Chapter 0222: Opportunity to bully Yukiko

in the bedroom.



He Ye opened his eyes and yawned, sat up slowly, subconsciously glanced at the sunlight coming in from the window, and said in a low voice:

"It's dawn."

But soon.

She sensed something was wrong, and looked around suspiciously, as well as the quilt that fell on her lap as she sat up.

"Strange, I remember that I slept on the floor last night, why did I get on the bed?"

After finishing speaking, she glanced at the two people on the left and right, the one on the left was Xiaolan, and the one on the right was Yuanzi.

He Ye thought for a while, but really couldn't remember how he got on the bed, and finally he just gave up, got out of bed unsteadily, and went to the living room outside.

As soon as she came out, she saw that Aunt Chikage was picking a grape from the fruit plate on the coffee table in front of the sofa and feeding it to Hanyu Shirasawa next to her.

"Good morning, Kazuha." Hanyu Shirasawa and Chikage saw her coming out and greeted her together.

"Mr. Hanyu, Aunt Chikage, good morning. 29" He Ye responded politely.

kitchen door.

Chi Bo Jinghua came out wearing an apron, and said with a smile: "He Ye, go and ask Xiaolan and Yuanzi to get up and wash up, breakfast is about to come."


He Ye nodded and ran back to the bedroom.

After a while, the three girls came out, one by one walking into the bathroom.

while they were washing.

The door at the entrance opened, and two nice female voices sounded.

"Youxizi, I won't ride in your car next time, it's too fast."

"Eri, I'm in a hurry, okay? Otherwise, I won't be back for breakfast in time."

"Hmph, just wait, when Bai Ze receives the traffic police ticket, you will never want to drive his car again in your life."

Hanyu Shirasawa, who was still sitting on the sofa enjoying the service, was startled. He looked at Fei Yingli and Yukiko who had already made a noise in front of him, and said with wide eyes:

"What the hell! Could it be that you guys are racing in the city? You even ran a red light? You said that a ticket will be sent!"

"Ask her yourself." Fei Yingli shook her head and sat directly on the sofa, not going to answer this anxious question.

You Xizi flicked her long hair, looking very coquettish, and said with a smile: "I just want to go home and take a shower in the morning, so I can drive a little faster on the road."

Fei Yingli sneered and said, "It's really fast. I ran through three red lights and almost collided with four cars. I feel that I can come back alive today, which is already blessed by God."


Hanyu Baisawa opened his mouth, he had nothing to say, but his face darkened visibly with the naked eye.

Qianying chimed in and said, "I think Youxizi probably drove so fast because she felt that there was no one in the morning."

"That's right." You Xizi nodded hurriedly: "And what Yingli said is too exaggerated. I did do the thing of running a red light. But I almost ran into a car. That was not once. Those were all parked on the side of the road." Car. I can see it all, so I won’t hit it.”

Fei Yingli curled her lips and said, "Anyway, if you drive again next time, I won't sit any longer."



blink of an eye.

two hours later.

Hanyu Shirasawa and the others finished their breakfast, because there was an entrustment yesterday, and since Fei Eri and Yukiko wanted to go together, they brought them along.

As for Xiaolan and the others, Qianying and Chibo Jinghua took them to play for a day.

"Woohoo! Hahaha!"

At this time, in the black Mazda, Yukiko was holding the steering wheel with both hands, cheering happily. At the same time, she glanced in the rearview mirror at Fei Yingli, who was holding Hanyu Shirasawa's arm tightly, and joked:

"Eri, Eri, I remember you said before breakfast that you would never ride in my car again. What's going on this time? It turns out that you like talking too much."


Fei Yingli was so angry, she said viciously to the man beside her, "What do you mean? Why do you have to let her drive?"

"Listen to me." Hanyu Baisawa approached her ear, smelling the fragrance emanating from her body, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Do you remember what you told me last time?"

"What's the matter?" Fei Yingli replied, her voice was also subconscious and could only be heard by two people.

Hanyu Shirasawa teased: "It was at the office last time, did you forget?"

Fei Yingli blushed, stretched out her tender hand, and pinched his waist fiercely.

"Ahem." Hanyu Baisawa grinned, and said in a low voice, "Letting her drive is conditional. It's exactly the same as what you said last time, and she agreed. I'll bully her when I find the time, and let her experience the time. Your grievance."

The blush on Fei Yingli's cheeks didn't fade away, but became even redder. She said shyly, "Since you've said that, then I'll accept it. Remember, don't let her have a hard time."

"Yeah, don't worry." Hanyu Shirasawa nodded affirmatively.

"Hey!" You Xizi said quietly, "What are you two talking about quietly?"

"It's nothing." Hanyu Baisawa replied loudly, "I'm thinking about the client this time."

Fei Yingli asked: "By the way, I still don't know the client's name."

"Fujieda Mikio."

"Hey, it's him!"

"You know him?" Hanyu Shirasawa was curious.

350 Concubine Yingli nodded: "I can't say I know him completely, but I have heard some rumors about him. It seems that when he was young, he seemed to have done a lot of bad things. Later, because of his sweet words, he deceived the favor of the rich lady, And also agreed to marry. In this way, life can be said to have reached its peak, and then borrowed money from his father-in-law's family to do a lot of illegal business behind the scenes, specifically to earn some improper money. But, he is a typical despicable villain .”

You Xizi suddenly said: "No wonder, such a bad guy, it's normal for someone to want his life, so I have no choice but to find you, Bai Ze."

"Wrong." Hanyu Baisawa said with a smile, "It wasn't him who came to see me, but his wife."

"Wife?" Fei Yingli was surprised: "I remember his wife passed away half a year ago. By the way, it seems that he has found a new love recently, maybe this current wife is looking for you."

"is it?"

Hanyu Shirasawa raised his eyebrows, he always felt that this scene was a bit familiar, so he carefully thought about it in his mind.

After a long time, he finally had some impressions. This time, it seemed that it was the first episode in the original novel where Concubine Eri and Yukiko appeared together.

Thinking of this, the memory became clearer, and I immediately understood what was going on.

"Bai Ze." You Xizi said softly at this time: "There seems to be a car behind us that has been following us."

Chapter 0223: You Xizi, a famous flower with a master

"Is there a car following?"

When Fei Yingli heard her best friend say that, she was really startled. She hurriedly looked back, but found that there were several cars behind her, and she didn't know which car was following her.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Hanyu Shirasawa gently comforted him.

In fact, he already knew about the car following behind him.

After all, the ability "Sixth Sense" can be said to be a very BUG ability. Some people may think that the feeling that comes from the dark is just that they think too much, but for him now, it means that he has no thought at all. Much, it is equivalent to God personally reminding.

So from the very beginning, he already knew that someone was following him, but he didn't feel any malice, so he didn't care.

Moreover, it seems that there are still two waves of people who are following, and they don't know each other.

What surprised him was that Yuxiko was able to discover this situation, which was really unusual, and he could only be said to be his woman.

"Bai Ze, what should we do now?" Yukiko asked seriously.

Hanyu Baisawa glanced at the two women, knowing that they were a little worried, he thought for a while and said, "Stop by the side of the road, let me see who it is."

"This..." You Xizi hesitated.

Hanyu Bai Ze laughed and said: "You are not worried about me, are you? You should be worried about the other party. And now on the street, as long as the other party is rational, he will not do anything. He doesn't act recklessly, I'm still good at talking."


Yukiko knew that Hanyu Baisawa was powerful, so she didn't worry anymore, she drove a little forward decisively, and stopped at the side of the road.

Stop with them.

A car following behind also stopped.

Hanyu Shirasawa got off the car.

Slowly walked to the front of the car, reached out and knocked on the window, said lightly: "Get out of the car and talk."

A "click" sound.

The car door opened, and a man with glasses and a mustache got out of the car. He was wearing a neat suit, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Hanyu Baisawa looked at this guy and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He really didn't expect that this guy was actually one of the two groups following them.

This person is not a small character, he is a very powerful character in Conan anime, and his reasoning ability is particularly strong.

he is the one……

"Hello Hanyu, Yusaku Kudo, please give me your advice." Yusaku Kudo took the initiative to say hello and extended his hand politely.

"Hello." Hanyu Shirasawa reached out to shake his hand, a funny smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, it was no surprise that he would recognize himself, after all, he also had a son, Kudo Shinichi, who was an old acquaintance.

Yusaku Kudo continued: "Mr. Hanyu, thank you for being merciful to my boy. I have heard your story many times from him, and I know that he is like a child in front of you."

Hanyu Shirasawa said quietly: "Are you so polite? I thought that Mr. Kudo would fight for his son."

Kudo Yusaku shook his head: "It's nothing at all, because with Mr. Hanyu's ability, he has no way to resist. So it is the result of Mr. Hanyu's mercy to say that he is fine at the moment."

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