"Ha ha."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, he didn't expect the guy in front of him to be so polite, it really surprised him.

Also at this time.

Fei Yingli and Yukiko got out of the car.

The main reason is that Hanyu Shirasawa and Kudo Yusaku, who they watched in the car, chatted for a while, thinking that there was nothing wrong, so they came down curiously to take a look.

After seeing Yusaku Kudo clearly, Yukiko whispered, "So it was him."

Fei Yingli was curious: "Do you know him?"

"Yeah." Yukiko nodded: "His name is Kudo Yusaku, he is a famous mystery novelist. By the way..."

Speaking of which, she smiled, took a look at her best friend, and said triumphantly: "Tell you, he still wanted to pursue me. Unfortunately, I fell in love with that bastard at that time, so I mercilessly sent him Refused."

"whispering sound."

Fei Yingli pouted.

When the two women finished whispering, they had already come in front of the two men.

Seeing Yukiko, Kudo Yusaku nodded very gentlemanly: "Ms. Yukiko, I haven't seen you for many years, I didn't expect you to be still young and beautiful."

"Hehe." Yukiko smiled gracefully, and naturally put her arms around Hanyu Shirasawa's arm, with a happy expression on her face, the meaning was self-evident, and she was declaring that she was in love.

Don't say it yet.

Seeing this scene, Kudo Yusaku was a little lost.

For a moment, he thought of what happened 17 years ago. At that time, he pursued Yukiko and was rejected without hesitation. Later, after giving up, he heard that she had retired, but now that he met again, it seemed that she had become someone else's woman. This is true. It is impermanence.

"¨‖Mr. Kudo Yusaku, right?" Fei Yingli ignored her best friend's petty gestures, and asked seriously: "Did you follow us just now?"

"Feel sorry."

Yusaku Kudo came back to his senses, apologized quickly, and explained: "I just heard my son mention Mr. Hanyu's car model and license plate number, so I subconsciously followed him when I saw it. At the same time, it happened that we were on the way. That's what caused the misunderstanding."

Hanyu Baisawa raised his eyebrows, thinking of what Kiko said in the original book, he suddenly realized, and said quietly:

"Mr. Kudo, don't you want to go to that Fujieda's house to solve the threat of the owner?"

"Huh." Kudo Yusaku was surprised, nodded and said, "Yes, it seems that Mr. Hanyu and I have the same purpose."

He was very surprised.

Unexpectedly, just because of a short sentence of his own, Hanyu Shirasawa could deduce the place he was going to, which was exactly the same as what his son said (good Li's), he was really a very powerful person, and at the same time I understand, no wonder Yukiko will become the other party's woman.

After all, there are no women who don't like strong men, and Hanyu Shirasawa is just such a strong man.

"Okay, the misunderstanding is resolved, let's continue on the road." After Hanyu Baisawa finished speaking, he glanced at a car parked on the side of the road 20 meters away, turned around and returned to his own car.

There are two waves of people who are following. Now Yusaku Kudo has solved one wave here, but the other wave has not been resolved yet.

However, because the distance was too far, and the other party had no malice, Hanyu Shirasawa was not in a hurry to find the other party, and waited until the matter of this entrustment was dealt with first.


They were on the road again, and behind them followed Kudo Yusaku's car openly and aboveboard.

It was only when they came outside the "Vine Branch Manor" that they realized that something was wrong, as if they had arrived late.

Chapter 0224: Can't support these women

at this time.

Vineyard Manor.

Here, several police cars parked at the gate.

There is nothing much to say, if there is no accident, there must be an accident.


Hanyu Shirasawa saw an old acquaintance, it was Police Officer Megure, and was very happy to see him coming again.

At the same time, he also saw Kudo Yusaku next to him, and the smile on his face became even brighter, as if it was about to bloom.

"Officer Megure, calm down a little," Hanyu Shirasawa reminded faintly.

"Cough cough."

Police officer Mu Mu blushed and coughed twice in embarrassment. He was helpless at first, but now that two powerful people appeared in front of him, he couldn't help laughing.

Yusaku Kudo asked, "Officer Megure, what happened?"


Officer Mu Mu sighed and explained slowly.

In fact, there is nothing to say. The 50-year-old Mitsuo Fujieda died in the leisure room of his home. He was shot three times. The time of death was around ten o'clock last night.

In the end, the police investigated and investigated, and identified four suspects.

The first is the old housekeeper in the manor, 69-year-old Ueki Sohachi.

The second is the recently married wife, 26-year-old Fujieda Suka.

The third place is Doi Kenzo, a 61-year-old garden horticulturist

The fourth place is the 360-year-old Fujieda Shigeru, the younger brother of the former wife of the Fujieda family.

And this Fujieda Shigeru is also a mystery novelist, but he is not so famous. Yusaku Kudo was invited here with his help.

As for Hanyu Shirasawa, it was invited by the newly married wife Fujieda Suka.

"I see, I said how could you two busy people come here..."

Officer Megure answered, and led Hanyu Shirasawa and the others into the manor.

But when they came in, they found two uninvited guests, Conan and Hattori Heiji.

"Why are they here?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked suspiciously.

Kudo Yusaku stood up and explained: "Conan is a child of my relatives. I have some things to do in the morning, so I asked them to help me first."

After finishing speaking, he bowed to Hanyu Shirasawa, obviously hoping that he would not reveal Conan's true identity.

In fact, that's what he was thinking too much, Hanyu Shirasawa would not do such a thing that is not beneficial to him at all, unless someone buys news with money, he doesn't mind talking about it.


Officer Mu Mu rubbed his hands together, and interjected: "You two, why don't you take a look at what happened first? There is a camera (cjdb) installed in this house, and everything that happened last night has been recorded."

"Wait first." Hanyu Shirasawa said, and came to the wife of Fujieda Suka: "Hello, I am Hanyu Shirasawa."

"Mr. Hanyu." Fujieda Suhua with a lack of interest expression: "You came too late, my husband is dead, and the entrusted matter is forgotten. I keep my word, and the 50 deposit will not be refunded gone."

After all.

She is only 26 years old this year, and she will marry an old man in his 50s. She is completely greedy for the other party's property.

Now that the other party is dead, the content she entrusted is no longer needed, and now I just want to wait for the distribution of property later.

"Really?" Hanyu Baisawa said quietly: "Madam, I can help you find the murderer of your husband. Are you sure you don't need to continue entrusting?"

"No, no." Fujieda Suka really didn't want to waste the money: "I trust the police, so I won't bother Mr. Hanyu."


Hanyu Shirasawa felt that it was a pity in his heart that he finally had a fee of 1000 million, but now it was all gone, leaving only a deposit of 50.

"Officer Megure, if it's okay, I'll leave first. Mr. Kudo already exists here, and there are high school student detectives from Osaka. They will help you solve it."

After Hanyu Shirasawa finished speaking to Police Officer Megure, he turned around and left with Fei Eri and Yukiko.

He is not a detective, and he doesn't want to waste all his efforts if it doesn't do him any good.

If the lady just now was willing to spend 1000 million or some money to find the murderer, he wouldn't mind telling who the murderer was.

It's a pity that the other party is too stingy.

Come outside the manor.

Fei Yingli muttered: "I really don't know what to say, I died last night."

"Yes." You Xizi nodded: "But you said he is a despicable villain, and it is an eye-opener for God to be able to live until now. It's a pity, I was waiting for Bai Ze to earn 1000 million, so we can go buy it together." Buy it."

"Hehe, I think so too." Fei Yingli pushed up her glasses, exchanged a glance with her best friend, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.


Listening to their conversation, Hanyu Baisawa was speechless for a moment, and could only silently look up at the sky.

It's really hard to raise a group of women, everyone is a master at spending money, and they don't even feel distressed at all.

And Hanyu Shirasawa can be very sure that every woman has more money than him, but it is just to spend his money, which makes people very helpless.

"Cough cough."

He coughed twice, retracted his thoughts, looked at the two of them and asked, "By the way, there is still a deposit of 50, how about I go spend with you?"

"50..." You Xizi pouted: "This amount of money is barely enough, and I can still go shopping."

Fei Yingli said: "Why don't we go find Xiaolan and the others' children. Jinghua and Qianying should be taking them now, and Heye seems to be going back tomorrow. Let's play with the children for a day."

"Okay, I'll drive."

Yukiko couldn't wait to take out the car keys, and directly got into the black Mazda parked aside, not giving Hanyu Shirasawa a chance to drive.

The corner of Feiyingli's mouth twitched slightly, then she shook her head helplessly, and opened the door of the passenger seat.

"Stop sitting in the back?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked.

"Sit by yourself." Fei Yingli waved her hand.

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't want to be alone, but he couldn't say it out, otherwise Yukiko would definitely get mad.

Also at this time.

His "sixth sense" frantically conveyed a feeling.

Immediately, he patted himself on the forehead: "Wait a minute, I still have something to do."

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