"It's just..." Belmode picked up his teacup again without haste, took a sip, and said slowly: "That's why I have such good skills, and I actually practiced with him. You Do you think my answer makes sense?"

"Crack" sound.

Qianying seemed to hear her own heartbroken voice, with a dazed expression on her face.

Belmode's last words seemed to be deeply imprinted in her mind, and they kept repeating, impacting her heart.

for a long time.

She recovered.

There was only one thought in my mind: Is the clown myself?


Taking a deep breath, Qianying pretended not to hear, ignored this hateful woman, and sipped tea here on her own.

She lost.

She was completely defeated, and even took the initiative to go up and slap people in the face, which really made her uncomfortable.

Belmode spoke again: "Okay, after what happened last night, I can barely recognize you. If I'm not around in the future, you can help me take care of him."


Qianying was stunned. She just pretended not to hear, not really. After hearing these words, she felt very strange and asked:

"What do you mean? Are you going to die? Have some terminal illness?"


The corner of Belmode's mouth twitched slightly, a black line appeared on the rare forehead, and he said coldly: "Don't let me know that you cursed me like this on purpose. What I just said was just literal meaning. I often They're all busy, do you understand what I mean?"

"whispering sound."

Qianying curled her lips, she didn't expect that she had misunderstood, and ignored Belmode again, continuing to pretend that she didn't exist.

But after this chat.

There was no imaginary tension between the two, but it was much calmer, and they both accepted each other's existence.

A "click" sounded.

The bedroom door opens.

Hanyu Baisawa came out yawning, looked at the two girls who were sitting on the sofa far apart, and greeted with a smile: "Good morning, are you hungry?"

Qianying shook her head.

Belmode said: "I'm hungry, prepare breakfast for me."


Qianying was slightly taken aback, seeing Belmode's natural expression, blushed, and hurriedly changed her words: "I'm hungry too, I want to eat too."


Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, went to the bathroom to wash his face, and then began to prepare breakfast for the two girls.

Belmode looked at his busy back, and said to Qianying indifferently: "It seems that you are not used to it. We are already a family, there is no need to hide anything, just say it directly."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

Qianying said with a guilty conscience: "I'm just being polite. I used to be alone, so I didn't get used to it for a while."

"Oh, to..."

Belmode closed his mouth as soon as he opened his mouth, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his ears moved slightly.

Qianying made the same expression. As a phantom thief lady, she is very sensitive to some movements, and said, "The phone rings, it seems to be coming from the bedroom."

"Bai Ze, your phone is ringing." Belmode shouted at the man in the kitchen.

"Anyone of you help me get it."

"it is good."

Qianying got up and walked into the bedroom, and soon came to the kitchen with her mobile phone.

Hanyu Baisawa took the phone, looked at the phone number on it, with surprise and helplessness in his eyes, and asked after connecting:

. . . . . . .

"Jinghua, have you dealt with it?"

"Well, it's dealt with." The voice of Chi Bo Jinghua was on the opposite side: "By the way, I will arrive at noon today, and you will pick me up then."

"Okay, which station?"

"Rice Flower Station."

"it is good."

"Then I'll hang up first."

"Huh..." Hanyu Baisawa exhaled lightly, looked at the hung up mobile phone, and handed it to Chikage next to him.

Qianying asked, "Who is it?"

"Who else can it be?" Belmode came to the kitchen at some point, and said quietly, "Apart from women who are in the same situation as us, who else do you think?"

Chikage suddenly thought of what happened last night, the meeting with Fei Yingli and Yukiko.

At that time, she had heard from them that it was not just the two of them, and she didn't pay attention to it at the beginning, but after only one night of hard work, she has already realized it deeply.

Looking at the situation, it seems that another person she has never seen before, and she even thought of her friend she knew - Sera Marie.

"Oh, trouble."

Qianying rubbed her eyebrows, although she knew that this man was a big pit, but when she really experienced it, she realized how speechless it was.

It's a pity that it's a done deal, it's useless to say anything now, everything is a foregone conclusion.

"Ahem." Hanyu Baisawa said, "Well, Sharon, don't leave today. Let's get together at noon."

Chapter 0206: A large collection of heroines

Time flickers.


Rice Flower Station.

Chi Bo Jinghua took her suitcase and came to the outside of the station very dignifiedly, looked left and right, and saw a black Mazda not far from the roadside, and the man standing at the door waving .

She walked towards the man slowly, and after a while she came in front of him, handed out her suitcase with both hands, and said with a smile:

"Please teach me more in the future, teacher."

"It's still called Teacher, don't you feel embarrassed?" Hanyu Baisawa smiled and took the suitcase, opened the trunk and put it in.

Chi Bo Jinghua said softly: "I'm just saying goodbye to the past, Bai Ze."

"That's right."

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded in satisfaction, and took the initiative to help her open the door of the passenger seat.

Chi Bo Jinghua got into the car and asked while fastening his seat belt: "Where should we "[-]" go now?"

"Of course I went to eat, it's already noon." Hanyu Baisawa got in the car, started the car and left: "Also, I will introduce some people to you later."

"it is good."

Chi Bo Jinghua nodded, of course she knew who she was going to see later.

It was the women of Hanyu Shirasawa, and she was very curious about these women.

After all, Xiaolan already knew the names of several people last time. In fact, Feiyingli and Yuxiko are both famous people, and they can find information on the Internet.


ten minutes later.

Rice Hotel.

Hanyu Shirasawa parked the car, walked in with Ikebo Shizuka, then went to the third floor, and opened the door of a private room.


It is a group of Yingying Yanyan.

To be honest, after Ikebo Jinghua saw these women with her own eyes, her breathing was stagnant, and she couldn't help but look at Hanyu Shirasawa. She just felt that this man had a really good eye. They were all super beauties. It seemed that none of them It's ordinary people.

Who are the women here at this time?

Ran, Hieiri, Yukiko, Belmode, Chikage.

Fei Yingli got up, came to Chibo Jinghua, pulled her to the empty seat by the dining table and sat down, and said at the same time: "We heard from Bai Ze that Miss Jinghua is coming, so we have a special gathering to discuss with each other. Let's meet."

"Thank you."

Chi Bo Jinghua spoke softly, sat in a very dignified position, glanced at the women with different expressions, and introduced herself actively:

"Hello, my name is Chibo Jinghua, please give me your advice."

The girls didn't come to show off their power, and they all said their names one after another.

For a while, it was quite enjoyable.

"Cough cough."

Hanyu Shirasawa coughed twice, found a place to sit down on his own, and asked, "By the way, have you ordered yet?"

You Xizi said quietly: "Of course, I guess it won't be long before the dishes are served."

"Oh." Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, wanting to say something, but didn't know what to say.

So many people gathered together, and they were all related to him, so he had to be careful when dealing with it, for fear of causing any trouble.

"Miss Jinghua." Belmode said at this time: "I wonder if I can tell you how you and Bai Ze met?"

"Of course." Chi Bo Jinghua's mouth curled up slightly, and he said slowly: "You may not believe me, but Bai Ze was once my teacher and taught me the way of swordsman for a while."


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