
"Really, Bai Ze, I think this is really your style."

"That is to say, the gangster probably never thought that he was caught because he wanted to blow up a car. If he knew this would happen, he might have to wash the glass of your car at that time. With respect to you."

"Hahaha, it's even funnier to say that."

The two women leaned back and forth while laughing, their hearty laughter made people feel comforted inexplicably.

Hanyu Baisawa sneered and said, "That means you can only laugh if your car is blown up. If your car is blown up, I'm afraid you won't be able to cry."

"Hey." Miyamoto Yumi smiled triumphantly: "That's really embarrassing, I always drive the patrol car assigned to me by the headquarters, but I never have my own car."

Miwako Sato also smiled and said, "I'm in the same situation. I always drive my dad's car. Even if it gets bombed, it's not me who feels distressed, it can only be him."


Hanyu Shirasawa was a little speechless.

What the two women said was quite reasonable. Anyway, the core is that it is not their own car, so even if it is bombed, they will not feel distressed.

In fact, he regrets it now. After all, he always has a feeling that his dungeon system, in the equipment column, is likely to get a car, and it is even modified by the system, so he doesn't need to refuel himself.

This is not just wishful thinking, he thinks it is very possible, after all, the auxiliary tool such as "master key" has appeared last time, and it is normal for a car to appear.


Hanyu Baisawa sighed softly, it's too late to say anything now, the car has already been bought, so it can only be driven as it is, unless one day the system really sends one, then this car can basically be ignored up.

"By the way, Bai Ze, what are you going to do when you drive out today?" Miwako Sato asked curiously.

Hanyu Baisawa said nonchalantly, "I'm going to take a look at the East Sakura Tower."

"East Sakura Iron Tower?" Miwako Sato raised her eyebrows, and then said with a sudden realization: "Could it be that you saw the news last night and decided to go there tonight?"

Miyamoto Yumi followed and said: "I also saw this news last night on Mihua TV. Unfortunately, I have other things to do tonight and I can't go. Otherwise, I must go and watch it."

"That's right, just go there."

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded slightly, and the face of "Chikage" appeared in his mind unconsciously.

He really hoped to see each other tonight, talk about what happened last time, and admit that he said something wrong, not Chikage Kuroba, but Chikage Hanyu.

"That's great." Miwako Sato said enviously, "Should I take Ms. Yukiko and the others with me?"

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head:


"Hey, have you offended some other woman?"

"Slandering me, right?" Hanyu Baisawa said angrily, "Don't think so badly of me, okay? This time I won't take anyone with me, I just went to see it by myself."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????


Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto were astonished, they never expected this answer.

Miyamoto Yumi said suspiciously: "No, you are a man, what do you go there to see at night? There must be something wrong with you."

"That's right." Sato Miwako also felt that something was wrong.

Anyway, taking her as an example, she would definitely not go to that kind of place by herself, because it is a bit boring to be alone, and only in pairs can experience the fun there.

Hanyu Baisawa said quietly: "No, why are you bothering so much. Can I go alone? Why, you two want to go with me?"

Miyamoto Yumi waved her hand: "Didn't I tell you that I have something to do tonight and I don't have time."

...... 0

Sato Miwako said solemnly: "I dare not go with you, I am afraid that I will count the money for you if I am sold."

"Okay, I won't talk to you guys anymore, let's go."

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, waved his hand coolly and left, came to his car, got in the car and started to leave.

The two women watched the car go away without showing anything on their faces, they were just thinking in their hearts, probably only they knew it.

Miyamoto Yumi glanced at her best friend next to her, and teased, "Miwako, why didn't you agree to his request just now, and go with him at night?"

Sato Miwako said righteously: "Didn't I tell you last time, he is on so many boats, I don't want to trap myself in it."

Miyamoto Yumi smiled strangely: "But I always feel that you are not far away from this day. When he invited you just now, was your heart particularly excited?"

Miwako Sato couldn't hold back any longer, a little blush appeared on her face, and she still said stubbornly:

"Yumi, let me ask if you can stop gossiping like this. Last time you wanted to say that you would try it with him, but don't really do such a stupid thing."

"Hehe, who knows."

"You... Forget it, I don't care about you, you will regret it later."

"Hehe, who knows." Miyamoto Yumi said exactly the same thing, and walked towards the patrol car not far away after speaking.

Miwako Sato shrugged and followed directly, preparing to go back to the Metropolitan Police Department in her best friend's car

Chapter 0201: The Appearance of Koizumi Hongzi

Time flickers.


Nine p.m.

Below the East Sakura Tower.

At this time, it can be said that this place is very lively. There are young men and women everywhere. Those who are single will only feel uncomfortable when they appear here, because all the people here are couples.

Although it was surprising that Hanyu Shirasawa appeared here alone, but with a thick skin, he didn't care about the gazes around him at all, and just scanned the crowd.

He has been here since the afternoon, and has been looking around at the people coming in and out, but he stared until it was dark, and he didn't even see the shadow of "Qianying", so he was a little puzzled.


"You're not kidding me, are you?"

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't doubt it at first, but now he suddenly felt that he might be tricked, and the chance of this was very high.

After all, everything in "[-]" has two sides. If there is truth, there is falsehood. He never thought of the other side before, and now he waits here until it gets dark, only to realize that this news might really be someone teasing him .

"Or, when I was late in the morning, Qianying had already gone up?"

Hanyu Shirasawa thought of this possibility again.

Anyway, no matter what the possibility is, he needs to verify it himself in the end.

Thinking of this, he headed towards the inside of the iron tower instead of guarding it outside.


His "sixth sense" was warning frantically, giving him a feeling that someone was staring at him.

Hanyu Shirasawa turned his head sharply, and under the illumination of the surrounding street lights, he saw a figure under a big tree in the green belt by the roadside.


Ability "Eagle Eye" activates.

Let Hanyu Baisawa see the figure clearly.

She was wearing a school uniform, dark blue medium-length straight hair, tea-red pupils, a pretty face, and a few crows standing on the branches above her head.

Hanyu Shirasawa understood that the previous crow was caused by this girl, and he also recognized the girl, and said softly:

"Koizumi Hongko..."

That's right, the girl opposite is none other than an extraordinary figure in this world——Koizumi Hongzi.


He exhaled lightly, and just as he was about to go, a figure in front of him came over and blocked his sight, and when the figure left, the figure of Koizumi Hongzi under the tree in the distance had disappeared, disappeared without a trace Disappeared, as if it had never been there.

"System, open the panel."

Hanyu Shirasawa felt that it was impossible for this girl to get involved with him for no reason, so he was going to open the panel to have a look.

When he saw the information on the panel, he knew that his guess was correct.

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Abilities: Bullet Time, Invulnerability, Internal Breathing, Absorption, Eagle Eye, Sixth Sense]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F unlimited bullet version, smoke bomb unlimited version, high-explosive grenade unlimited version, flash bomb unlimited version, tear gas bomb unlimited version, hang glider unlimited version, master key]

"Forget it, leave her alone, wait until we find Qianying."

Hanyu Shirasawa turned around and entered the iron tower.

Now he was finally sure that this was not a prank. If it was a letter sent by Hongzi Koizumi, it could basically be said to be true.


Take the elevator.

He came to the watchtower in the iron tower.

After getting out of the elevator and coming here, I found that there are a lot of people here, all of them are couples, and few of them are alone.

His goal this time is not here, but the top floor.

So he walked to another elevator, but there was a security guard here:

"Sir, those who go upstairs today must have an invitation card."

"I haven't." Hanyu Shirasawa replied flatly.

"Sir, I'm sorry, if you don't have one, you can't go in." The security guard shook his head.

"Can't you really go in?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked quietly.

If the above is a trap this time, how could it be possible not to let people go upstairs.

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