"This is……"

The two made a suspicious sound together.

Then they looked at each other, hurriedly cleaned up, finally opened the door of the cabin, rested their hands on the railing of the corridor, looked at the sky above their heads, and saw the reflections of silver snakes flickering in their pupils.


Dense lightning.


Black clouds like a whirlpool are overhead, accompanied by lightning and thunder, like a doomsday scene.

In just a short moment, the strong wind began to hit, and suddenly the sea began to churn with waves of high and low.

In a short while, the original giant cruise ship was like a paper boat in front of the sea. It was not under his control at all, and began to shake violently from side to side.


Screams sounded, and countless voices came from the cruise ship, all of them were full of fear. They were obviously aware of the changing weather outside and the horror of nature.

"walk in!"

Hanyu Shirasawa directly used the ability to "adsorb", stood firmly in the corridor, hugged Sera Marie who would be shaken to take off even if she grabbed the railing, and quickly ran back to the cabin.

Sera Marie put her arms around Hanyu Shirasawa, and said sadly: "Our luck is really unlucky, even if we don't die in the explosion three days later, it feels like we will die in the coming storm."

"Don't say bad words."

Hanyu Shirasawa reprimanded and took off the two lifebuoys in the room.

Yes, there are life buoys in each cabin of this cruise ship, just to deal with some special situations.

Hanyu Shirasawa pulled off the bed sheet again, tore it into ropes, tied the two life buoys together, and finally hid in the small bathroom in the cabin with Sera Marie.

It usually looks crowded when there is only one person, but now two people must come, it really means that there is no place to move around.

But now that the station is not stable, it is just right to hide here.

Sera Marie watched Hanyu Shirasawa put two lifebuoys on her body, and fixed them with the torn sheets, and asked:

"And you?"

"I don't need you to worry."


"No but." Hanyu Baisawa interrupted her: "You are not me, don't use your standard to judge me. Well, pay attention to protect your head, don't hit the wall."

Sera Marie opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't choose to continue speaking.

Hanyu Baisawa has the ability to "breathe inside", even if he falls into the sea, he will be fine and will not be drowned, so he is not afraid for the time being.

The two were silent.

The cruise ship shook more and more, the thunder outside became louder, and the sound of the huge waves became clearer and clearer.

From time to time, a wave hit the cruise ship, making a loud noise, and countless seawater rushed up and poured into the cabins one by one.

Even if Hanyu Shirasawa and Sera Mari hid in the bathroom, seawater seeped in through the crack of the door, and the shoes they were wearing were wet in a short while.

Time passes (good promise).

It started to rain outside, but the strong wind gradually subsided, and even the thunder gradually became smaller.

The only thing that remains the same may be the continuous huge waves, which slap on the cruise ship all the time.

I don't know how long it took.


Sera Marie breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice: "It seems that we escaped a catastrophe, and we don't have to die today."

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, sighed: "Not at all, you can feel it for yourself, maybe something worse has happened."


Sera Marie was taken aback, calmed down and felt it seriously, her expression changed suddenly, and she yelled: "Oops! The boat is tilting!"

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't talk nonsense, opened the bathroom door, and pulled her out together.

As soon as I came out, I found that the outside was already in chaos, with countless noisy voices resounding everywhere, accompanied by many cries.

Chapter 0234: Copy of Sera Mary: 2/3

"It's over now."

Sera Marie looked at the scene in front of her, feeling a burst of despair in her heart.

"I think it's better to be directly blown to death than to be drowned."


Thinking of the current situation, she felt that she was really unlucky. First, she was betrayed by her boss, and then she knew that the cruise ship would be bombed in a few days. In the end, God didn't even give her a few days, and she even had a match of this level the storm.

"Okay, please be quiet for me."

Hanyu Shirasawa scolded her, ran back into the cabin, tore off the sheet on the other single bed, and began to tear it into strips as wide as a palm.

"Why are you still doing this?" Sera Marie walked in and took off the lifebuoy at the same time.

"Don't worry about it, just follow me."

Hanyu Shirasawa ran out with a bunch of cloth strips, rushed to the next room, glanced casually, and found two lifebuoys that fell on the ground, and immediately picked them up.


He ran out, pulled the bewildered Sera Marie, and started running forward with all his might.

Gradually, the crowd began to crowd ahead.

There is no way, the cruise ship is sinking towards the back little by little, and it is still raining in the sky, their group of ordinary 400 people has no choice but to run to the front of the cruise ship.

this moment.

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't hesitate at all, as long as there was someone in front of him, he would be punched and kicked.

Of course, there were still people who resisted, but with the ability of "bullet time", in such a crowded situation, they were all subdued by him with one move.

Either a punch on the bridge of the nose, or a kick below the vitals.

Hanyu Shirasawa is actually not afraid of death, because death in the dungeon timeline is not real death, but the dungeon characters are different, death is real death.

Therefore, for the sake of Sera Marie, he had no choice but to attack these ordinary people.

And in this endless sea, their fate has long been doomed, and they cannot escape at all. Even if Hanyu Shirasawa becomes the Virgin at this moment, they cannot be saved.

at last.

With a "bang".

The guy standing in front fell down as expected, and the vision in front of him suddenly widened.

It is an endless sea, a sea that makes people despair at a glance.


Hanyu Baisawa exhaled lightly, wiped the rainwater off his face, turned his head (cjdb) to look at Sera Marie, and asked, "Why didn't you talk all the way?"

Sera Marie shook her head, and said in a low voice: "There's nothing to say. What's the use even if you run to the front? After all, we still have to die together."

"Don't worry, I won't let you die."

"Tch, it's such a time, and you're still talking big."

"just wait."

"Wait when?"

"Wait..." Hanyu Baisawa said a word, looked up at the heavy rain in the sky, and said softly: "When the rain stops, everything will be over."

Sera Marie leaned on the railing, looked back at the dense crowd, and suddenly laughed: "It's actually quite good, with so many people together, it won't be too boring when you die."


Hanyu Shirasawa was convinced by this woman, and he started talking about frustration a few hours ago, it was too realistic.

Now, he just hopes that the rain will stop soon.

Their huge cruise ship has just started to sink now, and it should last about an hour at this sinking speed.

As long as the rain stops within an hour, he is sure to take Sera Marie away intact.

Time passed little by little.

After half an hour.

The tilt of the cruise ship was already very obvious, and many people were clinging to the things around them.

at last.

The rain on the head stopped.

Hanyu Shirasawa showed a smile on his face, took a pat on Sera Marie, climbed over the railing and stood outside: "Hurry up, turn over."

"What are you?" Sera Marie was puzzled.

"Hurry up, don't forget the life buoy and cloth strips."

"You... Forget it, just die."

Sera Marie didn't hesitate, and climbed over the railing with a life buoy and cloth strips.

Hanyu Shirasawa hugged her, picked up a lifebuoy, and slipped it over the heads of the two of them, until it reached the thigh.

"Hey, you don't want to take me into the sea, do you?" Sera Marie felt that she might have guessed the truth.

"Don't talk nonsense." Hanyu Baisawa quickly picked up the second life buoy and put it on their stomachs.

Next third, the waist.

Fourth, the back.

Finally, those cloth strips began to wrap around the two of them, and finally tightened tightly.

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