Hanyu Shirasawa said indifferently: "The clothes are all the same, are you trying to lie to me that I don't know Kaitou Kidd? Or do you think I'm the police who arrested you?"


Only then did Kuroba Kaito remember his attire, and scratched his head in embarrassment, but when he thought of the other party directly revealing his identity, his heart shivered again, and he felt that something was wrong.

"Ahem, if that's okay, I'll go first." After speaking, he turned around and was about to run.

The sound of "click" sounded.

It was the sound of a pistol being loaded.

Kuroba Kaito paused, looked at the pistol that appeared in Hanyu Baisawa's hand opposite him, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "Well, this gentleman, you can call my name at once, it must have something to do with me, right? "

He finally reacted.

Since Hanyu Shirasawa was able to call out his name with certainty, it seemed that it was useless to cover up by himself, and it was better to ask the other party directly if he had any relationship with his family.

After all, he just saw that Hanyu Shirasawa also has a hang glider, except for the different color, it is basically the same as the one on him.

Hanyu Shirasawa answered irrelevantly: "Do you know a woman named Chikage?"

"Qianying?" Kuroba Kaito frowned, thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Sorry, I haven't heard of this name before."

Hanyu Shirasawa remained silent, feeling a sense of disappointment in his heart, it seemed that he might really have to wait until tomorrow night before seeing Chikage again.

"Well, can I leave?" Kuroba Kaito asked cautiously, one hand was already on his waist, and he was ready to take out a small prop when he was ready to turn his face.

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't answer his question, but just reopened the hang glider, jumped down from this upstairs, and continued to fly 233 in the air.


Kuroba Kaito was speechless, he glanced at the broken hang glider skeleton on his back, and then at Hanyu Shirasawa's back, feeling that he was really unlucky today.

I just went out to steal something and came back, almost got into a car accident in the air, and was threatened with a gun by others, it was really uncomfortable.


"Damn it, my hang glider."

Kuroba Kaito was about to cry, but silently took out a rope from his body, tied it to the railing on the edge of the top floor, and slid down the rope like this.



the other side.

Hanyu Shirasawa calmed down after such an interruption.

Glancing in the direction of Ekota Town in the air, he thought of the crow just now, and finally decided to go back instead of going any further.

Anyway, everything will be known tomorrow, there is no need to worry about this night.


"Koizumi Hongzi, I hope you're not playing tricks, otherwise, even if you know magic, I'll make you go all the way."

Hanyu Shirasawa circled in the air, and then flew towards his home.

And he just left not long ago.

A crow flew around the place where he was circling just now, its scarlet eyes blinked in a humane way.

Chapter 0198 : Bai Ze: Dare to blow up my car?

The next day.


Hanyu Shirasawa was driving his beloved car, planning to go for a walk near the Higashi Sakura Iron Tower, to see if he could find anything.

But when he was driving, he realized that something was wrong in front of him. He rolled down the window and poked his head out to look left and right. He raised his eyebrows and said:


"What about people?"

"Where did the people on this street go at such an early morning? Am I dreaming now?"

Hanyu Shirasawa lowered his speed and drove forward little by little. Finally, when he turned a street, noises rushed over.

He saw people.

Countless people gathered around the roadside, as if they were cheering for something.

"What important person is here? He even came here to watch."

Slowly driving the car closer, but suddenly, he saw a group of acquaintances on the side of the road behind the crowd.

First of all, the three little ghosts of the boy detective team, and Conan are also there.

Then came Miwako Sato, and Yumi Miyamoto in the patrol car.

"Ha ha……"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, opened the car door, got out of the car, walked up to them and shouted, "Hey, what are you doing here?"


Everyone turned to look at him.

The three little ghosts were all startled, they backed up a few steps in fright, and shouted: "It's the brother who beat the child!"

They still remember what happened last time, Ayumi is better, Mitsuhiko and Genta are a little scared, after all, they were really beaten.

Conan didn't speak, just stared at a pair of dead fish eyes.

"Bai Ze, good morning." Sato Miwako greeted with a smile.

"Bai Ze, hehe." Miyamoto Yumi made a strange laughing voice: "If you don't please me today, I'll give your car a ticket later."


Hanyu Shirasawa turned his head and glanced at the street, only to realize that there were indeed no cars parked on the side of the road, only his own black Mazda.

I took another look at the lively crowd surrounding the street next to me, and then I understood, but I still asked:

"Who are they waiting for here? This is too exaggerated."

"Brother Bai Ze, don't you know?" Ayumi said weakly.

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged: "Should I know something?"

Ayumi explained: "Today is the day when the football spirit team won the championship parade, that's why so many people came here to watch."

Hanyu Shirasawa raised his eyebrows: "It's just a champion, so it's necessary to make it so exaggerated?"

Conan interjected: "This is not just a championship. Because the spirit team has reached the finals every year, but they have not won the championship every year, but they won the championship this year, so everyone is very happy to see them parade."

"You too?" Hanyu Shirasawa looked at Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto.

Miyamoto Yumi shook her head: "I'm not, I'm just here to maintain order, to prevent those cars from parking randomly, and if anyone parks indiscriminately, I will post a ticket."

Miwako Sato's expression was very serious: "I have encountered a problem here. Because we received a fax saying that a group of fans who don't like the Spirit team are planning to sabotage today. I'm here to wait. And I'm not the only one. Officer Mu and the others are here."

"Is that so..."

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, and then began to think.

Looking at this scene, he seemed a little familiar.

After thinking about it carefully in my mind, I soon got the answer. This scene is indeed familiar, because it is something in the original book.

In the original book, it seems that because of this incident, another person, who is related to Toru Amuro, was involved, that is-Matsuda Jinpei.

Matsuda Jinpei, in the original book, died in an explosion three years ago.

And at that time, Miwako Sato seemed to have a crush on him.

But the world is different now, Sato Masayoshi is not dead, Sato Miwako's life trajectory has changed, although he also met "Matsuda Jinpei" three years ago, but he didn't have a good impression of him, just regarded him as an ordinary colleagues only.


Inexplicably, Hanyu Shirasawa's "sixth sense" felt a strange feeling, which gave him a bad premonition.


He looked at his car parked on the side of the road.

I found someone sneaking around next to my car and staring at him cautiously.

For a moment, he remembered the plot in the original book. At that time, it seemed that Takagi Shepherd's car was parked on the side of the road, and it was blown up by someone.

Now that Takagi Tsutomu is not here, he parked his car here, which means that he has replaced the other party, which means that someone is going to blow up his car.


Thinking of this, he couldn't help but gasped, and yelled out:

"Asshole! Get away from my car!"

Sudden yelling.

Not only did it startle the sneaky people on the opposite side, it also shocked Miwako Sato and the others.

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't just yell, he rushed out.

Seeing this scene, the man turned around and ran away without thinking.


It was quickly overtaken.

After realizing that he couldn't escape, the other party was ready to resist, but Hanyu Shirasawa was already angry because his car was almost blown up, so he used his "¨‖ bullet time" ability to beat this guy up without hesitation Lie down on the ground, even if he didn't let it go, a burst of big feet kicked him.

"Hey, Bai Ze, calm down." Miwako Sato rushed up from behind and hugged him, dragging him back hard.

"That's right, if you hit him again, you'll die." Yumi Miyamoto also joined the ranks, hugging Hanyu Shirasawa tightly.

Hanyu Baisawa said angrily: "What do you know? This guy almost blew up my car, let's see if I don't beat him to death."


Miwako Sato froze for a moment, and glanced at the man lying on the ground crying, and a plastic bag not far from him, feeling a little thumping in her heart.

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