The ordinary people who survived almost didn't cry, who are they provoking?

After finally being able to survive, it seems that now he can't keep his life.

Akai Gotake and Sera Mari's expressions changed, and they looked at Hanyu Shirasawa in disbelief (cjdb), unable to believe that the other party would be such a person.

Akai Gotake forced a smile and said, "Sir, you must be joking, right?"

Hanyu Shirasawa asked back: "Are we familiar?"


"Since you don't know me well, how do you know I'm joking?"


"Also, do you know my name? Do you know who I am?"


Akai Wuwu had nothing to say, the hand holding the weapon was tightly clenched, and he was ready to fight the opponent at any time.

At this time.

Sera Marie took a step forward and said loudly: "I'm sorry, I was impulsive just now, I'm here to apologize to you, I hope you don't mind."


Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head.

In the next second, the ability "bullet time" is activated.

A "bang" shot knocked down the weapon in Sera Marie's hand.

The moment Akai Wuwu reacted, three more "bang bang bang" shots were fired.

Hit him on the shoulder, leg, and knocked his weapon away.

It took a lot of time to describe, but it was all done within a second.

When Akai Wuwu fell to the ground, he felt the pain in his shoulder and thigh, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

And Sera Marie.

The whole person has been stunned.

I never expected that what I said before would lead to the current result.

She felt a little regretful in her heart, but she knew it was too late to regret it now.

"You kill me..." She glanced at the injured Akai Wuwu, and a flash of apology flashed in her eyes, knowing that she had hurt the other party.

Hanyu Baisawa said quietly: "Why, now I know I can't control the situation? Why did you say such big words before?"

Sera Mari's face turned blue and white, gritted her teeth and said:

"I admit that I was wrong. You can kill me if you want. There is no need to humiliate me like this. And it's all my fault. I thought you were an ordinary thief. So who are you? I don't think a thief You have such abilities. If all the thieves were like this, I am afraid that all the policemen in this world will die."


Hanyu Shirasawa patted himself on the forehead:

"If you didn't talk about it, I almost forgot about it. Let me ask you, did you knock me out?"

"Yeah." Shiliang Marie nodded. When it came to this matter, she also found it amazing that such a powerful person was knocked out by herself at that time. Thinking about it, she found it incredible.

Hanyu Shirasawa asked again: "Then, the group of people you mentioned are all fake?"

"Yes, it's all fake."

"Just to lie to that Jamie?"


After saying this, Sera Marie silently lowered her head, glanced at the dead bodies in the hall, and felt so guilty that she would die.

Because it was all because of her relationship that this tragedy finally happened and it became like this now.

"Very good." Hanyu Baisawa said: "Tell me about what happened. Remember, it's the beginning of everything, so don't be fooled casually."

Sera Marie was silent.

After half an hour.

She said slowly:

"It started with a black organization. We came here to investigate them. I discovered a situation a few days ago. I used my mobile phone to take pictures of senior military officials here trading with the black organization."


Hanyu Shirasawa was a little surprised, he didn't expect this matter to be related to the Black Organization, they really are destined.

But when he thought that he was here to complete the dungeon mission this time, he didn't want to delve into the meaning of this matter.

The main reason is that the task has not been completed yet, depending on the situation, it should be a little bit worse.

Thinking of this, the expression on Hanyu Baisawa's face became even more indifferent, and he said in a low voice:

"go on."


Sera Marie let out a deep breath, and then said the matter:

"When I took this picture, I was very serious. When I came back, I mentioned it to my partner Jamie, but I found that he was particularly interested, so I became vigilant."

"Then I lied to him, said that one of my informants took the picture, met at this airport today, and left here together."

"At first, I thought that even if he really had a problem, he would at most do it himself."

"But I didn't expect that Jamie would find so many people and start massacring them without fear of getting into trouble.".

Chapter 0215: Copy of Sera Mary: 1/3


Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, and said quietly:

"The next thing, you didn't want me to temporarily replace the informant you mentioned because you saw me sneaking around, so you knocked me out and handcuffed me?"

The screen transmitted by the system was just like what he said, it disappeared after being knocked out in the toilet.

Sera Marie nodded: "Yes, and those militants also named you to find you. At that time, I understood that there was an inner ghost among our people. Either Akai or Jamie, because you are just someone I picked at random , but they know your situation accurately, so it can only be the inner ghost."

"Hehe, the truth is revealed." Hanyu Baisawa didn't feel any surprise, after all, he had already figured it out at that time, so he said those words at that time.

"So." Shiliang Mary asked in a low voice: "Are you sent by a high-ranking military official here, or a person sent by the black organization?"

"Sorry, I'm neither, I'm just an ordinary thief."

"You think I'll believe this kind of thing? You ask yourself, do you believe~?"

Sera Marie's face darkened, and she said coldly: "Anyway, our life is in your hands, and you don't need to hide it. I just want to know your true identity when I die."


Hanyu Shirasawa whispered.


Sera Marie was refreshed, and even Gotake Akai, who was injured on the ground, endured the pain and was ready to listen to the next important clue.

Hanyu Shirasawa joked, "First of all, you forgot the most important thing."


Sera Marie was a little anxious: "If you have anything to say, just say it directly, there is no need to ask us again."

Hanyu Baisawa was unmoved, and said slowly: "Since I killed these people, it has been proved that I am not on either side. After all, if I were one of them, what I hope most is that you, the person who holds the secret, die. Isn't it?"

Sera Marie shook her head: "Although it's okay to say so, what if it's a trick? After all, you don't know where I put the photo, and maybe there is something behind me. From this point of view, your suspicion Still big."

"Well, there's nothing more to say then."

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged, and slowly came to Sera Mari, stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, looked at this delicate face, and asked, "Are you sure you want to know who I am?"

Sera Marie frowned. Although she felt that this action was frivolous, she still endured it: "Yes, I really want to know."

"Okay, listen carefully."

Hanyu Shirasawa showed a smile on his face, bent down a little bit, and gently approached this beautiful face.


The distance between the two is getting closer.

Their respective pupils saw themselves in the other's eyes.

next second.

"Hmm..." Sera Marie widened her dark green eyes, feeling astonished at the current situation, and at the same time her cheeks blushed unconsciously.

How to say, even if she is an agent, she is only a 20-year-old girl now.

next to.

Gotake Akai, who was lying on the ground, looked at the two people who were kissing, especially the blushing Sera Marie, and suddenly felt as if his heart was broken.

You know, he has a good impression of Sera Marie, and he plans to confess after returning from this mission.

But now, the other party's first kiss was taken away by a stranger, which made him want to die.

for a long time.

Hanyu Shirazawa let go of Sera Mari's chin, took two steps back, and said with a smile, "Sorry, I'm not going to tell you my real identity."

"" Sera Marie blushed, she didn't know if she was angry or ashamed.

"See you next time."

After finishing speaking, Hanyu Shirasawa turned around and ran upstairs, and disappeared at the corner of the stairs after a while.



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