"Wrong, you should call her Miss Yukiko Hanyu."

"Oh my God!" Qianying covered her mouth excitedly, her eyes were full of disbelief, she didn't know what she thought of, her pretty face gradually turned red, and her eyes became watery.

Seeing this woman's change, Hanyu Shirasawa felt ashamed for a while.

In any case, he never thought that one day he would need to use his own woman's name to conquer another woman in him.

This is really impermanent, the large intestine wraps the small intestine.

While thinking this way, Fei Yingli's apartment can already be clearly seen, and the distance is getting closer and closer.

Chapter 0203: Let's go to your house tonight


Concubine Yingli's house.

In the living room at this time, an interesting scene was happening.

"Otome Sakamoto!"

"Phantom Thief Lady!"

"Otome Sakamoto."

"Lady Strange Thief."

"Sakamoto Otome..."

"Lady Strange Thief..."

"Ahhhh!!!" x2

While shouting, Yukiko and Qianying cried out happily, hugged each other tightly, and spun around in the living room.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at this scene with a dark face, why did he always feel that he was abandoned by these two women.

Fei Yingli laughed and said: "Okay, okay, it's almost ready, if you continue like this, maybe the neighbors downstairs can't bear it anymore."


The two women finally calmed down, but they still parted reluctantly, looking at each other with bright beautiful eyes.

Don't think too much, if you have time, these two women will definitely have a long talk tonight.

Yukiko looked at Hanyu Bai Ze, and said angrily: "Bai Ze, you are really disgusting, you actually attacked my idol. Although you said it last time, I was still very upset when I saw it for real. .”

Qianying smiled and said: "Miss Youxizi, there is no need for this, I think fate is really amazing."

"Oh, don't miss Miss, just call me You Xizi, and I will call you Qianying directly from now on."

"it is good."

"Yeah." Yukiko happily took Chikage's hand, as if she had endless words to say.

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, came to the sofa and sat down, and whispered to Miyano Shiho who was silently watching the play: "Xiao Ai, don't imitate them. I am the boss in this family, you have to listen to me. "


Miyano Shiho rolled his cute eyes, and silently stood up from the sofa: "I'm going to bed, I hope you all keep your voice down."

After finishing speaking, he strode back to his room and went to find his sister Miyano Akemi.

Hanyu Shirasawa rubbed his nose and muttered, "Am I rejected? Probably not...々..."

"Of course I was disgusted." Fei Yingli said angrily, and came over to sit beside him: "You don't even think about how many women there are in the family, Xiao Ai is not a real child, isn't it normal to dislike you? ?”


Hanyu Shirasawa sighed.

Thinking of this situation, it made Miyano Shiho's task even more difficult.

In the beginning, there were not many people, and there might still be opportunities, but now that there are more people, there will be a lot of worries.

But fortunately, this is Conan's world, and there is plenty of time, and there is plenty of time to complete this task, otherwise it will be really troublesome.

"By the way." Fei Yingli asked, "When will that Jinghua you mentioned come?"

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head: "At that time she said it would take a few days, so she should be here soon... Maybe it will take these two days at most."


This time when the concubine changed, Eri sighed, curled her lips and said: "Miss Sharon last time, and now Miss Qianying, Miss Jinghua will come soon. Bai Ze, you have been really hardworking recently."

Hanyu Shirasawa actually wanted to ask why "Xiao Ran" wasn't included in the count, but when the words came to his lips, he still held back his desperate behavior.

If this is really said, it might be another burst of verbal criticism, after all, Xiaolan really pleases them too much.

Although I thought a lot, but it was only for a moment, I still answered Fei Yingli's question:

"Although I know that I am responsible, don't push it all on me. I am also very helpless. Let me emphasize again, this has side effects, and it is only when I have no other way."


Fei Yingli was speechless.

Every time this topic is brought up, it is always about the side effects, and she is basically used to it.

After all, there is no way to stop it, so we can only accept it honestly.

Just when Fei Yingli had nothing to say, Yukiko brought Chikage over and sat on the sofa together.

This time.

The atmosphere was not as relaxed as it was at first.

Of course, this was all aimed at Hanyu Shirasawa, and the atmosphere among the three women was still very relaxed.

"Cough." Hanyu Baisawa was the first to speak out, and said with a smile, "It's about the time, it's already so late."

You Xizi curled her lips: "It's a little late, I'm still going to stay up late."

Feiyingli laughed and said, "Youxizi, if you don't want wrinkles on your face, it's better not to do this kind of thing."

"Also..." Yukiko touched her face, then thought of her own age, and gave Hanyu Shirasawa a vicious look. She felt that it was all this man's fault that she had been wasting her youth for so long. up.

Qianying said: "Well, the time is indeed almost up, and it is indeed time to go back."

Hanyu Shirasawa stood up: "¨‖I'll take you back."

"Yeah." Qianying nodded.

Fei Yingli and Yukiko didn't intervene this time, after all, they already knew just now that Chikage and Hanyu Shirasawa had reunited for 18 years.

Although it hadn't been long since the last time at the Twilight Villa, the two of them hadn't recognized each other at that time, so it didn't count in the end.

18 years of loneliness, what will happen when they meet again, the two of them who have personally experienced it are very clear, and they can only envy them in their hearts.

"Let's go."

Hanyu Shirasawa said something to Fei Eri and Yukiko, picked up Chikage, went to the balcony and jumped down, spread the black hang glider, and shuttled through the night sky.

Looking at this scene, You Xizi suddenly patted herself on the forehead, and said annoyedly: "Last time I said that Bai Ze would bring me to fly here at night. It's been so long, and I just remembered it now."

Fei Yingli smiled and said: "I always remember it, but seeing that you never mentioned it, I thought it was just a joke last time."

"Damn it, are you lucky (are you) happy?"

"No no."

"I think there must be."



the other side.

night sky.

Hanyu Shirasawa flew quietly with Chikage in his arms, and asked after a while, "Are you living in Ekota Town now?"


"Give me an exact location."

"That..." Qianying twitched, and her cheeks turned red quickly: "Why don't you rest at your house tonight... The main reason is that I don't know where you live, so I want to take a look."

Hanyu Shirasawa lowered his head.

What I saw was a shy and good-looking face, as if thinking of something, the corners of the mouth began to rise slightly, and said softly:

"Okay, then go to my house. But I have always lived alone, and the house is a little messy, so don't dislike it."

"It's okay, I'll help you clean up."

Chapter 0204: Sharon and Qianying fight

Two in the morning.

Hanyu Shirasawa's house.

In the bedroom, Hanyu Shirasawa, who was sleeping with Chikage in his arms, suddenly heard the ringing of the phone.

In an instant, he opened his eyes, picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table next to him, looked at the number on it, and asked in surprise after connecting:

"What's the matter, I called at night."

"Heh..." Belmode on the opposite side smiled lightly, and said the most anxious thing in the calmest words: "I am surrounded by people, come and pick me up."


Hanyu Shirasawa sat up from the bed abruptly, waking up the sleeping Chikage, and asked while quickly getting dressed:

"What's the situation? Where is it?"

"Xianqiao Station."

"Is it the one still being repaired?"

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