A week later.

A hospital in London.

Sera Marie came to the ward to visit the injured Akai Wuwu, and at the same time told the results of the last investigation.

Gotake Akai lay on the hospital bed and after listening, he said incredulously:

"You said that when the police came, they searched the entire airport but couldn't find him?"


Sera Mari came to the window, looked at the scenery outside, and said in a low voice:

"At that time, he ran back to the monitoring room on the third floor and blew up the monitoring room. All the hardware was damaged, and the content captured by the camera could not be restored. There is no way to restore [-]% of his appearance based on our description. So there is no news about him so far."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

"Well... I have a hunch that his identity must be unusual. If we had a photo of him at that time, we might have discovered something terrible. It's a pity..."

"There's nothing to be sorry about."

Sera Marie subconsciously raised her hand and touched her lips, thinking of the scene at that time, her cheeks blushed: "We should be thankful that he really didn't want to kill someone at that time, otherwise you would have died, and I might have died too. "

"Yeah, I should really be glad."

Akai Gotake had to admit that it was really the closest he had ever been to the gate of hell.

Not much to say, his shoulder and thigh were injured at that time, if the police came later, maybe his blood would be drained, and there was really no way to save him.

... ... ...

But when he thought of another picture, his heart ached like a knife.

After thinking about it, hesitating a few times, I still solemnly said:

"Shiliang, I want to tell you something."

"whats the matter?"

Sera Marie turned around, looked at her partner, and didn't understand why he spoke in such a serious tone.

"That...that..." Gotake Akai thought he was very bold at first, but when he really wanted to say it, he stammered unconsciously, feeling panicked.

"Then what? Forget it, I don't care about you, I'm going to get busy, you can take your time to recover from your injuries."

After Sera Mari finished speaking, she walked directly towards the door.

Just when she was about to go out, Akai Gotake finally shouted out:

"Seira, wait a minute. I...I...I like you, can you be my girlfriend? Or can we try dating?"


Sera Mari stopped in her footsteps, and turned her head to look at Gotake Akai who was lying on the bed.

She stared straight at this man, inexplicably thought of Hanyu Shirasawa, and suddenly smiled heartily:

"Akai, I'll just pretend I didn't hear it this time, and I'm not allowed to say that next time. By the way, I won't think about such a thing until I catch that man. That bastard took my First kiss, really damn it!"

After cursing, she felt much better, waved at Gotake Akai, turned around and left gracefully.

Gotake Akai had a bitter face, and suddenly had an idea in his heart, thinking that he might not have a chance

Chapter 0216: He Ye, why are you at my house?

The next day.

Four chome.

Hanyu Shirasawa's house, in the bedroom.

Hanyu Shirasawa, who was sleeping soundly, for some reason, was frantically warning with his "sixth sense", but it wasn't that dangerous feeling.

So, he slowly opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes was a pair of beautiful water green eyes.

The big eyes blinked and blinked, and they could clearly see their own reflection in the eyes.


A lovely voice sounded, followed by hurried footsteps running out:

"Aunt Jinghua, Mr. Hanyu is awake."

Hearing the girl's voice, Hanyu Baisawa shook his head helplessly, sat up slowly from the bed, stretched his neck, and said in a low voice:

"System, open the panel."

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Abilities: Bullet Time, Invulnerability, Internal Breathing, Absorption, Eagle Eye, Sixth Sense]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F unlimited bullet version, smoke bomb unlimited version, high-explosive grenade unlimited version, flash bomb unlimited version, tear gas bomb unlimited version, hang glider unlimited version, master key, Harley motorcycle unlimited version 】

"Oh, a motorcycle." Hanyu Baisawa couldn't help but sigh: "I wish I had come earlier, so I don't have to buy a car."

After viewing the panel.

He got out of bed and dressed.

Came to the living room outside.

At a glance, I saw Shizuka Ikebo who was cleaning, and Kazuha who was sitting on the sofa and started watching TV.

Hanyu Shirasawa scratched his head, recalled the things before the dungeon mission, sat down on the sofa, and asked: "He Ye, why did you suddenly appear at my house?"

"Me." He Ye Xiao narrowed his eyes: "I came to Dongying to play. Aunt Jinghua picked me up at the station today, and I followed her here."

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, and looked at the busy Ikebo Jinghua: "Xiao Jing, why did you come to my house so early?"

Chi Bo Jinghua chuckled and said: "It's not all your fault, you didn't bring me to see it yesterday. By the way, Yingli gave me the key."


Hanyu Shirasawa was a little surprised, he didn't expect that they got along so well just yesterday afternoon.


"Beep beep..."

A series of voices sounded, He Ye took out his mobile phone to look at the number, raised his eyebrows, connected and asked:

"Dad, what's the matter? I just arrived here not long ago."

"Kazuha, do you know where Heiji went?" Toyama Ginshiro's voice sounded.

"Ah?" He Ye was puzzled: "No, dad, I'm not that guy's who, how do I know where he went?"

"Alas..." Toyama Ginshiro sighed, "Your Uncle Hattori told me just now that Heiji has lost contact since arriving at Tozakura, and the phone calls are not available."

He Ye frowned and said, "Dad, even if he really disappeared, it has nothing to do with you, right? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Toyama Yinshiro smiled wryly and said: "Actually, it has something to do with it. When I heard that he was going to Dongying, I asked him to visit my former subordinates. But I didn't expect that there would be no news after such a visit." .”


He Ye was very helpless, and said, "Who are you going to see? I'll go and see later."

"He works at Kuwado Detective Agency, and his name is Kusukawa. When you go, be careful yourself. If you can, call Ms. Jinghua, after all, you said that she will receive you."


He Ye hung up the phone impatiently, put his arms around each other, and muttered:

"That nasty guy always likes to make some troubles."

After speaking, his big watery eyes looked at Hanyu Shirasawa.

Hanyu Baisawa moved to the side of the sofa, and said quietly: "Don't stare at me like that, I won't help."


With Ye Duzui, he looked at his favorite Aunt Jinghua, and immediately showed a pitiful expression.

Chiba Jinghua stepped forward, touched Heye's small head, and said softly: "It's okay, I'll accompany you to see, I went to Kubado-cho yesterday, it's not very far from here."

"Aunt Jinghua, you're so kind." With joy on He Ye's face, he hugged her waist and began to act like a baby.


Hanyu Shirasawa sighed.

There is no other way now, even Chi Bo Jinghua chooses to intervene, so he can no longer be salty...

After all, Toyama Ginshiro is a subordinate of Hattori Heizo, and because of his relationship, this kind of thing happened, Kazuha, a daughter, couldn't stand by and watch.

Don't think too much.

Hanyu Shirasawa directly picked up the phone and dialed Conan's number:

"Hey, brat, did that Hattori Heiji come to look for you?"

"Ah?" Conan's tone was full of astonishment: "Mr. Hanyu, how did you know about this?"


Hanyu Shirasawa smiled lowly, then pouted again.

After all, in the original book, Hattori Heiji came to Dongying, and most of the time he came to find Conan.

So no matter what the reason is, it's fine to be the first to ask about it. After all, it's just a way to see Yinshirou Toyama's former subordinate.

"Mr. Hanyu." Conan asked, "Why did you suddenly call and ask this?"

Hanyu Shirasawa thought for a while, and said quietly: "50, let me tell you an important thing, it has something to do with Hattori Heiji, I guarantee you won't lose money."


Conan was silent.

Without saying anything, he hung up the phone.

But before waiting for a minute, he called back again, and spoke seriously:

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