"Yes." Gotake Akai said seriously: "Especially they have assault rifles and submachine guns. We really can't do anything with pistols. If you can give me an assault rifle, I can still deal with them."

as they speak.

The downstairs was completely quiet, it seemed that there was no sound at all, and the silence was terrifying.

Available in the next second.

Footsteps could be heard from the roof above.

Sera Marie's expression changed: "Oh no, they are trying to completely block us."

After speaking, he glanced at the passage leading to the building next door: "I'm afraid there are people guarding there too."

Hanyu Shirasawa also quite appropriately poured cold water on them: "We only have 10 minutes, and they should be very clear that they will not give us a chance to stick to it."

"What do you think should be done?" Sera Marie asked, obviously thinking of him as the backbone.

"Let's go down."

Hanyu Shirasawa bent down and walked towards the direction he just came from.

Sera Marie's face kept changing, and 3.1 finally gritted his teeth and followed. Akai Gotake and Jamie followed without saying anything.


When they arrived at the stairs, Hanyu Baisawa glanced down and found that the three corpses were gone, not even the weapons were left, only a pool of blood remained.

Hanyu Baisawa turned around and said, "You definitely can't go to the first floor. There should be people on our floor just now. There are two options in total. The first is to clean up the people downstairs, and the second is to directly kill the first floor. You choose. "

That is to say, while talking.

"Om" sound.

The power was restored, and the stairs and corridors were lit.

Hanyu Baisawa didn't even think about it, he stood up and kicked against the wall, the ability "Absorptive" was activated, the whole person jumped up, and pulled the camera on his head down abruptly.

Watch his movements.

The other three understood why they did it.

Chapter 0212: Copy of Sera Mary: 1/3

There is a call.

Cameras in the terminal are back to normal.

Located downstairs, that is, in the monitoring room on the third floor, those cameras that have not broken down can take pictures of their situation at any time.

So Hanyu Baisawa decisively snapped off the camera above his head the moment the call came, so that the group of people in the monitoring room didn't know where they were for the time being.

After all, when they came up, they had already cleaned up some cameras, so they would not suspect that there was something wrong with missing a picture.

"Go slowly."

Hanyu Baisawa greeted, and came to the stairs on the third floor little by little, looked at the blood on the ground, and said in a low voice:

"I solved three guys here before, and it seems that their companions dragged the corpses in. Well, tell us your choice."

"Let's clean up the people here first." Sera Marie said: "After all, there are people in the surveillance room. We will definitely be seen by other surveillance cameras when we go downstairs. We must clean them up."

"Well, I'll open the way on the front 29, and one of you will stay here."

Hanyu Baisawa didn't care which of them stayed, he had already walked into the third floor slowly, and came to the corridor here.

As soon as he came in, he saw the camera above his head, but he didn't need to pay attention to it at this time, but stared at the door of the monitoring room, and kept turning on his ability - bullet time.

Behind them, Jamie and Sera Marie were alert to other rooms around them, and Akai Gotake was standing behind the stairs.


"Bang" a gunshot sounded.

The two of them were startled, and the pistol was aimed at the front in an instant.

Near the door of the monitoring room, a figure fell straight to the ground.

next second.

Hanyu Shirasawa fired another shot, as if he could predict the future, a person appeared at the door again, came out to catch his bullet, and fell to the ground unwillingly.


Under the stunned gaze of Sera Marie and Jamie, Hanyu Shirasawa seemed to have turned on a perspective plug-in, and shot ahead of time every time, and every time someone came out of the door of the monitoring room to hit the bullet.

No matter whether they jumped out, dodged out, or rolled out, none of them escaped.

Just such a short time.

There were already five corpses piled up at the door.


Hanyu Shirasawa exhaled lightly. With the help of "bullet time" and "sixth sense", in slow motion and strong premonition, he really seemed to be cheating. In this small-scale environment, he was very relaxed and would not feel to any pressure.

time flies.

at last.

The three of them moved to the door of the monitoring room little by little, and found that the door was closed, so they knew there must be someone inside.

Hanyu Shirasawa waved his hand and looked at the two of them.

Sera Marie hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward slowly, putting her hand on the doorknob, ready to create a chance for Hanyu Shirasawa to shoot.

Also at this time.

Hanyu Shirasawa's "sixth sense" gave a strong warning, signaling that there was danger behind the door, and without thinking too much, he decisively pulled the trigger.

bang bang bang! ! !

Five bullets in a row passed through the door in one second, and Sera Marie, who was so scared that she put her hand on the doorknob, did not dare to move, and cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

After a few seconds.

From the gap under the door, blood slowly flowed out.

"Open!" Hanyu Shirasawa said very suitably.

Sera Marie stabilized her beating heart, pushed open the door, and saw a dead body on the ground.

"The sixth person, plus the previous three, they still have 21 people."

Hanyu Shirasawa walked in while talking, looked at the screen in the room, and found many people moving in the screen, including militants with weapons.


He turned around and went out. At some point, a grenade appeared in his hand, and he threw it at the end of the corridor on the other side.

"Boom" sound.

There were several screams, and the four people I saw on the surveillance screen just now were probably wiped out in front of the high-explosive grenade.

Sera Marie took advantage of this time to scratch at the corpse on the ground, and replaced the weapon in her hand with an assault rifle.


They went back to Gotake Akai, and everyone except Hanyu Shirasawa had their weapons changed.

"You still want to use a pistol?" Sera Marie reminded kindly.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at his brand new Beretta M92F, smiled and said:

"I'm used to it. It's much easier to use than a rifle. Let me tell you about what I saw just now. There are still five people on the fifth floor upstairs. Including those who died before, there are still 17 people left in total. How about it?" , the three of you should be able to solve it, right?"

"Of course." Jamie shook the assault rifle in his hand and said to himself, "Leave the five people upstairs to me, and the twelve people downstairs will be handed over to you three."

"it is good."

Hanyu Baisawa took a deep look at him, slowed down his pace, and moved down the stairs little by little.

It's just that when he reached the second floor, he stopped in his tracks, looked back at the top, and found that after Jamie had really gone upstairs, he decisively entered the corridor on the second floor.

Gotake Akai and Mari Sera followed, the expressions on their faces kept changing, they didn't know what they were thinking.


They came to the other side of the stairs at the end of the corridor and slowly went down the stairs.

But something unexpected happened.

On the first floor of the stairs on this side, there is no one less, and the quietness is a bit scary.

"Hello." Hanyu Baisawa said softly: "Let's go out this way, do you think we can meet the twelve people who are blocking us at the other side of the stairs? Will there be a situation of turning our backs?"

silence. 320

Sera Mari and Akai Gotake didn't say a word.

Hanyu Baisawa said quietly: "Why, before you said you were spies, you didn't even have the ability to judge?"

"Oh..." Sera Marie sighed: "I don't know why this happened, I really dare not think about it."

Akai Wuwu said in a low voice: "Shiliang, don't jump to conclusions so quickly. When we get out of here, everything will have an answer."

"Are you still lucky?"

"Yeah, it's really unbelievable."

After the conversation between the two of them ended, the mood seemed even more depressed, but the weapons in their hands were clenched even tighter, obviously angry.

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, knowing what the two of them meant, but he had no intention of saying it, after all, the most important thing now was the militants.

Not much to say.

The three of them stepped lightly and walked out of the stairs little by little.

What catches the eye is the messy hall.

When many survivors saw them, they were all very excited, but none of them spoke, and tightly covered their mouths.

The three of them moved forward little by little, and finally their vision widened, and they saw another staircase at the same time.

As expected.

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