But I still suffered some flesh and blood, and was beaten quite badly.

And this time, the reason is mainly that that guy Kusukawa found evidence of Ito Misari's tax evasion, and ran to the other party's house to threaten the other party, and was finally arrested by them, and then Hattori Heiji was implicated, which finally led to such a result.

"Mr. Hanyu, thank you very much this time." Hattori Heiji thanked Hanyu Shirasawa seriously.

"Hehe, if you really want to thank me, give me 50. To save your life, 50 shouldn't be too much..."


Conan's mouth twitched.

He has already lost 100 million today alone, and all of it was paid for by Heiji Hattori.

Now when he heard that Hanyu Baisawa wanted to take Bu Heiji's money, he was so happy in his heart, he just pretended to be dead here, and didn't mention the fact that he was being paid.

After all, I am already unlucky, and I will feel better when I see my friends are also unlucky.

"Uh..." Hattori Heiji was stunned. He didn't expect Hanyu Baisawa to say that, but he quickly realized: "Okay. 50 in exchange for my life is indeed very worthwhile. Well, Ka... .”

"I have the card number." Conan immediately interrupted him, took out his mobile phone, edited the card number into a text message and sent it.

"Huh?" There was only a big question mark on Hattori Heiji's head, and he couldn't react for a while, but he still sent a text message to his father to explain the situation.

In a few minutes.

Hanyu Shirasawa received the transfer information and nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, there's nothing to talk about, let's talk slowly..."

After speaking, he got up and walked towards another table.

Conan and Hattori Heiji looked at each other, got up and left the coffee shop in a tacit understanding.

Come outside.

Both of them had serious expressions.

Hattori Heiji said in a low voice: "I said Kudo, do you think he is exaggerating a bit?"

"Yeah." Conan nodded.

Hattori Heiji said quietly: "If the truth hadn't been revealed, I really doubt that what happened to me this time was the fault of him. Otherwise, how could I know my situation after just asking, and call the police directly to save me. To be honest , as you said, it is too exaggerated to say that there is any team service behind it. It is impossible for someone to watch me all the time, right?"


Conan has been concerned about the fact that Hanyu Shirasawa knows everything for a long time.

Not only he cared, Akai Shuichi and Amuro Toru also cared a lot, but because they couldn't figure out each other, they didn't dare to act rashly, and even greeted Hanyu Shirasawa with a smile, and didn't dare to offend him at all.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this." Conan shook his head, seeing the miserable look on Hattori Heiji's face, and laughed directly: "Hattori, now you know how powerful these criminals on my side are."

Hattori Heiji said unconvinced: "Please, they have pistols in their hands. How could they react at such a close range at that time. Otherwise, with their three rotten fish and smelly shrimps, I can take care of them in minutes. "

"Tsk tsk, look at your face talking."

"Damn it, this time it was just an accident."

"Look at your face."

"Can't you change it?"



in the coffee shop.

The other table Hanyu Shirasawa came to was a group of women.

Kazuha, Ikebo Shizuka, Xiaolan, Sato Miwako, there are only four of them.

Xiaolan was shouted out by Kazuha, and Miwako Sato came here together after saving Hattori Heiji and did not leave.

"Are you finished talking?" Chi Bo Jinghua asked.

"Well, we're done chatting." Hanyu Baisawa glanced at the coffee that he didn't drink on the table, and took a sip of her half-drinked coffee.

for this scene.

The four girls present didn't care about anything, after all, they all knew the relationship between Hanyu Shirasawa and Ikebo Jinghua.

Of course, Miwako Sato just found out about it, so seeing Hanyu Shirasawa cheating another beautiful woman, I don't know what to say.

She didn't even know if these beauties were too stupid, otherwise, how could they fall into the hands of the same person, it was a bit outrageous.

Hanyu Shirasawa asked: "By the way, what are you going to do later?"

Xiaolan said: "We're going to go shopping later, and Yuanzi is also coming."


As soon as Hanyu Shirasawa heard the word shopping, his body couldn't help shaking.

Thinking of the 500 million lost by shopping with them before, and the scene of shopping all afternoon, I really feel scalp numb.

Miwako Sato said enviously: "¨‖ That's great, you can still go shopping, but I still have to go back to work."

"Hee hee." Xiaolan didn't know how to answer, so she could only smile.

He Ye asked: "By the way, is there any event at night? How could it be possible to go shopping all day?"

"Well..." Xiaolan frowned, thinking seriously.

Miwako Sato said in a timely manner: "Why don't you go to Bai Ze's house, let's have another party."

"That's right." Chi Bo Jinghua said: "In that case, you two, Heye and Xiaolan, go shopping by yourself. By the way, there is a girl named Yuanzi, right? The three of you are together. I will go shopping with Mr. Bai Ze Go shopping and prepare ingredients for the party at night."

"This..." He Ye was a little entangled, always felt that it was not good for them to play while others were busy.

Chi Bo Jinghua saw through her thoughts at a glance, and said softly: "He Ye (are you okay), don't worry, after all, you will go back after playing for a few days. If you don't experience it well, you won't know it next time." When will it come?"

"Okay." He Ye's cheeks were a little red, but he couldn't resist the temptation of shopping in the end.

"Bai Ze, how many people are there?" Chi Bo Jinghua asked.

Hanyu Shirasawa said:

"Let me figure it out. Yumi will definitely come for Miwako's opinion. Miss Kobayashi is downstairs, and she will come too. Then Eri, Yukiko, and Chikage. Sharon has her own business and can't come. Then there is Ai, Akemi .In the end, Xiaolan, Heye, Yuanzi, and us, there are... thirteen people in total."

Hearing the number he said, he couldn't help but gasp. He didn't expect to have a meeting now. Since there will be so many people, it's still the case that Belmode can't come.

Hanyu Shirasawa felt west.

It seems that there is no room for it in my own home.

Chapter 0219: Xiao Ai's one-time antidote

Five p.m.

Fallen Angels Bar.

Hanyu Baisawa came to the underground laboratory, looked at the two women, one big and one small in front of him, and hurriedly asked:

"Why are you in such a hurry? I still have to come over in person. I'm going to have dinner soon. By the way, are you going back to have dinner today?"

"No." Belmode shook his head and folded his hands together: "The experiment in front of me is the most important thing. I'm talking... having dinner with your women is somewhat uncomfortable."


Hanyu Shirasawa had nothing to say.

After all, he should be grateful now.

Among my group of women, everyone's temper is very individual. Not to mention too much, it is a great thing for this cruel master in front of me to hold back his temper and get along with that group of women. Don't think about anything else.

Therefore, Hanyu Baisawa is not killed by this group of women. It is really a blessing in misfortune. It can only be said that luck is quite good.

"Cough cough."

After coughing twice, he decisively changed the subject: "Okay, let's get down to business. What is it that must make me come here?"


A small voice came, and I saw Xiao Ai in a small white coat, that is, Miyano Shiho, coming in front of the experimental platform.

"Today, I discovered something extraordinary."

While she was talking calmly, she pulled a chair and stood on it just a little higher than the experiment, which looked inexplicably funny.

Staring at the little white mouse in the glass box in front of her, she continued coolly:

"If nothing else, I've figured out the antidote for APTX4869."

"is it?"

Hanyu Shirasawa was a little surprised. It seemed that he had just entered the experiment not long ago, and he had already found the antidote unexpectedly.

When he came to the experimental platform and saw the young mice inside, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

Miyano Shiho said calmly: "In other words, it should be the antidote to the side effects of APTX4869."

"Side effects?" Hanyu Baisawa raised his eyebrows, and immediately reacted: "Xiao Ai, the side effects you mentioned should be the effect of becoming smaller?"

"That's right." Belmode interjected, with a little excitement in his tone: "If you can master the antidote to becoming bigger, maybe you can master the secret of APTX4869's shrinking."

After finishing speaking, she couldn't help touching her smooth face.

Although it feels like a teenage girl, Belmode is very clear that these are all maintained by drugs, which may not last for many years.

What can really make people younger should be something like APTX4869.

Also at this time.

Miyano Shiho poured cold water on it: "I think too much, the antidote this time also has side effects."


Belmode came back to his senses, and said quietly: "Since there are side effects, why are you so solemnly informing me?"

Miyano Shiho said unhappily: "I just want to prove to you that you have spent so much money, and there is some return. Besides, you have spent so much money, and I have been working on it for so long, but it has no effect at all. Get it out, aren't you worried at all?"

"All right……"

The enthusiasm in Belmode's heart gradually disappeared.

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