to get up by himself, came to the window, looked at the rising sun in the sky, and squinted his eyes comfortably.

"I played so crazy at night, and now I can't get up, so I don't know what to say about you."

As he spoke, he looked back at the woman sleeping on the bed, and shook his head amusedly.

"Oh, you don't want to be a mother-in-law, you get up by yourself, don't disturb me."

Perhaps because it was too annoying, Qianying finally couldn't bear it and complained, then turned around decisively, leaving only a back lying on her side.

"All right, all right, then I'll prepare breakfast for you, and I'll call you when I'm done."

Hanyu Shirasawa went downstairs.

Really go and prepare breakfast.

Fortunately, Qianying had a lot of things in the refrigerator at home, and the ingredients prepared by 230 made him feel that their tastes were similar.

After half an hour.

Finish breakfast.

He returned to the bedroom on the second floor.

On the bed, Qianying was still sleeping there, and still had no intention of getting up.

"Wake up and have breakfast."

Hanyu Shirasawa was serious this time, his hand on her shoulder shook for a while.


Qianying opened his eyes with a dark face, looked at the smiling man in front of him, feeling very unhappy, and said faintly:

"Do you know what I was thinking when I was half asleep and half awake just now?"

"whats the matter?"

"I was thinking about being your wife in the future, and now I don't think so."

"What, what do you want then?" Hanyu Baisawa reached out his hand and grabbed her little nose.

Qianying patted the big hand in front of her, and said angrily: "I don't want to be your wife, because I don't think I can sleep in well. You are not the perfect man in my mind."

"Just for this reason?"

"Isn't this reason enough? This is already a cruel thing for me."

"But (cjdb) is..." Hanyu Baisawa's expression was tangled, but there was a smile in his eyes: "But I prepared breakfast for you. Isn't this kind of day that many people dream of eating right after waking up?"

"Hmm..." Qianying stretched out her hand to touch her chin, and said to herself, "That's right, but if I can have another beautiful sleep, I think it will be more perfect."

"Okay, okay, don't be talkative, get up and have breakfast quickly. Also, go wash up first, you will smell all over your body in one night."

"Hmph, it's all your fault, everything is your fault."

As soon as Qianying mentioned this, she couldn't help but blush, got up and got out of bed, and ran into the bathroom to clean up her personal hygiene.

Hanyu Shirasawa held back his laughter, and went back to sit down at the dining table downstairs.

It took about 10 minutes.

With the sound of hurried footsteps, Qianying rushed downstairs, sat down on the seat next to her, stared at the breakfast in front of her, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said with some distress:

"I think I have found another reason not to marry you."

"Really? Let's hear it."

While Hanyu Baisawa asked, he made a bowl of rice for her and placed it in front of her. At the same time, he also picked up a piece of meat and put it in her bowl.

"Look..." Qianying directly picked up the bowl and chopsticks, put the meat in the bowl into his mouth, and said while chewing:

"I eat as soon as I wake up, and I eat so well. If I live with you, within a month, I don't know how much weight I will gain."

"This seems to be an advantage, right?"

"Yeah, but I'm suffering. I still have to maintain my perfect body. You are really good at taking care of people."

"Hehe, why don't you marry me and just be my concubine." Hanyu Baisawa teased.

"What? Do you have other women?"

Qianying was angry, and puffed up her cheeks, but this look is too cute, after all, she is only 22 years old this year, quite young.

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged:

"It's hard to say. Last time you saw it, how did I disappear? You don't think it's such a simple thing, do you?"

"then you……"

Qianying had just opened her mouth, but she couldn't continue. She silently closed her mouth and started eating again.

a time.

The atmosphere in the room was a bit depressing.

in fact.

Qianying knew this kind of result a long time ago, and the reason why she didn't ask was just a fluke attitude.

Now Hanyu Baisawa took the initiative to mention it, and the meaning in the words basically explained everything, which made her mood drop to the bottom of the valley after only a good day.

half an hour.

She said softly:

"This time... How long are you going to stay here?"

"This..." Hanyu Baisawa thought for a while, but he still felt that the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, and said: "If there are no accidents, maybe it will be tonight."


Qianying was silent, almost broke his defense, and said viciously: "I have waited for two years, and you are leaving so soon, isn't it a bit too much?"

Hanyu Shirasawa scratched his hair, and said tentatively, "How about staying one more night?"

Qianying raised her eyebrows: "You mean, how long you can stay is under your control?"

"No." Hanyu Baisawa chose to lie: "The longer I stay, the more expensive the side effects will be if I go back to the past."

"What vice..."

"Life." Hanyu Baisawa replied quickly: "The side effects are my life."

Qianying opened her mouth, wanting to say if it was a lie, but she couldn't ask.

For a while.

She remembered another important thing and asked, "When will we meet next time?"

As soon as Hanyu Baisawa heard this question, he felt a little guilty, and said in a low voice: "18 years later, that is the time period of my original life."

"Is that so..." There was an indescribable loss in Qianying's voice.

Hanyu Shirasawa continued: "If you have time, you can go to the Neon East Sakura, I live there. Okay, let's eat quickly, after eating, we will go on a date, and I haven't had a serious date with you yet. .”

Qianying is in a mess right now.

When I think that the next meeting will be 18 years later, I am really angry and want to cry. I just feel that Hanyu Shirasawa is a bastard, and it is really bad luck for eight lifetimes to meet him.

But the temper comes and goes quickly, this is her own choice, so who is to blame? .

Chapter 0195: Lady Thief Copy: 2/3



In the amusement park.

Hanyu Baisawa looked at the flow of people coming and going, and said speechlessly: "Qianying, it seems that you are not a child, why do you still come to such a place?"

"Huh?" Qianying was unhappy: "What do you mean by that? Do you think I'm naive? Can't you come to this kind of place for a date?"


Hanyu Shirasawa has nothing to say, but it's normal to think about it. There is still a big gap between 18 years ago and 18 years later. People at this time think differently.

He still remembered that during the second dungeon with You Xizi, that woman ran directly to Kyoto, which was quite outrageous.

Thinking that Qianying is only 22 years old now, he understands, and he hasn't left the girl's heart~ yet.

"Cough cough."

Hanyu Baisawa didn't intend to confront her, and asked directly: "Then what do you want to play?"

"What do you think of the haunted house?" Qianying's eyes lit up when she asked this question.

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