The twelve people were all stuck there, one by one holding their weapons and holding their breath, ready to shoot at any time.

Chapter 0213: Copy of Sera Mary: 1/3

Sera Marie and Akai Gotake watched this scene, and the little luck in their hearts finally disappeared.

After all, when all the impossible is eliminated, no matter how unbelievable what remains, it can only be the only truth.

"Are you ready? I still have a grenade here."

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't intend to give them time to think wildly, so he took out a high-explosive grenade from his arms, ready to throw it out at any time.

Sera Marie and Akai Wuwu didn't have time to think about why he still had these things on his body, their expressions froze quickly, they clenched the gun in their hands, and nodded slightly.

Receiving a response, Hanyu Baisawa pulled the safety ring directly, raised his arm high, retracted it, and then threw it out violently.


The high-explosive grenade whistled in the air, and the twelve nervous guys at the opposite stairway noticed it. They looked back subconsciously, and then all of them showed terrified expressions in their eyes.


They know the power well.

Especially in this kind of place without a bunker, if it explodes at close range, there is basically no way to escape, and the undead will be half disabled.


The leader roared angrily, and a person who was not afraid of death appeared, and when the high-explosive grenade landed, he directly threw himself on it.

next second.

"Boom" sound.

This person was blown to pieces, but even so, four people were still affected, with blood holes appearing on their bodies.

Hanyu Shirasawa and the others took advantage of this time to rush out from the other side of the hall, raised their guns and started shooting.

Puff puff! ! !

In just an instant, three people fell to the ground.

In an instant, eight of the original 12 militants died in this way, leaving only four people fleeing in embarrassment.

Taking advantage of someone's cover, Hanyu Baisawa took out a high-explosive grenade again, and under the desperate eyes of the four people opposite, it landed in front of them.


Another explosion.

This time, they were not so lucky, and the last four people received the boxed lunch directly.

"Hoo... 々..."

Sera Marie let out a long breath, and slowly put down the gun in her hand. Looking at the bloody scene in front of her and the tragedy in the hall, her eyes couldn't help turning red.

Akai Gotake said in a low voice: "Let's go upstairs quickly, Jamie is still up there."

Hanyu Bai Ze said lightly: "Don't worry, such a big thing happened downstairs, he should come down soon."


ten seconds later.

Six figures appeared at the stairs.

Five militants, and a Jamie who was pointed at by them as a sign of surrender.

"You three! Put down the gun for me, or I'll kill him! Is this your companion? You don't want to see him die in front of you, do you?"

The guy with the gun on Jamie's head yelled loudly, and his voice slowly echoed in the dilapidated hall. The remaining four were also pointing guns at Jamie, looking very vicious.

But after waiting for a while, I found that Hanyu Shirasawa and the others were unmoved, and even aimed at them with the weapon in their hands, their face was flushed red, bloodshot eyes appeared in their eyes, Jamie's head had already been crooked by the gun yelled again:

"If you don't back up, if you don't put down your guns, I'll break his legs first!"

"Ha ha……"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, and under the abilities of "Bullet Time" and "Sixth Sense", the pistol aimed at a guy behind them, and decisively pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang" sounded twice.

The first sound is the sound of bullets, and the second sound is the sound of objects falling to the ground.

For an instant.

The hall fell silent.

The militant, who had a grim expression just now, now had a sluggish expression on his face. He looked back at a comrade who had been shot in the forehead behind him, and opened his mouth, but he couldn't say a word.

Jamie felt that something was wrong, seeing the indifferent faces of Sera Marie and Akai Gotake, his heart skipped a beat.

As if thinking of something, he said slowly, "Shiliang, Akai, don't worry about it, I'll kill them directly, don't worry about me."

Sera Marie and Akai Gotake looked at this former companion and saw his behavior. For some reason, they suddenly felt sick and wanted to vomit.


Hanyu Shirasawa agreed for the two of them.

Pulled the trigger directly.

bang bang bang! ! !

Three shots fired in a row, and the three militants fell to the ground like wooden stakes without any resistance.

They probably couldn't believe it until they died, that Hanyu Shirasawa dared to kill the hostages without regard to their safety.

Now that Jamie was finally sure that something was wrong, he raised his hand abruptly, grasped the pistol on his head, twisted back, and put the pistol on the head of the person holding him, helping him Pulled the trigger.


The man died, his eyes widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

With the death of this person, the thirty militants who attacked the airport were finally dead.

"¨‖Hoo..." Jamie smiled, turned around and said, "Shiliang, Akai, we..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Because, Hanyu Shirasawa's pistol was already aimed at him.

For this man, he didn't care at first, but as the matter developed, he realized that this man turned out to be the scariest person among them.

So being pointed at by the opponent's pistol, he didn't dare to move, and said flatteringly:

"Hey, brother, don't point your pistol at your own people, it's easy to go off. Shiliang, Akai, if you don't help me persuade him, I'm really afraid that he might go off."

Akai Wuwu said in a low voice: "Jamie, are you still planning to fool us?"

"Akai, what are you talking about? What do you mean I'm going to fool you?"

"It's already reached this point, are you still lucky?"

"I...I...I..." Jaime (good, good, good) was about to quibble, but he found that he had nothing to say, and the scene just now kept echoing in his mind.

As an agent, he knew very well that he had been exposed, and it was just a fluke mentality before, but now he was punctured by Gotake Akai, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Bang" sound.

The sound of the pistol sounded, and Jamie's eyes flashed with confusion, he leaned back slightly, and hit the ground heavily.


Sera Marie looked at Hanyu Shirasawa who was slowly retracting his gun, and said in disbelief, "How dare you kill him?"

"Why didn't I dare?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked back.

Sera Marie said angrily: "No matter how you say it, he is also a member of our MI6. Is it your turn to be an outsider?"

"is it?"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled slightly.

The next moment, the pistol was raised again and aimed at the two of them.

Chapter 0214: Copy of Sera Mary: 1/3

Who is the most innocent person here?

Of course, those people at the airport waiting to get on the plane.

They were involved in these matters for no reason, and now they are finally resolved. Before the survivors could be happy, they saw the people who rescued them start fighting among themselves. They were so scared that they fell back to the ground one by one, for fear of harming the fish in the pond.

"Sir, please calm down."

Gotake Akai wanted to step forward to block Sera Mari, but when he saw Hanyu Shirasawa's indifferent eyes looking at him, he stopped immediately, and could only stand in place to dissuade him:

"Sir, please don't get me wrong. Shiliang has this kind of temper, and she speaks in a hurry. Well, why don't you put the gun down first, let's talk slowly, there is no need to be so serious."

After hearing what he said, Sera Marie said viciously: "Akai, there is no need to intercede with him. Originally, he was with us to stop the militants, even if he killed someone, it was no big deal. But now he actually killed our people, even if he is a A traitor, all the lawsuits against him are settled."


Gotake Akai almost spat out a mouthful of blood. What he was worried about was not this kind of problem, but that Hanyu Shirasawa would really kill someone.

After all, what happened just now at 333 is still vivid in my mind, how terrifying the opponent's skill is, just need to compare themselves with the opponent to clearly feel the gap.

It is no exaggeration to say that even without them today, Hanyu Baisawa alone can easily deal with these thirty guys, even ignoring the difference in equipment.

What about them?

There is nothing to say, they have nothing to do except the word "escape".

So facing such a fierce man and taking up arms, he really has no confidence at all. It can be resolved peacefully, and it is best to resolve it peacefully.

"Ha ha."

Hanyu Baisawa smiled, and said quietly: "Anyway, I killed one of them, and I don't mind killing the two of you together. When the time comes, I will deal with the rest of the people in the hall one by one, and no one will know about me." After doing this, I won't be sued. What do you think of my solution?"


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