Hanyu Baisawa received a transfer message on his mobile phone.

"Okay, happy cooperation, I won't bother you with 267."

After Hanyu Shirasawa finished speaking, he even patted the shoulder of the big wronged Toru Amuro, got up and left the box.

As soon as he leaves.

Judy asked: "Why do we have to give him money, can't we just deduct him?"

Akai Hideichi shook his head: "No way. Although Mr. Hanyu's fame is partly due to him, most of the credit should be attributed to the team behind him."

"That's right." Toru Amuro echoed with a serious face: "So it's useless for us to detain him, maybe it will anger the team behind him, and it may not be possible to let out some of our secrets. Could be us."

"That's it." Judy was stunned.

In fact, this is all their wishful thinking.

It is estimated that if they really dare to do this, Hanyu Shirasawa would not mind sending them to hell.

Conan asked: "By the way, who are you waiting for here? Haven't you arrived yet?"

Akai Shuichi said in a low voice: "Wait for a senior, an agent of MI6."

Conan asked curiously, "Is that so, male or female?"


"What time is the agreed meeting?"

"Judy, what time is it?" Akai Hideichi asked.

Judy looked at the time and replied, "It's one o'clock soon."

"The time has passed, it seems that she will not see us, let's go.".

Chapter 0208: Bai Ze: My Xiaolan has changed

the other side.

After Hanyu Shirasawa left the box, he returned to his women's box.

But when they came in, they found that all the dishes had been served, and these women had already started eating by themselves.

"It just so happened that you came back." Fei Yingli said in a strange way: "Before you went out to urge the food, it really had an effect. I didn't expect you to come up soon after you left."

"That's right." You Xizi echoed: "Also, your ability to urge food from a distance is very good. I heard from the waiter that they didn't see you at all. You really have the ability. Bai Ze , teach me next time, and it will be easy to use when I encounter this situation in the future.”


Hanyu Shirasawa was speechless by these two women, originally he just found an excuse to go out.

Well now, it was discovered.

However, he has a thick skin, and he even smiled. He came to the place where he lived before and sat down, picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

"Well, these meatballs are good. Xiaolan, eat more." Hanyu Shirasawa picked up a chopstick of meatballs for Xiaolan.

When he was about to pick up the second chopstick, his "sixth sense" frantically warned him that it would be dangerous to continue like this.

So, following the reminder of his ability, he looked up at the girls and found that they were all staring at him, and he immediately understood.

"Come on, come on, try it too, it tastes really good."

Hanyu Shirasawa was very natural, and put the meatballs into their bowls one by one.

Can make people helpless.

I don't know if the chef is good, but there are only seven meatballs, and one for each person will be gone.

For a moment, he thought of the restaurants in his own world, which seemed to be almost the same, but he didn't expect it to be the same in the anime world.


Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head speechlessly, he knew that he should add a little more money to let the chef make the dishes richer, but it is too late now.

"Bai Ze, I want to eat that lobster, it's too far away from me." Yukiko suddenly said at this time.

"Wait." Hanyu Baisawa came back to his senses, and stood up directly to hold her.

But this time the move.

It's like opening Pandora's box.

During the following lunch time, except for Xiaolan who didn't do anything wrong, the rest of the women seemed to have their hands shortened, and they insisted on eating the food he picked up, which really left him speechless.



time flies.

Lunch is over.

The girls had already decided to go shopping after lunch.

Needless to say, let's start directly.

Not to mention, so many beauties were dispatched, which really attracted the attention of countless passers-by.

All the way can be said to attract bees and butterflies. Anyway, when he arrived at the Mihua Department Store, Hanyu Baisawa had blocked more than 20 men who came forward to strike up a conversation, and even beat up a stubborn man. If he did, he was ready to pull out his gun and kill that guy.

Although the journey was hard, the girls were very satisfied and treated him much better.


In a men's store.

Yukiko brought a tie, tied it on Hanyu Baisawa, took two steps back and looked it up and down, and finally nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, this one is good."

Fei Yingli held a pair of leather shoes in her hand, and even asked Hanyu Shirasawa to try them on, and then began to greet the clerk: "By the way, wrap these shoes for me, and remember to send two pairs of socks."

Belmode and Chikage, one holding the jacket and the other holding the trousers, just gestured at Hanyu Shirasawa, and then asked the clerk to pack it.

What Shizuka Chiba held was a belt, but this time I asked Hanyu Shirasawa to try it out, and bought it when he thought it was suitable.

Xiaolan didn't know what to buy, and finally bought a pair of sunglasses under the introduction of a group of aunts.

"Everyone..." Hanyu Baisawa held the six bags in his hands, looked at the six girls with a moved face, and said in a low voice, "You guys are so kind to me, I didn't expect that you would buy them for me first when I went shopping. "


The expressions of the women are all different.

But they all have one thing in common, they looked at Hanyu Shirasawa suspiciously, then smiled at each other, and walked out of the store together.

time flies.

If Hanyu Shirasawa was happy at the beginning because all the girls bought him something, he is not happy now.

two hours later.

The exit of Mihua Department Store.

The girls came out without a single bag on them, and Hanyu Shirasawa who followed was still carrying his own six bags.

But his expression was ugly now, and he couldn't help asking: "Why did you buy it for me so fast, but why did you buy it for yourself so slowly?"

You Xizi turned around and said with a smile, "It's because I bought it for you so quickly, so I bought it for you first."

Fei Yingli went on to say: "¨‖When I heard your thank you, I still felt strange, I don't know what you are thanking."


Hanyu Baisawa was silent, almost spit out a mouthful of blood, the emotion in his heart that didn't disappear even after walking for two hours, disappeared at this moment.

He didn't think of anything.

It turned out that it was because his own things were the best, so he was the first to buy them for himself, which made him happy for so long.

"Huh..." Exhaling lightly, he said helplessly, "Where are we going now?"

Xiaolan snapped her fingers innocently and said, "Let's go to the Kuwano Department Store to have a look. If we don't find something we like, we'll go to the Shibuya Department Store. If we haven't..."


Hanyu Shirasawa was scared, really scared.

I just spent two hours shopping here, and I'm afraid it won't be less than here in other places.

He really wanted to say some words of refusal, but seeing the girls staring at him, he swallowed the words abruptly.

"Let's go." Belmode took a deep look at Hanyu Shirasawa, and turned around with a smile.


Hanyu Shirasawa sighed, looked up at the sky, only hoped that the time would pass faster, so that the evening would come earlier.

"Brother Bai Ze, don't be in a daze." Xiaolan approached and took his hand very intimately, and dragged him forward.

"Xiaolan." Hanyu Baisawa said softly: "I feel so sad now, can you kiss me?"

"Brother Bai Ze." Xiaolan rolled her eyes angrily, "I'm not talking about these things now, shopping is the most important thing."

Hanyu Shirasawa's eyes widened.

I really didn't expect that my well-behaved and lovely Xiaolan would say such a thing. She is still a woman after all, and she couldn't resist the charm of shopping, so she fell into it successfully.

Now he can imagine how miserable it would be to go shopping with these women today.

I just hope they are more gentle and don't empty out their savings.

Chapter 0209: Bankrupt, start a copy

Seven o'clock in the evening.

Xiaolin Chengzi is very busy today, correcting the test papers in school, so I came back at this point.

Fortunately, her home is in [-]-chome, not very far from Didan Primary School. Even if she walks, she will be back in less than half an hour.


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