In the box where the two of them sat, the field of vision rose little by little.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at Chikage, who was not strict, and said with a smile:

"Time does go by a little fast. I thought the daytime would last for a long time, but it feels like I just blinked my eyes."

"Well, yes." Qianying's voice was very soft, with a little sadness.

"It's okay, we can meet again after 18 years." Hanyu Shirasawa said heartily.

"Well, I believe you." Qianying's answer was still very light.

"Oh, don't be like this, look at me and smile."

Qianying was unmoved.

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled wryly, scratched his head, and then his eyes lit up: "Look, the night scene, what a beautiful night scene."


Qian Ying finally made a movement, turned her head and saw the situation outside through the glass of the box.

The Ferris wheel was about to reach the highest point, allowing them to see the entire amusement park, lit street lights everywhere, the flickering lights, as if they had turned into the moon, and the stars were arching them.

Hanyu Baisawa continued: "In the future, please don't continue to steal things. I'm not by your side, I'm very worried. Promise me, okay?"

"Yeah." Qianying nodded.

"Then... would you like to become Mrs. Hanyu?"

Qianying raised her head, looked at the serious man in front of her, and let out a soft "hmm" from her nose.

next second.

I couldn't hold back my tears for a long time and burst the embankment instantly, and big drops fell down.

"Sorry." Mr. Hanyu wiped away her continuous tears with his hand: "For the next 18 years, you have to be well, don't get sick, and eat enough every day..."

"Hmm~" Qianying answered with a sob.

Mr. Hanyu bent down, approached a little bit, and gently kissed her lips...

Then, the whole person burst into light, and slowly disappeared here.

Qianying stared blankly at this scene, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and burst into tears.

"Haneyu Shirasawa! You bastard! Uhhhh..."



The next day.

In the cottage.

On the bed in the bedroom on the second floor, Qianying slowly opened her eyes, staring straight at the ceiling, she seemed lifeless.

I don't know how long it took.

She finally regained some normal expression on her face, and slowly got up and got out of bed.

Change clothes, tidy up personal hygiene, and then start to make breakfast.

Sitting silently at the dining table alone, tasting this delicious-looking breakfast that was like chewing wax to her.

finish breakfast.

She sat on the sofa blankly, turned on the TV in front of her, and stared blankly at the program on it.

that's it.

One morning passed.

When it was noon, she resumed her morning routine, prepared lunch, sat on the sofa again after eating, and stared blankly at the TV.


A picture flashed across the TV screen in front of me, with two words written on it in big letters—Neon.

Qianying seemed to regain consciousness in an instant, her dull eyes finally regained their spirits, and she stared at the TV brightly.

"Yes, I'm going to Nihong, I'm going to Dongying, he's over there, I almost forgot such an important thing in 3.1, I can't just sit around here, I have to go there."

Qianying stood up abruptly, ran upstairs in a hurry, found a suitcase from the closet, and kept packing the clothes she wanted to wear.

In just a few minutes, she organized everything, ran downstairs quickly, and then picked up her mobile phone to book a ticket to Ni Hong.

But after a while she put down the phone.

Lie down on the sofa again.

"Bastard! You said there was a typhoon on the route to Neon, and it was shut down for a day. It's really disgusting."

"I'm furious!"

Qianying stood up again, took a look at the small villa, went to the kitchen to take out a broom, and started to clean it seriously.

She wasn't sure if she would come back after going this time, so she decided to sell the villa, and the time of day might be just right.

Chapter 0197: Threatening Phantom Thief Kidd

Hanyu Shirasawa opened his eyes.

He has returned to his bedroom bed.

"System, open the panel."

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Abilities: Bullet Time, Invulnerability, Internal Breathing, Absorption, Eagle Eye, Sixth Sense]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F unlimited bullet version, smoke bomb unlimited version, high-explosive grenade unlimited version, flash bomb unlimited version, tear gas bomb unlimited version, hang glider unlimited version, master key]

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at the words "Lady of the Phantom Thief", stretched out his hand and clicked again.

next second.

A new task pops up.

[Dungeon: Lady Strange Thief (3/3)]

[Customs Clearance Condition: A Hundred Years of Good Cooperation]

[Mission Reward: Naval Type Six]

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't care much about the last dungeon mission, he just thought of Chikage crying on the Ferris wheel at the end.

Inexplicably, he thought of Qianying crying on the last day of the Twilight Villa.

The crying these two times can be said to have pierced his heart severely.


Hanyu Shirasawa exhaled lightly, got up and came to his balcony, glanced at the night outside, and then jumped down.

The hang glider opens.

Target - Ekota Town.

He was going to see now to see if he could meet Qianying over there.

Under the night.

His black hang glider can be said to be completely integrated into the night, and people who are not close can't find him at all.

time flies.

Just as he was about to fly to Ekota Town, a crow flew by his side.

In an instant, Hanyu Shirasawa's "sixth sense" came into play, allowing him to perceive that the crow was coming for him, but it was not malicious.

"What do you mean?"

Hanyu Shirasawa was a little puzzled, he stretched out his hand suddenly to catch the crow, but unfortunately it dodged it.


One person and one crow staged a chase in the night sky.

Gradually, Hanyu Baisawa was attracted out of the direction of Ekota Town, he knew this very well, he wanted to catch this crow now, or follow behind him to see where he was going, and if he could find this crow Master of Crows.


Turned around another building, but this time, Hanyu Shirasawa encountered a little accident, because a white figure flew towards him with a white hang glider on his back.


The white figure screamed helplessly, and was about to crash into Hanyu Shirasawa, but it was too late to react so suddenly and at such a close distance.

Hanyu Shirasawa squinted his eyes, and directly activated his own ability - Bullet Time.


The world slowed down in his eyes.

next second.

The world returned to normal, and Hanyu Shirasawa seemed to have been prepared to bend over, avoid the collision, and stepped on the opponent's hang glider.

"Bang" sound.

The white figure swirled and fell down.

In mid-air, another landing appeared on his body, and landed on a building not far away.

Just when he stood still and was about to raise his head to curse, he found that Hanyu Shirasawa had landed in front of him, and immediately swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Hanyu Baisawa looked at the guy in front of him, looked him up and down, and said quietly: "The second generation Kaito Kid, Kuroba Kaito, right?"


Kuroba Kaito was startled, hurriedly lowered his white hat, and said vigilantly: "Sir, you have misunderstood the person. I am not Kuroba Kaito, nor Kaito Kidd."

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