Sera Marie said quietly:

"Actually, this cruise ship has been noticed by MI6 a long time ago. The owner of the cruise ship is a spy sent by New York. His job is to escort the spies to our side, or escort them back."

"That's it."

"Hmph, the reason why we don't care here is mainly for the convenience of monitoring and preventing them from moving their positions, which will make it even more difficult to detect. And without them knowing, we can record the list of those spies and know their movements at any time .”

"Nice strategy."

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, he knew this kind of thing, it was simply waiting for the pig to be fattened before killing it.

Whether it is a company, a country, or some enterprises, it is often used, and it is very convenient and practical.

Of course, there is a certain risk in this way. Sometimes when the pig grows too strong, it can turn out of the cage and escape.

"Cough cough."

Coughing twice, Hanyu Baisawa saw that the woman didn't relax at all, and said with a smile:

"So you are doubting me now, right?"

"Shouldn't you be suspicious?"

Sera Marie sneered, and said lightly:

"Listen, let me analyze it for you. First, the third basement of this cruise ship, except for the staff, is not allowed for ordinary people to enter. So here comes the question, are you a staff?"

"No." Hanyu Shirasawa replied with a smile.

"Very good. What makes me more sure that you have a problem is the attitude of the guard just now. He looks like he obviously knows you, and he can even be said to be afraid of you. So, you are not just a person on this cruise ship , and even the status is not low. Am I right?"

"Well..." Hanyu Baisawa clasped his hands together: "According to normal reasoning, you must be correct to say this. But things often have accidents, and I happen to be that accident."

"You lied to a ghost." Sera Marie was very firm in her reasoning at the moment, and she didn't believe any rhetoric at all.

Now she is thinking about how to take down Hanyu Shirasawa without causing any disturbance.

But after thinking about it for a while, she found that there was no way to take him down without causing any disturbance, which made her feel very embarrassed, and the scene froze here for a moment.

Hanyu Baisawa asked: "By the way, can you tell me why that guy chased you just now?"

Sera Marie didn't answer, her eyes kept rolling around.

"Hey, it's already in this situation, so it doesn't matter if you say it?"

" seems to be the same."

Sera Marie frowned and thought for a while, then nodded slightly, then her face became ugly, and she said slowly:

"Before, I pretended to be a cleaner and cleaned the rooms one by one. Finally, I heard a message in a room at the end of the third floor. About three days later, another cruise ship will come to the sea, and the owner of our cruise ship will go there. A cruise ship finally blew up here. The nearly [-] people here are going to be buried in the sea.”

After listening.

Hanyu Shirasawa showed such an expression as expected.

After meeting with Gibson before, the other party said that he would pay after arriving in "New York". At that time, he knew that it was impossible to be so simple. Although he was telling the truth, there would definitely be problems in the middle.

It's just that I didn't expect that guy to be so ruthless, ready to run away by himself, and then blow up here.

It's just something that puzzled him. It seems that he only gave half of the information, and the other half is still with him. Why is that guy so anxious and doesn't want the other half?

Or in a few days, are you going to take him away with you?

"You guys are so insane." After saying the last sentence, Sera Marie's eyes were full of anger.

Hanyu Baizawa laughed and said, "Don't tell me I almost forgot just now. If I were on the cruise ship and you pretended to be a cleaner, shouldn't I expose you? But I didn't, don't you think it's abnormal? "

"This..." Shiliang Marie was taken aback, and almost forgot about this matter. If this matter is included, there will be a major mistake in her reasoning.

"No, if you're not on the cruise ship, why are you able to go down?"

"Because..." Hanyu Shirasawa teased, "I am the one who stole important information about London, and I am the one who came up to trade with the owner here."


Sera Marie was so shocked that she almost threw the pistol out of her hand. Countless possibilities flashed through her mind before, but she never expected this result.

Hanyu Shirasawa continued: "By the way, the guy I met was named Gibson, in his fifties, and bald."

"Bang" sound.

This time, Sera Marie dropped the pistol to the ground in shock, and her beautiful eyes widened, full of inconceivability.

Hanyu Baisawa stepped forward, picked up the pistol and put it away, and asked, "Why, what's wrong with this name?"

Sera Marie came back to her senses, sat down on the bed, opened her mouth, and spoke after a long while:

" the boss I told you about in the cafeteria this morning. After hearing your description of him, I'm [-]% sure it's him."

"Hey, that's not right. Didn't you say that you already have the information of the owner of the cruise ship? How could you make a mistake here?"


Sera Marie smiled wryly and said, "Actually, my boss Gibson reported this news. It's just that I didn't expect him to be the real mastermind behind the scenes."

Hanyu Baisawa was stunned, and said, "Don't even mention it, it's an old fox. It seems that he gave you the task as a cover. He just didn't want too many people to come over to avoid accidents. He just happened to be able to take advantage of this time Leave London. It seems that my information is a great thing."

"Wait." He thought of another thing, and looked at Sera Marie sadly: "That is to say, 390, you have been exposed from the very beginning."

"Yeah." Sera Marie became even more decadent: "He knows me, and with his people on board, I might not be able to run away."

"It's miserable."

"Yeah." Sera Marie said a frustrated word, but calmed down: "By the way, if you make a deal with him, you probably won't be able to run away."

"It's okay, it's not a big problem."

"Do you have a way to get through this? I'm not talking about frustration. There are at least 200 crew members on board. There are at least [-] people who can do things for him, and they all have weapons. And most importantly For one thing, a bomb has been planted on the ship, do you still have a chance to come back?"

"Hearing what you said, if it's just the two of us, it seems that there is really no way to recover." Hanyu Baisawa didn't intend to argue with her, and followed her words.

"It was."

After Sera Marie finished speaking, she stood up abruptly, walked to the door of the cabin, and locked it directly.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, it's just a carnival before death. There is one thing I haven't experienced yet, and I think it's a pity. I don't want to die with regrets."

"Uh... It always feels like what you said is not a serious thing."

"You don't pretend to me, it's cheaper for you."


Hanyu Shirasawa opened his mouth, wanting to say that he can solve the problem this time, but looking at Sera Marie, who had given up on herself and was unbuttoning her buttons, she finally chose to shut up. No.

Chapter 0233: Copy of Sera Mary: 2/3

time flies.

two hours later.

It's exactly noon now.

In the cabin, on a single bed, Hanyu Shirasawa put his arms around Sera Mari's shoulders, staring at the ceiling above his head.

Sera Marie also had the same expression, staring at the ceiling above her head in the same way, but the pink on her face hadn't completely faded away.

At this moment, the atmosphere here is quite ambiguous.

for a long time.


Hanyu Baisawa exhaled lightly, and asked, "Have you calmed down?"

"Calm down."

Sera Mari replied calmly.

When she thought of what happened two hours ago, she wished she could slap herself twice. She didn't even think that she couldn't control her emotions and did such a thing.

Unfortunately, it is too late now, and there is no chance to regret it.

"Calm down." Hanyu Baisawa said with a smile: "After you calm down, do you have anything else to say now?"

"Not at all." Sera Marie said in a low voice, "What I said at the beginning, just the two of us, there is no chance of turning back at all. Gibson is not a fool, he is my boss. to that position."

Although she regretted what happened just now, she didn't think there was any mistake in her previous judgment.

She is human, not god.

Not to mention she is the only one, even if the whole team is replaced, it is estimated that on the current cruise ship, there may only be annihilation of the entire army.

"I know."

Hanyu Shirasawa said quietly: "From the time he traded with me, I already knew that he is not a simple guy."

What he said was the truth that the other party said.

It's the phrase "pay the bill when you get to New York."

A guy who had already thought of doing something halfway, actually said the truth. It is conceivable that the other party is not a simple character.

"Then what else is there to say?"

Sera Marie suddenly turned over and sat up, stared straight into his eyes, and asked, "Continue?"

Hanyu Shirasawa glanced at his task, it showed "unfinished", and shook his head immediately:

"No, you'd better have a good rest. Besides, if you can't do it yourself, it doesn't mean I can't do it. I think I can still solve this problem."

"Ha ha."

Sera Marie smiled, and said slowly: "Although I know you are very powerful, but five years ago there were only thirty people, and the situation is not the same as now. Look at the vast sea outside, as long as you fall, there will be nothing Chance to live."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." Hanyu Baisawa said angrily, pushing her away.

Also at this time.

There was a loud "click" sound outside.

The sound was so loud that it could deafen people's ears. If some people with bad hearts were to hear the roar of wild beasts, they might be scared to death suddenly.

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