"Uh...Although in the amusement park, haunted houses, roller coasters, and ferris wheels are things that come for nothing if you don't experience them, but you don't have to be haunted houses as soon as you come, right?"

"Why, are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid, the main reason is that we spend money to enter the first project and feel scared. It feels weird."

"You said you were scared? You were really scared."

Chikage clapped her hands almost unhappily, happy to find Hanyu Shirasawa's weakness.


The corner of Hanyu Baisawa's mouth twitched, he didn't know what this woman was thinking, how could she somehow understand that he was afraid of haunted houses.

And what he said was just facts. Even if you are not afraid of projects like haunted houses, you will be more or less startled by something that pops up out of the blue. This is just a normal human reaction.

After all, he was still thinking about the other party, otherwise he wouldn't have rejected the project directly.

"Hey, hey." Qianying made a teasing voice: "Bai Ze, you are not really afraid, are you? A girl like me dares, but you don't?"

"You are no longer a girl, you are a woman."

"Hmph, it's all the same. I just asked you if you want to go?"

"It's okay to go, why not..."

"Okay, just go." Qianying interrupted him with a big wave of his hand: "That's it, let's experience the haunted house first, and then go to play other things."

"All right, all right." Hanyu Shirasawa stared at a pair of dead fish.

"Go, let's go."

Qianying happily took his hand, bouncing towards the front, at this moment she was no different from an ordinary 22-year-old girl, not at all like the rumored Lady Phantom Thief.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at her happy face, and unconsciously showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

After all, I have decided to leave tonight. I am really sorry for this woman. Now that I can make her happy, I won't feel so guilty when I leave tonight.


They came to the front of the haunted house.

"Tsk tsk, this design is a bit exaggerated, I'm getting goosebumps."

Chikage looked at the haunted house in front of her, hugged each other and rubbed her hands together, perhaps feeling that this was not enough, she immediately threw herself into Hanyu Shirasawa's arms.

What about the haunted house in front of me?

Just at the gate, the atmosphere is already created, bloody, gloomy, and even a cool breeze can be felt from a distance blowing outside. I don't know if the air conditioner is turned on inside.

There is also a sign above the head, which hangs a piece of intestines or something, which looks very realistic, or it may be real, just some animal internal organs.

"I'll ask you one last time, are you sure you really want to be the first to experience this?" Hanyu Baisawa asked the woman in his arms.

"Ahem, of course."

Qianying immediately got out of his arms and went to the staff not far away to buy two tickets.

Needless to say.

Holding Hanyu Shirasawa's hand, he walked in directly.

As soon as I came in, there was a pool of dark liquid on the ground. I don't know if it was blood or water with paint.

Pushing open the half-covered door in front of him, there was an ear-piercing sound of metal rubbing, which made people feel excited all over.


Qianying swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Although she often scares others when she steals, the scene in front of her still gave her a chill down her back.

"Why don't you leave?" Hanyu Baisawa asked with a smile.

"Let's go, I didn't say no." Qianying replied stiffly, but she hugged his arm very sincerely, and dragged him forward together forcefully.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

As he entered, a dark red light appeared in front of his eyes.

This is a corridor, dressed up like a dilapidated hospital, and sprinkled disinfectant everywhere thoughtfully. The sight and smell really make people feel like they have returned to the dilapidated hospital.

Especially at a glance, the elevator with the green light at the end, and the bloody handprints on the elevator door, just a glance can make some timid people stop here.

"Cough." Hanyu Baisawa coughed, looked down at the woman's hand trying to grab his arm, and couldn't help but said, "Qianying, your nails have pinched my flesh, it hurts a bit."

"Oh oh~"

Hearing this, Qianying quickly relaxed a little, and couldn't help but blushed, but luckily she couldn't see it under the dark red light.

.. 0

At this moment, she suddenly regretted a little, thinking that what Hanyu Baisawa said was very true, why bother to scare herself as soon as she came to the amusement park after spending money, it was really too lacking in thoughtfulness.

Although she flinched a little, she dismissed the idea when she thought of how hard she said when she was outside.

At least, or don't want to, admit cowardice in front of this man.


"Dah" sound.

The dark red light went out, leaving only the elevator with a green light at the end.

For an instant.

Chikage's body was a little stiff, and the hand holding Hanyu Shirasawa's arm used all his strength again, and Hanyu Shirasawa grinned in pain.

"Da da!"

There were two more sudden switch sounds, and the dark red light began to flicker. In this bright and dark vision, there seemed to be a dark shadow appearing in the corridor.

It was next to the elevator when it flickered for the first time, and it was several meters forward when it flickered for the second time.

"It's interesting." Hanyu Shirasawa was a little surprised, he didn't expect the haunted house 18 years ago to be so scary.

If ordinary people come here once, they probably won’t be able to experience it a second time in their lifetime. The situation in front of them, the black shadows appearing under the flickering lights, is almost like experiencing a horror movie in person.

"Bai Ze, what should we do?" Qianying asked nervously, staring at the black shadow that was getting closer.

"There are so many rooms here, let's find a room to hide." Hanyu Baisawa opened a ward next to him, and dragged her into it

Chapter 0196: Lady Thief Copy: 2/3

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, the day passed.

amusement park.

Qianying sat on the public bench with a smile on her face, watching the moon gradually appearing in the sky, the smile disappeared soon, and she just stared straight at it.

"What are you thinking about?"

Hanyu Shirasawa's voice sounded, and he came to Chikage with two snacks in his hand, and handed her one.

"I didn't think about it." Qianying smiled again, took the snack, picked up the disposable chopsticks, picked it up and put it in his mouth: "Wow, the taste is really good."

"Ha ha……"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, sat next to her, and joked:

"I told you in the morning, don't go to the haunted house, I'll scare you. The mark on my hand hasn't disappeared yet. You've tried too hard."


"How will "[-]" go to play next? This amusement park is quite big. We played for a whole day, but we didn't experience all the items."


"Are you tired of such a perfunctory answer?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked concerned.

Qianying shook her head: "Nothing, I am very energetic. By the way, how about we go to a movie?"

"I have no objection. But we have only played two of the items that must be experienced in the amusement park, and there is one Ferris wheel that we have not experienced. Why don't you try it?"

"Yes, I almost forgot about the Ferris wheel."

Qianying patted her forehead in annoyance, almost forgetting about one of the most romantic dating projects.

Also at this time.

The announcement of the amusement park sounded:

"Soon, it will be time to close the park. We sincerely look forward to your next visit. Thank you for coming to the amusement park."

The sound fell.

The atmosphere between the two fell silent instantly.

The expressions are a little silent.

for a long time.

Chikage held Hanyu Shirasawa's hand, and said softly: "Hey, it's time to close the garden, we should leave soon."

"Well, let's go."

Hanyu Baisawa led her, and immediately ran quickly in one direction.

Qianying was stunned:

"This doesn't seem to be the direction of the exit?"

"Of course, I haven't even experienced the most important Ferris wheel, so how could I leave so willingly. Do you think so?" Hanyu Baisawa looked at her.

Qianying was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "Of course, I'm the lady of the Phantom Thief, and I won't admit defeat in such a matter."


The two came to the Ferris wheel.

Fortunately, the staff here did not leave, but because the garden was about to close, they were not going to let two people sit.

Without further ado, Hanyu Shirasawa activated his banknote ability, gave the other party the cash on his body, and finally got the other party to agree to let the two of them sit on the Ferris wheel, their own Ferris wheel.

Spin with the Ferris wheel.

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