Conan ran to the plastic bag at this time, opened it to take a look, and his face changed: "It's really a bomb! (OK) It's a remote bomb!"

This time.

Miwako Sato was gone to stop Hanyu Shirasawa, and hurriedly took out the handcuffs, handcuffed the guy on the ground, at the same time took out the mobile phone, dialed the number of Police Officer Megure, and explained the situation at the scene.


Police officer Mu Mu, who was in the crowd nearby, ran over with a group of people.

The corners of Hanyu Baisawa's mouth rose slightly, and he reminded: "Don't be in a daze, he might have accomplices, it's better to take him out of here first."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes." Police officer Mu Mu quickly picked up the guy on the ground and ran to a restaurant not far away.

Because the nearby people are waiting to watch the parade around the street not far away, basically no one pays attention to it.

Hanyu Shirasawa glanced down, Miyamoto Yumi who was still hugging her waist, teased, "Why, still reluctant to let go?"

When Miyamoto Yumi heard this, her face flushed slightly, and she let go of her hands hastily.

Chapter 0199: The Deceitful Bai Ze

Inside the restaurant.

Lots of people here.

Conan's little ghosts, Police Officer Megure, Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto are all there.

After listening to Hanyu Shirasawa's speech.

Miwako Sato asked puzzledly: "How did you judge that there was something wrong with that guy dangling in front of your car?"

"Yeah." Officer Mu Mu and the others nodded. Although they usually look like iron fools, they are not really too foolish. Some problems can still be seen at a glance.

For example, Hanyu Shirasawa just found someone in front of his car, thought that other person was a villain, and then guessed that the other person had a bomb in his hand, which was very wrong.

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged: "Why, isn't it good that I guessed right?"

"Uh..." Miwako Sato shook her head: "That's not what I mean, I just think it's a little magical."

"Okay, you should go and interrogate the prisoner. I'm afraid that he will be noticed by your accomplices if he has been arrested by you for too long."

Hanyu Shirasawa changed the subject directly.

After all, he won't say it out, he used to be a fan of Conan anime, many plots have been memorized, and what happened just now is the original work.

"Yes, this matter is the most important. 233" Police officer Mu Mu's face became serious, he quickly greeted his subordinates, and was about to interrogate the guy with the bomb just now.

As for the injury on the other party's body, the bruised nose and swollen face, they didn't even ask about it, just pretended it didn't exist and didn't see it.

As soon as they go.

The lobby of the restaurant is much empty.

"That..." Ayumi said weakly, "Conan, let's go out and watch the parade."

Conan still has a lot of questions in his heart, but seeing the three little ghosts staring at him with burning eyes, he finally said cruelly: "Ayumi, go and see, I will look for you in a while."


The three little devils had no choice but to look at Hanyu Shirasawa, quietly moved towards the door of the restaurant little by little, and when they got close to the door, they turned around tacitly and ran out in big strides.

"Pfft." Miyamoto Yumi finally couldn't help laughing, patted Hanyu Shirasawa's arm, and teased: "Bai Ze, what did you do to them? Why do they seem so afraid of you."

Hanyu Baisawa said quietly: "These three brats did some dangerous things last time. I met them and gave them a hard lesson. I guess they left a psychological shadow."

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Conan and asked, "Why don't you go with them?"

"Uh..." Conan opened his mouth, looked at Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto, and nodded at Hanyu Shirasawa.

Hanyu Shirasawa narrowed his eyes, walked to a table not far away, and sat on a chair.

Conan followed naturally, sat on the chair opposite, and asked quietly: "Mr. Hanyu, I want to know, how did you know that he had a bomb in his hand?"

"Did you forget my rules, and you thought I would say it for free?"

"Well... how much is it?"

"Hehe." Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, thinking of what Miyano Shiho said, the smile on his face became more kind: "This time I don't need money."


Conan's heart skipped a beat, and a vigilant expression appeared on his face.

He is very clear that there is no free lunch in the world, and the less expensive things are, the more expensive they may be. Maybe there are some traps inside, waiting for people to take the bait.

"That... I still don't ask." Conan finally decided to give up.

Hanyu Baisawa said with a bewitching tone: "If you know how I can determine a person's problem so quickly, it may not be useful for you to solve the case in the future. You really don't want to know?"


A bitter face appeared on Conan's face, and he was so entangled in his heart.

It's okay if you don't listen, but now he really can't bear to hear such a narration.


He gritted his teeth and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Hanyu, tell me, what is your request (cjdb) if you don't want money this time?"

"It's very simple, just give me some more of your blood."

"I do not......"

"Don't worry, you won't need too much, just a needle."

"This... okay." Conan breathed a sigh of relief, if it was just a needle of blood, he would still be willing.

But he couldn't think of it anyway.

The last time he was drawn blood by the needle tube that Miyano Shiho held, it was a needle tube only smaller than an adult's arm, not an ordinary small needle tube at all.

If he had known this situation, he might have rejected this transaction without even thinking about it.

Mr. Hanyu smiled, and said quietly: "Actually, I know it's very simple, and it's the same as knowing that you are getting smaller."

"Huh?" Conan was confused.

"Not clear enough?" Hanyu Baisawa lied: "It means that there is a team behind me, which specializes in collecting information on these trails, which is why I was able to recognize the other party just now. Well, that's all. "


Conan still didn't understand that he was being tricked, and he was playing tricks on his own initiative.

Sure enough, he was right in his mind, the more free things are, the more deceitful they may be, and there are even traps, and he fell for it this time.


With a cold snort, he jumped off the chair, turned around and ran towards the door.

Hanyu Baisawa said lightly: "Remember, I will go to you when I have time. If you want to renege on your debt, you can't."

After speaking, whether he heard it or not, he came back to the two women.

"What did you whisper to a brat?" Miyamoto Yumi asked curiously.

"It's nothing." Mr. Hanyu shook his head: "It's just that kid Conan who said that he wants to be a detective when he grows up. He wanted to ask me how I found out that something was wrong with that person."

Miwako Sato curled her lips and said, "I want you to know the truth from your mouth. I think it is the most difficult thing in the world. You must have fooled Conan around? I saw his expression when he left was ugly. of."

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged: "This is a matter of willingness to fight and willingness to suffer, and there is no meaning of cheating or not."

"Look, it's starting to talk nonsense again."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to explain to you."

"Tch." Miwako Sato looked at the bustling crowd outside the glass window, and said in a low voice, "Bai Ze, what do you think those people want to do? They really just don't like this team winning the championship?"

"Who knows." Hanyu Shirasawa replied lazily.


Officer Mumu and the others came out of the dining room, with excited expressions on their faces, and said happily:

"Brother Hanyu, we already know where his accomplices are, and now we are going to act. Are you going with us, or are you here?"

"Just here, waiting for your good news.".

Chapter 0200: Miwako, are you excited?

time flies.


two hours later.

Police officer Mu Mu and his group came back, and at the same time captured seven or eight burly men.

And these seven or eight people are the black hands of this incident, in order to attract everyone's attention during the parade, so that they can go to the nearby post office to grab money. Although the brain circuit is a bit strange, they still ended in failure. .

It's all over.

Everyone separated.

The three of them, Hanyu Shirasawa, Sato Miwako, and Miyamoto Yumi, were outside the restaurant.

Miwako Sato sighed: "What happened today is really wonderful. If you hadn't passed by here suddenly, Bai Ze, those gangsters' plans might have really succeeded."

Hanyu Baisawa smiled: "You may not believe it, but if that guy didn't want to blow up my car, I probably wouldn't have cared about it."

"Why?" Miyamoto Yumi was curious.

Hanyu Shirasawa glanced at the black Mazda parked by the side of the road, and said faintly:

"You may not believe it. I bought this car with more than half of my savings. In the days that followed, I was anxious about money for a long time. If that guy blows up this car, I'll have to He's been ripped apart."


The two women were a little taken aback, looked at each other subconsciously, and then laughed together.

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