"Hey, hey, why do I feel that other things are not the most important, the most important thing is that you seem to be boasting about your good figure?"

"Am I wrong?"

"That's not true, your figure is really good."

After Hanyu Shirasawa finished speaking, there was an appropriate expression of obsession on his face.

Satisfied with his expression, Yukiko approached his ear and whispered:

"When we have time, the two of us will travel quietly, do you think it's okay?"

"This is..."

"By the way, on the road, I can listen to you in everything." You Xizi blinked her beautiful eyes at the last moment, full of provocation.

"Alas..." Hanyu Baisawa sighed, and said faintly: "Yukiko, look at my current situation, can I go on a trip alone?"

Yukiko's expression froze instantly.

Yes, it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen now.

Thinking of this, she felt very helpless, stepped on him viciously, turned around and left the bathroom angrily.


The corner of Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth twitched, this is the price for breaking a woman's fantasy

Chapter 0221: All drunk, cheap Bai Ze

time flies.

One o'clock.

Hanyu Shirasawa was in a daze, always feeling someone hugging him in his arms, and slowly opened his eyes.

When he woke up, he could smell a faint fragrance, and when he looked down, he found that Xiaolan was sleeping in his arms.

a time.

He couldn't react.

After a while, the memory of tonight finally appeared in my mind.

It turned out that when a large group of them got together, they would inevitably drink, but someone instigated it, and in the end they all started drinking, and then they all got drunk.


Hanyu Baisawa exhaled lightly, slowly released Xiaolan, and sat up from the bed in the bedroom little by little.

The door of the bedroom was open, the light was still on in the living room outside, and there were still many people in the room.

On his left is the sleeping Xiaolan, on the right is the sleeping Qianying, and next to her is Chi Bo Jinghua.

There were even three women on the floor next to the bed, sleeping soundly, and they were Miyano Akemi, Kazuha, and Sonoko.

"It's really true."

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head helplessly, carefully avoided them and went down to the living room outside.


A bunch of people fell asleep on the sofa.

Miwako Sato, Yumi Miyamoto, Sumiko Kobayashi, and the three women slept there.


He moved his ears, looked towards the kitchen, and came to the door of the kitchen little by little, and saw two women gently washing a lot of dishes.

Hanyu Baisawa was amused, and shouted in a low voice: "It's already early morning, why don't you wash it tomorrow morning?"

The two women trembled, obviously startled.

Fei Yingli turned her head, and replied in a low voice, angrily: "Bai Ze, do you know that people who scare people can scare people to death!"

Yukiko curled her lips: "Eri, why don't we just stop washing and let him do it by himself tomorrow."

"My fault, my fault." Hanyu Baisawa hurriedly came between the two women, hugged them one by one, and began to speak sweet words.

After all, for men in his world, the most unacceptable thing is to wash the dishes after eating, even if it is acceptable to wash clothes and cook, but it is not acceptable to wash the dishes after eating.

It's a pity that although sweet talk is very useful, it is usually when there is only one woman. Now that there are two women present, it is basically useless.

As soon as one was praised, the other was unhappy.

Go to coax the other, and the one who just finished boasting gets angry.

All of a sudden, Hanyu Baisawa could be said to have shot himself in the foot with a stone, and he was very busy there, and although the effect of coaxing was not very good, his embarrassed appearance could show the two women straight music.

"Okay, okay." Fei Yingli pushed him away with some disgust: "Hurry up and get out, don't delay us doing the dishes."

"Let's go, let's go." It's rare for You Xizi to be on the same front as her best friend, and this time she didn't sing the opposite.


Hanyu Baisawa breathed a sigh of relief, but he thought of another thing, and asked, "By the way, why didn't I see Sharon?"

Yukiko replied, "She, she left when you were drunk."


Hanyu Shirasawa nodded and didn't bother them anymore, but as soon as he turned around, he saw Miwako Sato who was standing at the kitchen door peeking and eavesdropping, and he didn't know when she woke up.

The two of them raised a finger in front of their mouths in a tacit understanding, made a silent movement, and quietly returned to the living room together.

When I got here, I realized that Kobayashi Chengko was already sitting on the sofa rubbing her sleepy eyes, and only Miyamoto Yumi was still sound asleep.

"When will you wake up?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked the two of them.

"Not long."

"I just woke up."

The two women answered separately.

Miwako Sato continued: "By the way, we are going downstairs to sleep, give us a hug for Yumi."

"Okay." Hanyu Baisawa came in front of Miyamoto Yumi, bent down and picked her up in a princess's arms, and muttered to the two of them, "It's so heavy."

Xiao Lin Chengzi suppressed a smile and said, "Keep your voice down, don't wake Yumi up, or she will definitely fight you desperately when you hear you say that."

"Let's go." Hanyu Baisawa stopped talking nonsense, and walked towards the door together with the two of them.

Go out.

Get on the elevator.

Came downstairs in a few seconds.

Kobayashi Chengko took out the key of her own house and opened the door. The commander asked Hanyu Shirasawa to send Miyamoto Yumi to the bedroom.

"Take it easy." Miwako Sato lifted the quilt, and did not forget to turn her head to remind her.

"rest assured."

Hanyu Shirasawa slowly put Miyamoto Yumi on the bed, and when she was about to let go, she moved.


Miyamoto Yumi murmured, stretched out her arms and put her arms around Hanyu Shirasawa's neck, and said in a daze:

"Don't let go, it's so comfortable. Come... kiss me."

After speaking, he really held his head up and kissed Hanyu Shirasawa, and then fell asleep honestly.

Miwako Sato and Chengko Kobayashi watched this scene, couldn't help but blushed, and didn't know what to say.

The corner of Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth twitched, he didn't expect to be taken advantage of by someone like this, but he didn't say anything, who would argue with a drunk and sleepy person?

"Hehe." Miwako Sato smiled slightly, and teased, "How about it, are Yumi's lips soft?"

Xiao Lin Chengzi echoed: "That's right, this time it's cheaper for you."

"Cheap me?" Hanyu Baisawa's tone was full of disbelief, and he said quietly: "When you are kissed by a person who smells like alcohol, then ask if you are soft, it will not be cheap."


Miwako Sato and Sumiko Kobayashi were taken aback for a moment, and then showed embarrassing expressions on their faces, which seemed to be the case.

However, the three of them didn't see that Yumi Miyamoto, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, was flushed with naked eyes, and her eyelashes trembled a few times.

"Okay, I'm going back."

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't stay long, turned around and left here.


He went back upstairs.

As soon as he entered the room, he found two women sitting on the sofa. They had obviously finished washing the dishes, and there was an envelope on the table.

"what is this?"

Hanyu Shirasawa sat between 3.1 and them, hugged one of them, and asked them.

Fei Yingli said, "This is yours."

You Xizi answered: "Before dinner, when you went out at five o'clock to pick up Xiao Ai, someone brought it over. We didn't look at it, but put it away for you."

"That's it."

Hanyu Shirasawa raised his eyebrows, opened it to see, first there was a check for 50, then there was a letter and an address.

After reading it, he tsk tsk said:

"It's quite generous. One entrustment is 1000 million yuan, and the deposit of 50 yuan doesn't have to be repaid."

"What's the matter?" Fei Yingli was curious.

"It's about a rich man. He said that someone around him is going to kill him. Let me help you find the murderer. 1000 million is not bad. I can go shopping with you twice. I'll go and have a look tomorrow."

"I'll go too." The two women said in unison.

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