Among the girls, except for Xiaolan, all of them looked at Hanyu Shirasawa with inexplicable eyes, as if they were looking at scum.

Moreover, things like teachers and students do have a bit of taboo and excitement.

"Cough cough."

Hanyu Baisawa couldn't stand this look, and hurriedly said: "It can't be called a teacher, to be precise, it should be similar to what we call a coach now. It's just that there was no money to ask for advice at that time, and it was just taught for free."

"Free?" You Xizi laughed and said, "The things that are free are often the most expensive. You see, although you didn't choose to collect money, you chose to accept Miss Jinghua. Qianying, are you right?"

"Yes." Chikage agreed, she and Yukiko had a crush on each other since the first time they met, and now they can be said to be on the united front.

It's okay not to speak.

Now Hanyu Shirasawa opened his mouth.

It directly caused all the girls to shift their targets, and began to criticize him one by one.

In the end, it even involved Xiaolan who had been quiet all along.

Feiyingli held Xiaolan's hand, and said pitifully, "Look, he's such a bastard, even a good boy like Xiaolan would go after him."

Chibo Jinghua's eyes, which were still watching the show, became sharp in an instant, staring at Hanyu Baisawa...

Regarding Xiaolan's matter, she was very unhappy when she was in Osaka, and now hearing it again, she is still very upset.

"That..." Xiaolan blushed weakly and said, "Don't talk about Brother Bai Ze, it makes him look so pitiful."

Hanyu Baisawa's face was full of relief, he really felt that he didn't love this little girl in vain, and he knew that he loved her.

Belmod sneered and said, "Xiao Lan, there's no need to feel sorry for him. He has a thick skin, so he won't feel any discomfort because of this."

"Yes, Xiaolan." You Xizi continued, and then said: "Today is Miss Jinghua and our first meeting, how about we go shopping after lunch?"

Chi Bo Jinghua said: "There's no need to be so polite, just call me Jinghua."

Someone takes the lead.

The girls started chatting again.

No more verbal criticism of Hanyu Shirasawa.

"Well, I'll go and rush to see if the food is ready."

After Hanyu Baisawa finished speaking, he hurriedly got up and left the private room, it was really too depressing here, maybe this is the price of opening a harem.


When he came outside, he let out a long breath. He felt relieved, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

Although it is very depressing inside, the atmosphere is good, and there is no quarrel, and everyone seems to be relatively harmonious.

As long as they can get along harmoniously, it's fine for him to point all the blame at 3.1, he can bear it.

"Well, it feels like this is just the beginning."

Hanyu Shirasawa was very helpless, and walked slowly towards the bathroom.

But just two steps away, when he came to the door of the box next door.

A "click" sound.

The door of the box opened, and a familiar person appeared.

Taking advantage of the opened door, Hanyu Baisawa glanced at the situation inside, and raised his eyebrows, because there were also familiar people inside, and there were quite a few of them.


The atmosphere was a little depressing.

Hanyu Shirasawa and the man who opened the door of the private room looked at each other, their eyes stared at each other without blinking, and they both saw themselves in each other's eyes.


The man smiled, a bit ugly, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Hanyu, how about coming in and chatting?".

Chapter 0207: Blackmail Amuro Toru

Hanyu Baisawa listened to the words of the man in front of him, squinted his eyes, and said quietly:

"Mr. Amuro, are you sure you want to let me in?"

That's right, the man who opened the box in front of him is Toru Amuro.

In fact, Hanyu Shirasawa didn't even think that Toru Amuro would be in the private room next door to him, and there were many acquaintances in the private room, which was really surprising.

"Sure." Amuro said with a serious face, stepping aside: "Mr. Hanyu, please come in."


Hanyu Shirasawa was not afraid of anything, and walked in directly.

What about the people in the private room?

In fact, it is none other than Conan, Akai Shuichi, Judy, and James Black.

There are only a few of them in total.

It's not surprising that they are here, but it's strange that Toru Amuro is here.

And Toru Amuro thought the same way, when he opened the door and saw Hanyu Shirasawa, he knew that he couldn't hide his identity, so he invited him in.

"Mr. Hanyu, good afternoon." Judy was the first to say hello.

Conan stared at the dead fish eyes, still thinking about the last time he was cheated, and immediately gritted his teeth.

"You are all right."

Hanyu Baisawa pulled out a chair and sat down, looked at Toru Amuro who was sitting next to him, and joked: "Mr. Amuro, I remember you seem to be a member of some criminal organization, why did you get involved with the FBI?"

Mention this matter.

Amuro Toru was helpless.

Last time, I bought the news of Kudo Shinichi from Hanyu Shirasawa, that is, Conan.

He went to Conan to confess his identity, and then Conan told the FBI about his identity.

In the end when the two of them met, they almost didn't fight because of some things in the past, and even Hideo Akai spoke out all the conflicting things before, and finally resolved the grievances between them.

And they gathered here today because they wanted to talk about what happened at "Xianqiao Station" last night.

There is only one person to meet. As for who the person to meet is, only they know.

"Cough cough."

Toru Amuro came back from his thoughts, and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Hanyu, I think with your IQ, you should be able to guess the situation in front of you."

"Okay." Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged and said with a smile, "It is indeed speculated. You should not be a member of the Black Organization, but an undercover agent sent by some force, right?"

"Yes." Toru Amuro nodded, with a serious expression on his face: "I am a member of the public security department, so Mr. Hanyu, please keep my undercover matter a secret. After all, you are still an information dealer, and I hope you will not sell my information. go."

"That's it..." Hanyu Baisawa dragged his voice, and then said, "What if I say no?"


The box fell silent.

Instantly became depressed.

Akai Shuichi opened his squinted eyes.

Amuro narrowed his opened eyes.

Judy frowned, James Black stroked his chin wondering what he was thinking, and the expression on Conan's face kept changing.

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't care about the pressure around him at all, and smiled, "Why, you guys treat me like a criminal, am I breaking the law?"


No one answered his words.

for a long time.

Akai Hideichi said softly, "Mr. Hanyu, how much hush money do you want?"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and clapped his hands: "Mr. Akai, it has to be you. I didn't expect that the person who knows me best is you."

Conan rolled his eyes. In fact, he had already thought of this kind of result, but he hadn't had time to say it yet.

In other words, he just wanted to see Hanyu Baisawa being bullied by the group of people around him, and he would only say it when it was about the same time, but unfortunately he didn't have this opportunity.

When Toru Amuro heard this, his face darkened instantly: "Mr. Hanyu, you should cooperate with me in this kind of thing. After all, I am a police officer and you are a citizen."

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded: "Yes, yes, you are right, I will definitely cooperate with you, and I promise not to say anything. But there are so many of you here, maybe you will blame me if the news spreads in the future body. It's making it hard for me."

The meaning of these words is already very simple.

It probably means——I can agree to you on the surface, but I can tell you secretly that you don't have any evidence yet.


Amuro took a deep breath, he understood, and asked through gritted teeth: "So, how much are you going to ask for?"

Hanyu Shirasawa thought for a while, and said, "Five million, to be honest, this price should be very cheap."


Toru Amuro's heart throbbed violently. As a working emperor, he didn't have so much money, otherwise he wouldn't be able to work everywhere, and he wouldn't be able to apply for funds from the people above because of this kind of thing.

Therefore, he looked at Akai Shuichi and the others who had only cooperated for a long time, and prepared to ask for their help.


James Black is the head of the FBI, so he spoke: "Mr. Amuro, I can lend you money, but I hope you don't refuse when you need your police in the future."

"Okay." Toru Amuro gritted his teeth and nodded, the most important thing now is to keep his mouth shut, other things will be discussed later.


It's that simple.

James Black asked Hanyu Shirasawa for his bank card number, not knowing who to call.

Not for a while.

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