"Yes." After Belmode finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Seeing Hanyu Baisawa put down the phone, Chikage was able to ask, "Do you want to go out?"

"Well, it's okay, I'll be back in a while."

Hanyu Baisawa lowered his head and kissed her on the lips, opened the window of the bedroom, and the whole person jumped down, unfolded the hang glider while in the air, and turned on the propeller at the same time, quickly flew to Xianqiao Station.

Time is fast.

10 minute later.

He had already flown above Xianqiao Station, looking at the many cars parked around the station below, his eyes narrowed.

"People from the police?"

"People from the CIA?"

Hanyu Shirasawa circled 250 times in the air, and found that no matter where he went down, he would be found, so he found smoke bombs and tear gas bombs, and threw them directly from the air, or lost dozens of them in a row.


Noisy voices came from the people below, no matter what they did not expect that someone could attack silently from the air, and they were caught off guard.

It’s okay to talk about smoke bombs. The most excessive thing is tear gas bombs. If you are not prepared, it will be so sour and sour.

Taking advantage of this time, Hanyu Shirasawa quickly landed on the highest point of the station building, took out his mobile phone at the same time, and dialed Bellmode's number:

"I'm already here, come up quickly, I'm on the top floor."

"right away."

call ended.

Not 2 minutes.

Belmode was dressed in black and had already reached the top floor.


Hanyu Shirasawa didn't talk nonsense, picked her up, spread out the hang glider and left.

While in mid-air, he glanced at the people around the station below who hadn’t returned to normal, and said faintly:

"Once or twice is okay, more times, I guess they will definitely bring the gas mask next time."

Belmode (cjdb) was very elegant from the moment we met, without any sense of being surrounded, gently touching his face, and said in a low voice:

"I don't think there will be a next time, this time is just an accident."


Hanyu Shirasawa curled his lips, looked down at this charming woman, and asked about the business:

"Sharon, I remember that I told you all the undercover agents in the organization, why are you still surrounded?"

"So I said this time was just an accident. I was betrayed by a little mouse. I thought he cherished my life, but I didn't expect that he would dare to play with me and die together."

"and then?"

"Then of course he was killed by me, and I was surrounded by this group of people."

What Belmode said was a simple thing like eating and drinking.


Hanyu Baisawa really had nothing to say, he could only fly forward silently, while smelling the fragrance from her body, or just glance at her from time to time.

With a perfect body and an angelic face, when she is quiet, she has a very charming temperament and looks very charming.

Even if you don't have any thoughts, as long as you stay with her, the surrounding atmosphere will become more beautiful.

Belmode said quietly:

"Please don't look at me all the time. I don't want to bump into a tall building somewhere with you. It would be really embarrassing."

"Why, I can't watch my wife?"

"I was watching slowly when I went back, now you look at the front honestly." Belmode decisively stretched out his white and tender hand, and lifted the man's head abruptly.

"Ha ha……"

Hanyu Shirasawa laughed, thinking it was very funny.

But suddenly, his ability "Sixth Sense" began to activate again. The strong feeling made him turn his head to look at a tall building in the distance, and at the same time use the ability that wrote his "Eagle Eye".


Looking through a distance of a thousand meters, I saw a figure lying on the tall building in the distance.

It was a woman with short blond hair who was holding a sniper rifle and aimed straight at them.

Seeing that his expression was not right, Belmode frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, looked away, didn't care about the woman in the distance at all, and flew forward on his own.

It's not that he doesn't care, it's just that he is very confident, and now he can easily dodge bullets and the like.

And more importantly, he recognized the woman with the sniper rifle - Sera Marie.

Yes, it is Sera Marie.

"Nothing?" Belmode didn't believe this answer, but she turned her head to wait and see, and all she saw were tall buildings in the night, and some brightly lit rooms and street lights below, and she couldn't see clearly any further away up.

time flies.

10 minutes of work.

They are back.

Flying in from the balcony, as soon as she entered the living room, she found that Qianying was already dressed and sitting on the sofa.

Belmode jumped down from Hanyu Shirasawa's embrace, looked at Chikage, and said with a smile: "Hey, there is a beautiful woman at home, which is really surprising but not surprising."

"Hehe..." Hanyu Baisawa smiled awkwardly: "Well, please introduce yourself first, I'll go to the bathroom first."

After finishing speaking, he just slipped away and gave the space to the two women, letting them familiarize themselves with it.

As soon as he leaves.

The atmosphere is a little frozen.

Belmode came over and sat on the sofa, crossed his slender and straight legs, and said lightly:

"My name is Sharon, hello. By the way, just to remind you, I am the eldest of all her women. If you meet me in the future, you will call me Big Sister."

Qianying frowned, looked at this woman who was domineering in spite of her plain expression, and said unhappily: "I've never heard of a boss, if you're willing to call me, I'd like to recognize you as a little sister."

"Hehe, I still have a stubborn temper. It's easy to handle, let's fight, whoever wins will be the boss."

"You think I'm afraid of you?"

a time.

The atmosphere became tense, and the eyes of the two women gradually became sharper, as if they were about to strike in the next second.

At this moment.

Hanyu Shirasawa, who was eavesdropping at the door of the bathroom, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and hurried out:

"Haha, it's early morning now, I think everyone is almost sleepy, let's rest.".

Chapter 0205: Sharon and Qianying's verbal war

The next day.


Hanyu Shirasawa is in the living room.

Two beautiful women were sitting on the sofa, but they were far apart, holding a cup of tea in their own hands, sipping slowly there.

It's very interesting for two women to treat each other as if they don't exist.

for a long time.

Belmode put down the teacup in his hand, glanced at Qianying who was far away, and said with disdain:

"The technology is so bad, you can imagine your position in his heart. Tsk tsk... really pitiful."


Qianying's expression froze, and then her whole face turned red, and said three words through gritted teeth: "Shameless~!"

"Heh~" Belmode smiled, lay down leisurely behind the sofa, folded his legs, and gently swayed there, and said quietly: "I should say this to you." Yeah, then why-why didn't you leave?"


Qianying frowned deeply, she really hated this woman, but what the other party said made her a little overwhelmed, - it was too annoying.

She rolled her beautiful eyes, and suddenly thought of the words to counterattack, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she said with a smile:

"Oh, I'm really not good at technology, but I'm not as skilled as some people. Tell me, why is that?"

The words fell.

The atmosphere at the scene became quiet.

Just when Qianying thought she had the upper hand, she realized that Belmode was not moved at all, and just looked at herself with pity.

This look made her very uncomfortable, as if she was pitying a beggar, she felt a nameless anger in her heart, and she really wanted to hit someone.

Just when she was about to explode.

Belmode smiled and said:

"Qianying, right?"

"Hmph~" Qianying snorted coldly, expressing her dissatisfaction with a disdainful nasal voice.

Belmode teased: "Let me ask you, do you think there is a possibility?"

"What's possible?" Qianying frowned.

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