"Well, Mr. Hanyu calls me directly if he has something to do, and I'm not far away."

Chapter 0226: Take Yukiko to the hotel

Wait for Chiba and Shinobu to leave.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at the four guys in front of him and was about to ask something.


One of them's mobile phone beeped, and it was the man who had talked to Hanyu Shirasawa before.

When he took out the phone and looked at it, his expression changed.

Hanyu Shirasawa happened to see this scene, and directly stretched out his hand: "Give it to me."

The man hesitated for a moment, and honestly handed over the phone. Who told him that he was just an ordinary member, and he had no faith at all.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at the number on the phone that had no notes, put it to his ear after connecting.

"Did something happen?" A woman's voice sounded, needless to say it must be Sera Marie.

"Yes." Hanyu Baisawa said in a low voice: "I found out about the four of them, and I beat them up. Now I'm thinking about how to deal with them."


There is no sound on the other side of the phone.

half an hour.

Sera Marie's voice sounded calmly: "Do whatever you want, kill them if you want. I hope that when you kill them again, you won't be seen by others."


Hanyu Shirasawa was really surprised, he didn't expect this woman's answer to be like this.

All of a sudden, he still can't deal with him anymore. I don't know whether I should speak harshly, or should directly kill the four of them.

However, he glanced at a few policemen at the gate of the Vine Branch Manor not far away, and finally decided on this idea.

He knew very well that the reason why these policemen treated him kindly was because of Masayoshi Sato, but that didn't mean they would just watch him kill someone.

What's more, the four guys in front of me were not malicious from the very beginning, after all, that's how the "sixth sense" came from at that time.

Therefore, in such a crowded place, a beating is enough, there is no need to take the risk of killing people, if it does not reach this point for the time being, it will bring a lot of trouble to myself, it is indeed not the right choice.

"Cough cough."

Coughed twice, stopped talking about these four guys, and changed the subject directly: "If you have any questions, you can come to me directly, why do you send someone to monitor me?"

Sera Marie said quietly: "Don't worry, we will meet soon."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly, feeling that he really didn't care about the life or death of those four people.

"That's a temper tantrum." Hanyu Baisawa looked at the phone in his hand, and threw it directly at the man.

Then warn them.

Get them to stop stalking.

Then I went back to Fei Yingli and Yukiko.

"Hello." Seeing him coming back, You Xizi asked, "What's the situation with them? Why did you beat them?"

Hanyu Baisawa snatched the car keys from her, and while sitting in the driver's seat, he said, "Didn't you find out that someone is following us? They are one of the two waves of people following us."

"Ah?" Fei Yingli asked in surprise, "That means there were two waves of people following us at the very beginning?"


Hanyu Shirasawa nodded and greeted: "Hurry up and get in the car, there is nothing to stay here."

You Xizi pouted and got into the back seat, and said very displeasedly: "He's going to drive, but he still snatches his keys. He's really a villain. Hmph, I've canceled my promise to you."

Hanyu Baisawa stared, and turned to look at the woman: "Yukiko, if you play a rascal, next time I will play a rascal, let's play a rascal together, it depends on what you do."

Of course Feiyingli knew what was going on, and she pretended to chime in next to her: "You Xizi, you have to keep your word, no matter what you promised Bai Ze, it doesn't look good to say nothing."

"Hehe." Yukiko laughed and teased: "Eri, I still remember that before breakfast in the morning, you said you would never ride in my car again, but you still did. So, you don't want to Talk about me, what you say doesn’t count.”


Fei Yingli was speechless.

After all, this is indeed what I said, and it hasn't been long since I said it.

Thinking of this, she glared at Hanyu Baisawa viciously, it was all the fault of this hateful man, if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have broken his promise.

Hanyu Baisawa said speechlessly: "Eri, don't be fooled, she is trying to sow discord. You see, you just can't hold your breath."

Fei Yingli's expression darkened, and she looked at her best friend, and sure enough, she saw a smug expression on her face, she looked really irritating.

"Huh!" She snorted coldly, ignored any of them, and turned her head to look outside...

"Cough cough."

Yukiko coughed lightly, glanced at Hanyu Shirasawa in front of her, and thought of what she had promised him, her face blushed immediately, and she said a little coyly:

"Alright, I won't break my promise. I will do what I promised you. Alright, hurry up and go find Qianying and the others."


Hanyu Shirasawa got a satisfactory answer, stopped talking too much nonsense, and drove away directly to come here.

Fei Yingli didn't know what to think of, her face turned red for a while, and then turned pale for a while, and she was struggling there.

Two 10 minutes later.

Mihua Hotel parking lot.

You Xizi got out of the car and asked suspiciously, "Bai Ze, Qianying and the others came here?"

"No." Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged: "It's still so early, and it's not even noon, so there's no need to panic. So, I'm going to finish what you promised me first, and then go to accompany them in the afternoon."


Yukiko blinked her beautiful eyes, not knowing what to say, she looked at Hanyu Shirasawa, then at her concubine Eri, the meaning was self-evident.

Feiying dreamed of the grievance she suffered last time, and when she thought that her best friend would have the same experience later, she couldn't help laughing, so she just pretended to be stupid:

"Oh, I went to bed too late yesterday, so it's good to just come here to catch up on sleep."


You Xizi doubted her ears, looked at Fei Yingli strangely, and even started to wonder in 3.1 whether her best friend was taken away by someone, otherwise how could she say such a thing.

So, she asked uncertainly: "Eri, um... are you okay?"

"I am very well."

"Are you sure you're fine?"

"Of course I'm fine." Fei Yingli rolled her eyes angrily.

"Okay, leave her alone, today's protagonist is you." Hanyu Shirasawa took Yukiko's hand and strode into the hotel.


You Xizi now just wants to say that something is wrong with her best friend, and really wants to find out what's going on.


Things backfired, and in the end I still didn't figure out what was going on.

Fei Yingli watched from behind, hesitated for a moment, and walked in with them.

Chapter 0227: Angry two women, start a copy

One p.m.

On the bustling streets of Ginza.

A group of women were walking, attracting countless people's attention, but what attracted more attention was that he was the only man among the group of women, which really made people envy and hate him.

"Youxizi, what is your expression? Did someone make you angry?" Qianying looked at Youxizi, who had been keeping a straight face since she came next to her.

"Hehe, the one on my side is exactly the same as the one on yours." Chi Bo Jinghua joked, talking about Fei Yingli who was next to her with the same expression as Yukiko.


Fei Yingli and You Xizi's unattractive faces became even more unsightly. They looked at each other and tried to force a smile, but it's better not to smile.

Qianying asked: "Youxizi, what is the matter? Tell me."

You Xizi blushed uncontrollably, turned her head and glanced at Hanyu Shirasawa behind her, and said quietly, "It's nothing, just being bullied by a bastard." 29

"Oh?" Qianying naturally noticed her actions, and looked back, showing an expression of sudden realization, but then noticed the same expression on Fei Yingli's face, which made her a little puzzled.

Chi Bo Jinghua squinted her eyes, put on a thoughtful expression, and spoke after a while: "I think it might be that some people made them do things they didn't like, so they did this."

"Then what do you think it will be?" Qianying asked.

After asking this sentence, she herself was taken aback for a moment, as if she had thought of something, she quickly leaned close to You Xizi's ear, and did not know what Didi said.

half an hour.

You Xizi's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe it: "Qianying, did you and Sharon deal with him together?"

Qianying said with a guilty conscience: "The main thing happened too suddenly at that time, otherwise it would definitely not be like this. Don't worry, there is no need to be angry about this kind of thing. You see, I am not fine."


You Xizi had a troubled expression on her face, thinking that Qianying had told her such an important secret, she simply leaned into her ear and began to whisper.

After listening.

This time, Chikage's eyes widened: "No way... I think Sharon and I are outrageous enough, but I didn't expect you and Yingli to be even more outrageous than us."

Yukiko patted her forehead with one hand, and said shamefully and angrily, "Isn't it because Eri couldn't help rushing in at that time, or else it wouldn't have happened."

the other side.

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