Standing up and stretching his wrists, Hanyu Baisawa asked softly: "No matter what, we are all on the same front now, let's talk about the situation outside."

The three were stunned.

Looking at Hanyu Shirasawa who broke free suddenly, his face showed vigilance, and they aimed their pistols at him one by one.

Hanyu Baisawa said indifferently: "Since you said they came for me, if you don't make it clear, how do I know what you are talking about?"

Sera Marie frowned, with deep surprise in her eyes, but she still explained: "A group of militants came outside, killing anyone they saw. And they named you and asked you to hand over your things."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and said, "Did you tell me my name?"

"No." Sera Marie shook her head: "But I told you about your attire. There are so many people in the airport hall, and you are the only one whose attire matches what they said."

"What's going on outside?"

"The security guards and police here are blocking them with weapons. But I feel that they won't last long. And what happened this time..."

Sera Marie stopped when she said this, and looked at the mourners in the hall in front of her, with deep guilt and intolerance in her eyes.

There are at least hundreds of innocent people here, but now more than half of them have fallen in a pool of blood. One can imagine how frenzied the people outside are.

"Back, back, back!"

"I can't stand it anymore! Everyone go back!"

"Ah! Help! I've been shot..."

Suddenly, there was a burst of noise at the entrance of the hall, and four or five policemen retreated in embarrassment with rifles in their hands.

One of the leaders quickly ran up to Hanyu Shirasawa and the others, panting and saying:

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

"Agent Shiliang, go and hide in the terminal building, we can't hold on here anymore. I think the police will come after another 10 or [-] minutes."


Sera Marie's expression was moved, and she wanted to say something, but she just uttered three words and couldn't say anything.

She finally gritted her teeth, grabbed Hanyu Baizawa's clothes, turned around and ran upstairs.

Seeing this, Akai Wuwu and Jamie followed suit.


They turned around in the building, climbed several floors, and came to a room that was not too big or too small.

There are many screens here, and pictures appear on them one after another, and it is immediately known that this is the monitoring room.

In the picture at this time, the group of militants had rushed in, and the five policemen downstairs just fell in a pool of blood. At the same time, they also controlled the survivors downstairs, checking one by one, Obviously looking for someone.

... .. 0

"This group of demons!" Black Jamie looked at the screen and roared loudly.

Gotake Akai stared at the screen, his eyes rolled quickly, and after a while he said: "There are 30 people in total, if we have to last for 10 minutes, it may be quite difficult."

The voice just fell.

Some pictures on the screen went straight to black and white.

Hanyu Baisawa said quietly: "It's amazing, you can guess that we are hiding in the monitoring room and start destroying the monitoring cameras."

For an instant.

The atmosphere became oppressive.

The eyeballs of the other three people present began to move around. It was obvious that they had their own ghosts, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Sera Marie took out a pistol and a magazine from her body, and handed it to Hanyu Shirasawa:

"Take it, I hope you don't die. We won't ask you what you did again, let's talk about everything after passing this level."

"Ha ha……"

Hanyu Shirasawa laughed, inexplicably, and Sera Mari who laughed felt uncomfortable all over.

However, he did not refuse the kindness. He put away the pistol and the magazine, and took a look at the ammunition capacity. There were eight bullets in total. Adding the original magazine in the pistol, there were sixteen bullets in total.

Akai Wuwu suggested: "Let's go, we can't hide here, they will search for it. And we have to fight back, we can't wait to die like this."

Chapter 0211: Copy of Sera Mary: 1/3

After listening to Takeshi Akai.

Except for Hanyu Shirasawa, the expressions of the other two people are very serious.

Four vs. Thirty, they all have pistols on their side, and the weakest on the other side are all assault rifles. There is no comparison at all.

If you want to fight back, that's really a dream.

for a long time.

Sera Marie stepped forward: "Come on, as long as you can last for 10 minutes."

"You." She looked at Hanyu Baisawa: "We are in a group of two, follow me."

After speaking, he walked out of the monitoring room.

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged, smiled at Gotake Akai and Jamie, and left behind her.

The two just came outside and left.

"Om" sound.

The entire building was without power.

Obviously, this was not a natural power outage. After all, the sky was clear, and the switch could only be turned off by that group of people.

"Three twenty" "Hurry up." Sera Marie's face changed slightly, and her steps also became faster.

The two walked along the corridor and quickly came to the stairs, squatting here, listening to the movement below.

Hanyu Baisawa said in a low voice: "You don't want to wait here for them to come up, do you? Are you sure your pistol can suppress their firepower?"

Sera Marie frowned: "Then what can you do?"


As soon as Hanyu Shirasawa uttered a word, hurried footsteps came from the bottom of the stairs.


The two men raised their pistols and stared closely at the following.

At the same time, Hanyu Baisawa also activated his own ability - Bullet Time.

In an instant.

The whole world seemed to stand still, Hanyu Shirasawa stared straight at the stairs.

A scene that surprised him appeared, the first thing that appeared was not a human figure, but a cylindrical object slowly flying upwards from below - a grenade.

The moment the grenade appeared, Hanyu Shirasawa pulled Sera Mari who hadn't reacted, and retreated directly to the corridor.

"What are you doing..."

"Shut up, grenade!"

As if matching his words.

At the same time as the sound fell, the sound of the grenade hitting the wall sounded, and then rolled down to the door of the stairs where they were standing just now.


There was an explosion, sending dust flying.

"Hiss~" Sera Marie gasped, only then did she realize that Hanyu Shirasawa had just saved her life.

Because the "bullet time" was not turned off, Hanyu Shirasawa stepped out immediately after the explosion, and saw three guys running upstairs with hideous faces in his field of vision.

Without any hesitation, raising the pistol was a burst of fire.

bang bang bang! ! !

With six shots in a row, the bullets were flawless, and blood mist erupted from the three of them.

In the eyes of Sera Marie, Hanyu Shirasawa seemed to be able to see through, and when he dodged out, he shot in advance, firing six shots in a row without even a second.

But she is not a vase, she reacted instantly, slipped directly on the ground, and appeared at the stairs in a half-squat, just about to shoot, only to find that the three guys who rushed up had already fallen on the stairs.


She opened her mouth, but had nothing to say.

"Go upstairs." Hanyu Shirasawa ran straight up the stairs, and at the same time heard gunshots from the other side of the stairs, probably Gotake Akai and Jamie and the others.

Sera Mari suppressed all her emotions for the time being, and followed her upstairs.

The upper floor is not just a room. It should be a place for employees to eat and entertain. What catches the eye is rows of seats, and the other side is a gym-like layout with a lot of equipment.

Surprisingly, the middle wall was open, and a passage was built to lead to the building next door.


Hanyu Shirasawa was very satisfied with the terrain here, ran to hide behind an iron box, threw the pistol casually, and took out his Beretta M92F pistol with unlimited bullets.

Sera Marie followed and saw the pistol on the ground, she couldn't help frowning, but she didn't say much.

In a few seconds.

On the other side of the stairs, Gotake Akai and Jamie ran up in disgrace, and after spotting Hanyu Shirasawa and Sera Mari, they quickly approached them.

"Shiliang, how are you doing?"

As soon as Akai Wuwu came over, he began to ask questions, and before he could answer, he explained the situation on his side: "Something is wrong. These people are not like ordinary militants. They are very capable of fighting. Since I have nothing to do with them."

"Uh..." Sera Marie was speechless, looked at Hanyu Shirasawa, and said in a low voice: "We killed three people here, there should be 27 left."

Gotake Akai and Jamie stared with surprise in their eyes. The three of them are all agents, and they came from the same place. Everyone knows what kind of skills they are...  …

The guy who even they can't handle, Sera Marie actually directly solved the three, which is somewhat outrageous.

"It's really not an ordinary person." Hanyu Shirasawa said quietly: "It looks like an anti-terrorist operation, and he knows how to take cover. He doesn't even point his guns at his teammates, and directly cross-targets them."

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