After finishing speaking, he walked towards a small black car parked on the side of the road in the distance.

He almost forgot just now. At the beginning, there were two waves of people following him. One wave had already figured it out, and the other wave hadn't figured it out yet.

And the other wave of guys are in this car not far away.


He came to the front of the car.

Without saying a word, he took out the "Master Key" and inserted it into the keyhole of the car door under the surprised eyes of the four men in suits inside, and opened the car door so easily.

Hanyu Shirasawa said indifferently: "Come down."


The four men in suits looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while, this was the first time they had experienced this situation.

They were indifferent there, Hanyu Baizawa didn't have the mood to wait, he just grabbed the collar of the man in the suit in front of him, and forcibly tore him off from the passenger seat.


Chapter 0225: Sera Marie's person?


The four people in the car never expected that Hanyu Shirasawa would dare to attack first when there were so many of them.

Ever since, everyone got out of the car, and the four of them stood in a row, trying to use this kind of momentum to force Hanyu Shirasawa to admit defeat.


It's okay to switch to other people, but the opposite is Hanyu Shirasawa, that's a different result.

He asked lightly:

"Tell me, where are you from? Why are you following me?"

"Such a wide road, why do you say we are following you?"


Hanyu Shirasawa frowned: "Are you sure?"

"We didn't do anything, why did we say that? You are really inexplicable, hurry up and apologize to me."

Hanyu Shirasawa exhaled lightly, and silently used the ability of "bullet time".

Not too much nonsense.

With one punch, he hit the nearest guy in front of him.

"Bang" sound.

Nosebleeds flowed horizontally, and with the sound of the bridge of the nose breaking, a figure fell to the ground clutching his nose.

The person next to him, seeing this scene, was amazed that Hanyu Baisawa dared to make a move, but without thinking too much, he subconsciously rushed up and grabbed his arm.

In Hanyu Baisawa's world, the group of people in front of him moved very slowly, retreated easily, and at the same time raised his right elbow, and exerted a strong upward force, preparing to hit this guy's chin with his elbow diagonally upward.

I would rather take a punch than an elbow.

This was the first thought in the guy's mind, he knew very well that if this elbow hit him on the chin, he would be knocked unconscious on the spot at the slightest, and his jawbone would be broken at the worst.

For people of their status, it is normal to fight desperately, so they retreat decisively.

As usual, such a retreat would definitely be able to avoid the elbow.

But what happened in the next second made his eyes widen, and he saw that in a blink of an eye, as soon as this elbow was lifted up, Hanyu Bai Ze seemed to have a premonition that he would hide, and directly kicked him in the stomach .


With one hit, the person flew upside down.

After Hanyu Baisawa kicked this kick, he didn't stop. In his field of vision, two other people were hitting him very slowly.

While dodging one person's fist, he kicked another person in the chest, then turned around and elbowed hard.

This time, no one can escape.

"Crack" sound.

There was a sound of bone cracking, and the person behind him fell to the ground with a painful face, at least one rib was broken.

Hanyu Shirasawa came to the first guy who was hit on the nose and fell to the ground, facing his knee, he raised his right foot.


"I say! Let's say!"

At the last moment, the guy who was injured the latest yelled out, his face was full of anxiety, and he looked at his raised foot in horror.

"Say." Hanyu Baisawa put his feet down and stared at him coldly.

The man stood up clutching his stomach, and said with a wry smile, "We were just entrusted by someone to monitor what you did all day and report back at the same time."

Hanyu Shirasawa's "sixth sense" was beating wildly.

Immediately, he understood that the guy in front of him only said half of what he said, or there were still important things he didn't say.

"Are you detectives?"


The ability "Sixth Sense" only sent a thought, and thought it was the truth.

"Ordinary bastard?"

"I...uh..." The man wanted to lie, but just when he hesitated, he realized that Hanyu Baisawa's gaze was starting to look wrong, and his heart shuddered, and he hurriedly said, "No."

Hanyu Shirasawa was surprised.

It never occurred to me that my "sixth sense" ability is so perverted that it can be used as a lie detector. It is really incredible.

At this moment, he realized that he might have underestimated the abilities given by the system. After all, there is a saying that there is no useless ability, only those who use the ability are useless.

A simple "sixth sense" can be used in different ways, so some other abilities, maybe you can use your imagination to do some incredible things.


Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, continued to use this ability, and asked the guy in front of him:

"Since you are nothing, what are you?"

"We are bounty hunters."

"You're lying." Hanyu Shirasawa said with affirmation.

"without me......"

"You will give you one last chance." Hanyu Baisawa interrupted him, raised his feet again, and aimed at the guy's knee on the ground.

The man opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but seeing the scene in front of him, he didn't dare to say it.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

half an hour.

He smiled bitterly: "We are people from some special institutions, this time it's true."

"Hmm." Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, thought for a while, and asked, "Like the FBI?"

The man was silent, not talking.

But it was precisely this action that proved Hanyu Shirasawa's guess was right.

Hanyu Shirasawa narrowed his eyes and said lightly:

"People from the CIA?"

The man remained silent.

"People from MI6?"

The man remained silent.

But Hanyu Baisawa said quietly: "So you are from MI6."

The man only thought that Hanyu Shirasawa was cheating on him, so the expression on his face was exactly the same as at the beginning without any change.

...... 0

But the next words finally made him unable to hold back.

"For MI6... did Sera Marie ask you to come?"

Hanyu Shirasawa doesn't think he has anything to do with MI6, and he doesn't seem to have any dealings with them recently, but he has met twice with one of them, that is Sera Marie.

So he thought of her immediately, and only she could find someone to watch him.

With his words fall.

The voices of the other three who were still howling seemed to be much lower.

They knew very well what was going on at the scene. Their teammates only said some simple information, and the result was deduced by others, which is really unbelievable.

Also at this time.

Their movement here finally attracted the attention of the police who were staying outside at the Vine Branch Manor in the distance.

So, someone came to check.

The one who came was an acquaintance with a big belly, it was Chiba Kazunobu.

"Mr. Hanyu, did you encounter something and need help?"


The four guys from MI6 almost cried.

You must know that they are the ones who were beaten, and they are the ones who can be seen clearly at the scene.

As a result, the police came here and asked Hanyu Shirasawa directly if he needed help. This society was too dark for them.

Hanyu Baisawa said: "Officer Chiba, I have nothing to do here, so don't bother."

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