"Mr. Hanyu, did something happen to Hattori? I couldn't get through to his phone just now."

"50, I will tell you, and even give you some help."

"it is good."

Conan didn't have any hesitation in 3.1: "I still remember the bank card number, and I will transfer the money to you right away."

"Okay, see you at Mihua Station."

After Hanyu Shirasawa finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Turning his head, he found that the two women were looking at him with strange eyes.

He smiled and explained: "This is a good opportunity to make money, don't waste it. No matter how you say it, I won't show up to help in vain."

He Ye curled his lips: "A profiteer... Besides, the money is too easy to make, isn't it 50?"

Hanyu Shirasawa got up: "Okay, are you going to go with me, or stay here?"

He Ye Lima said: "I really want to see how you want to find him, of course I will go with you."

Chi Bo Jinghua didn't say anything, but silently put away the cleaning tools, the meaning is self-evident.

Chapter 0217: Miwako, treat me to dinner next time

Two 10 minutes later.

Rice Flower Station.

Hanyu Shirasawa managed to pick up Conan here, and drove his car to Kubotocho.

Conan sat in the co-pilot, glanced at the two women in the rear row in the rearview mirror, hesitated, and asked:

"Mr. Hanyu, what happened to Hattori?"

"Don't worry, take your time. By the way, he is here to find you, right?"


Conan nodded.

Hanyu Shirasawa said slowly:

"Because He Ye's father, when he knew he was coming here, asked him to take a look at his former subordinate. It seems that he went to see that former subordinate, and then lost contact."

"That's it." Conan's expression was serious, and he was sure that something happened, otherwise it would be impossible to lose contact directly.

Hanyu Baisawa continued: "I already know where that person works, and I will ask later. If I get any news... I need to pay more."


Conan was speechless and almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

The originally normal eyes immediately turned into dead fish eyes, staring sideways at Hanyu Shirasawa, although he wanted to complain, but he still held back.

back row.

He Ye couldn't help curling his lips when he heard the words "additional money".

Especially looking at Conan in the co-pilot position, I feel that something is very wrong, but I don't know where it is wrong.

As for Chiba Jinghua, she could see something, but she had experienced Hanyu Shirasawa disappearing before her eyes, so she was not surprised about Conan's matter.

time flies.

15 minutes.

A black Mazda arrived at the downstairs of a detective agency in Kubado-cho.

Hanyu Baisawa got out of the car, and said to the three people in the car: "You guys wait here, I'll go up and ask."

After speaking, I walked in.

Less than 5 minutes.

He came back and got into the car.

Conan couldn't wait to ask: "How is it, did Hattori come here in the morning?"

Hanyu Baisawa smiled and said: "Let's talk about the information I know first. I heard from the president here that Kusukawa hasn't come back for a long time, and it seems that he may be working on a case. As for Hattori Heiji, in the morning I did come here, asked Nan Chuan for his address and left."

"Then let's go to Mr. Nanchuan's house." He Ye couldn't help but said, "Find that guy early, so we can go back sooner. I have to go find Xiaolan."

Chi Bo Jinghua patted her on the head, and said warmly: "He Ye, don't worry, take your time."

"Okay." He Ye stuck out his tongue and immediately became a good girl.

Conan urged: "Hurry up and drive, let's go to that Mr. Nanchuan's house now."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, stared at Conan, and said calmly: "Add more money, this time things are not that simple. 50, I promise to return you a intact Hattori Heiji."

Asking about these situations.

He already knew what was going on this time.

An event in the original book.

He remembered that at that time, Kazuha and Hattori Heiji were tied up and almost died.

Only this time, without Kazuha, only Hattori Heiji was tied up.

He still remembers things very clearly, even if he can't remember some names, he still remembers some other details.

Conan gritted his teeth and said, "I want to go to that Mr. Nanchuan's house to check the situation first. If it really doesn't work, I will pay for it."


Hanyu Shirasawa was not in a hurry, and drove directly to the home of that Mr. Kusukawa.

Not far.

10 minutes.

They came to a long two-story building, a very ordinary residential building.

Under the guidance of Hanyu Shirasawa, he went directly to Mr. Kusukawa's house in the middle of the second floor.

As soon as I came here, I found a piece of paper pasted on the door. The general content was that I am not at home now. If I have any important news, I can tell the landlord first, and he will ask when I come back.

"Damn it, it's not here." Conan couldn't help being disappointed.

"Ha ha."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, and under the surprised gazes of the three, he put his hand on the doorknob, opened the door and walked in.

"Huh." He Ye asked strangely, "Do people here not lock their doors when they go out?"

Chi Bo Jinghua said calmly: "It's not that the door is not locked, it should be something happened and it was pried open."

He and Ye Wenyan expressed their own judgment: "It may be a thief."

"Probably not." Conan stood in this not-so-spacious room, glanced at it and said, "If it was a thief, it would have been a mess, but it's clean here, which means there are no thieves."

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't care about that much.

to the table in the room.

Looking at the white post-it note on it, thinking about the situation in the original book, he picked up the pencil next to him and gently drew on it.


The handwriting written on the previous piece of paper surfaced under the drawing of the pencil because of the marks left by the force.

Hanyu Shirasawa's actions attracted the attention of three people. When they took a closer look, they saw the words on it.

Conan frowned and said in a low voice, "Xianqiao Town, Ito's house."

He Ye said happily: "Great, I finally know where they went."

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at the words "Xianqiaocho".

I thought of the last time at Xianqiao Station, the night when I went to pick up Belmode. After all, that night was the most wonderful night in his life, because "Thousand Shadows" were there that night, and it was not usual that one person could compare of.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he smiled and said, "Little ghost, you have to know that there are many people with the surname Ito 343. A town can say big or small. Maybe when you find Hattori Heiji, he may have... "

The words stop at the end, and if there is no further words, smart people will make up their own brains.


Conan's expression changed for a while, but he agreed without thinking for a long time: "Okay, I promise you. Mr. Hanyu, please hurry up, I don't want any accidents to happen."

The corner of Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth turned up, thinking of what Xiaolan said in the original book, he took out his mobile phone and called Feiyingli.

"Bai Ze, what's wrong?" Fei Yingli's pleasant voice sounded.

"Eri, I just want to ask, do you know a lawyer surnamed Ito. By the way, she is a female lawyer, she is a bit fat, but she asks for very little money every time she helps someone in a lawsuit."

"Let me think about it... By the way, there is indeed a person who is very similar to what you described. Her name is Misari Ito and she lives in Xianqiao Town."

"Yes, it's her. Tell me the detailed address."

"The detailed address is at 21-chome, Fandi [-]."

"Okay, I still have something to do, so hang up first."

Hanyu Shirasawa hung up the phone, and then another number was broadcast. After connecting, he said directly:

"Miwako, put your work aside, and I'll give you credit. By the way, I won't charge you this time, but remember to treat me to dinner next time."

Chapter 0218: A house full of women

Two hours later.

Cornflower Town.

In a coffee shop.

Hanyu Shirasawa, Conan, and Hattori Heiji sat at a table, but at this time Hattori Heiji looked a bit miserable, with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Yes, Hattori Heiji was rescued, and he was still a member of the police, led by Miwako Sato.

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