At first, she thought it was a huge improvement, but she didn't expect it was just a small step forward, but at least she was comforted in her heart, at least she spent so much money, there was some return.

After all, with this return, there may be more returns in the future.

"It's okay." Hanyu Baisawa stepped forward, put his arms around her waist and gently comforted her: "Failure is the mother of success, it would be nice to fail a few more times. Now let's see, the medicine that Xiao Ai made. "

Not much to say.

Miyano Shiho directly forcibly administered a medicine to the juvenile white mouse in front of him.

Then (cjdb) under the gaze of the three.

The body of the young white mouse began to tremble, and he couldn't help but bump his head against the glass. After a while, his small body gradually grew bigger, like an inflated balloon. Became an adult guinea pig.

This magical scene.

It was fun for all three of them.

Belmode asked: "Didn't you say that there are side effects? This seems normal."

"Wait a minute." Miyano Shiho replied flatly.


1 minutes passed.

The adult mouse began to tremble violently again, and gradually its body began to shrink, and finally turned into a juvenile appearance.

But all this is not over yet, when it was completely reduced, blood flowed from the mouth, lying motionless on the test bench, obviously dead.

Miyano Shiho explained: "The antidote I made now can indeed change back to its original form. But there is a time limit, and the effect of the medicine will become smaller once it expires, and then it will die suddenly."


Hanyu Shirasawa blushed.

Originally, he thought that Miyano Shiho could temporarily become bigger, and maybe he would have the opportunity to complete the task of the second small dungeon, but he didn't expect that he hadn't even developed a one-time antidote. It seems that he really wanted to too much.

"Hehe." He smiled awkwardly, breaking the somewhat dull atmosphere: "It's pretty good, it can already grow bigger, which shows that the essence is correct, but there are mistakes in some links."

Belmode gently pushed the man away, and said as he walked outside: "I am satisfied with the effect, but next time I must speak clearly, don't make me happy in vain."

When the words were finished, the man just stepped out of the metal door of the laboratory.

Miyano Shiho watched her back leave, jumped off the chair, came to the computer desktop not far away, sat on the chair and began typing on the keyboard.

"Xiao Ai." Hanyu Baisawa said: "It's time for dinner soon, come back with me for dinner, we will meet at my place today."

Miyano Shiho shook his head: "I won't go back, now I just have the inspiration to record these things."


Hanyu Baize didn't understand experiments, so he couldn't force her to go back with him, so he stayed in the laboratory for a while before leaving here.

It's just that when he came to the stairs, he found that Belmode was waiting for him here.

So he asked, "Why, are you going to go back with me?"

"follow me."

Belmode didn't say much, turned around and led the way, and came to a room after a while.

"That..." Hanyu Baisawa said a little dumbfounded: "I have already promised them, I will go back to eat later, I don't have time to accompany you here."

"It's not even 05:30 now, are you sure you go back to eat so early? Don't you want to eat something else?"

"Cough, okay, up to seven o'clock."

Chapter 0220: Duplicity of Sharon

Seven o'clock in the evening.

Four chome.

In the elevator of the apartment where Hanyu Shirasawa lives.

He and Belmode happened to be inside, waiting for the elevator to slowly go to the top floor.

"Didn't you say you can't come? As soon as I leave, you will-come with me."

"Why, you don't want me to come?"

Belmode didn't look at him, but just looked at the makeup mirror in front of her, pursing her lips from time to time, because she was putting on lipstick for herself.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at this scene and said speechlessly:

"There's no need for makeup at all. When they see me, they'll know what happened."

"What are you like?"

Belmode finally looked at him, and at the same time closed the makeup mirror in his hand, his eyes were full of smiles.


Hanyu Shirasawa snorted unhappily, and glanced at the metal wall of the elevator, even though the light was not very clear, he could still see himself.

The clothes and pants are quite neat, but there are several lipstick marks on the white collar, and there are even some clear marks on the skin of the neck.

Such a scene, as long as it is a normal person, can understand what happened.

"Alas..." Hanyu Baisawa couldn't help sighing, he didn't know what it would be like when they met again, and he just hoped that the Shura field wouldn't explode.

"I understand."

Belmode said lightly: "Don't worry, I won't pester you again next time. This is the last time. Is this the head office?"


Hanyu Shirasawa has black lines all over his head.

Sure enough, women are like this. They like to play these tricks in front of men who care about her. Even this cruel woman can't escape this law.

"Cough." The man can bend and stretch, and he said something nice directly: "No, I didn't mean that. Okay, okay, I shouldn't complain. Hey, it's here."


The elevator just reached the top floor and opened the door.

Hanyu Baisawa didn't talk nonsense, he directly took her hand out of here, and arrived at the door of the house in a short while.

As soon as you open the door.

Immediately it was a lively scene.

A bright scene, chattering and laughing, and a pile of beautiful shoes at the entrance.

"I am back."

With a loud shout, Hanyu Shirasawa changed his shoes and Belmode came to the living room.

"Hey, where's Shiho?" Miyano Akemi, who had just served the dishes, immediately realized that her sister wasn't here.

"Xiao Ai, she has something to do, so she won't come today." Hanyu Bai Ze said helplessly, "I've tried to persuade her, but she has a very stubborn temper, and I can't persuade her at all."

"Okay." Miyano Akemi knew her sister's character, understood that this was the truth, turned around and entered the kitchen.

Hanyu Shirasawa turned his head, and when he looked at the sofa, he found that it was already full and there was not even a vacant seat, so he didn't know what to say for a while.

Ignoring the group of chatting women who were having fun, he entered the bedroom, but there were also people here.

Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Ye, the three girls were sitting on his bed and playing poker, which was called concentration.

Hanyu Baisawa came behind Xiaolan and asked, "What are you playing?"

"Where is Fighting the Landlord?" Xiaolan replied, then turned her head to look, and said with a smile, "Brother Bai Ze, you are back."

"Yes, I'm back." Hanyu Shirasawa nodded.

"Mr. Hanyu, good evening." Sonoko greeted livelyly, and then said suspiciously: "Mr. Hanyu, when did your relationship with Xiaolan get so good? She always calls you Big Brother Baisawa."

Hanyu Baisawa smiled and said, "Sonoko, if you don't mind, you can call it that too."

"Hmm..." Yuanzi tilted his head, and said to himself, "Bai No, Xiaolan already called it that, I have to change it. Brother Bai Ze, forget it, brother Bai Ze sounds better. "

"Hehe, well, you guys play slowly."

Hanyu Shirasawa stopped disturbing the three of them, quietly exited the bedroom and came to the kitchen.

In the kitchen were Miyano Akemi, Kobayashi Sumiko, and Ikebo Shizuka, the three of them were busy.

"Do you need my help?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked.

Chi Bo Jinghua shook her head with a smile: "No, it's basically finished. Also, wipe off the lipstick on your neck and collar."

Xiaolin Chengzi looked back curiously, and then immediately looked back, as if seeing some wild beast.

"Cough cough."

Hanyu Shirasawa coughed twice in embarrassment, left the kitchen disheartened, got into the bathroom, came to the sink, looked at himself in the mirror above, and quickly turned on the faucet to clean up.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

But it's a pity that there is no way to clean the clothes, so I can only change one.

"Well, any of you can get me a shirt?" he yelled into the living room.

"Coming." Yukiko's voice seemed to answer.


Yukiko came in with a quick shirt, handed it to him, and said angrily:

"As soon as I came in, I saw these lipsticks, and I said I was looking for Xiao Ai, but I came back with Sharon."

"Unexpected accident." Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, and when he was about to change his clothes, Yukiko had already come up to help.

Of course, there was still some dishonesty in the process.

After all, they are old husbands and wives, and You Xizi is a female hooligan who will never forget to bully her husband.

...... 0

Hanyu Baisawa asked: "Is there two tables tonight?"

"That's right." You Xizi nodded, and said while helping him button the button: "I counted, there are thirteen people in total, and there is no room for a round table. Of course, we are all in good shape. No matter what position, squeeze can still sit, but it seems too crowded."

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