At this time, Shiliang Marie was in a daze, and other ordinary people were also in a daze when they saw the two of them.

"Hello." Sera Marie said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Aren't you crazy?"

Hanyu Baisawa did not speak, and finally wrapped the necks of the two of them, leaving only their hands to move, stared at her eyes face to face, and then jumped off the cruise ship.


"you you!!!"

Sera Mari felt that she had really believed in Hanyu Shirasawa's evil, so she tied herself face to face with him like a fool.

it's good now.

Jumping off the cruise ship, it is estimated that they will drown in the sea together.

But waited a while.

She realized that she hadn't fallen into the sea yet, she finally sensed something was wrong, she didn't look into Hanyu Shirasawa's eyes, she tilted her head slightly, and saw a piece of black cloth through his ear.

"This is……"

Sera Mari was stunned, and turned her head vigorously, trying to look down, but unfortunately her neck was tied to Hanyu Shirasawa's neck, and at most it could only be twisted by more than 90 degrees. Dahai understands his current state very well.

One word - fly.

"Where did you get the hang glider?" Sera Marie asked the confusion in her heart.

Hanyu Shirasawa said indifferently: "You don't need to worry about this."

"Hey... Even if you have gliding, how long can you fly? When there is no wind, the two of us will fall into the sea."

"Oh, no."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, his hang glider was modified by the system, not to mention a propeller, and it is also an infinite power version, so he can fly all the time.

Sera Marie sighed and said: "I finally understand, no wonder you have to wait for the rain to stop. Because in the rain, you may fall into the sea as soon as you fly out. But have you ever thought that if we encounter rain later? what to do?"


Hanyu Shirasawa's expression darkened, and he said viciously:

"Marie Sera, are you sick? Can't you think about the better side? Why do you keep thinking about the bad side?"

"I'm telling the truth."

"Then you shut up."

Chapter 0235: Copy of Sera Mary: 2/3

time flies.


The next day came.

On the vast and boundless sea, a black shadow flew fast across the sea.


Sera Marie murmured softly, and opened her eyes in a daze. When she woke up, she felt pain all over her body, and the oncoming sea breeze made her scalp feel cold.

"Hiss~ I'm so tired."

She couldn't help complaining, she wanted to move her body, but found that she couldn't move at all, and was tightly tied to the man above.

Enduring this pain, she raised her head slightly, looked at Hanyu Baisawa's eyes staring at the sea ahead, and asked softly:

"Hey, are you okay?"

"What do you say?"

Hanyu Shirasawa answered, but his voice was unusually hoarse, and there was even a strong sense of exhaustion.

In fact, he was also in great pain. He had been flying in the sea with a hang glider for an afternoon and a night, and there was still a person hanging from his body. Even though he was tied with a lifebuoy and cloth strips, his body was already in pain.

Especially since he can't sleep yet, he has to control the hang glider. If he is not careful and doesn't grasp an angle properly, he may plunge headfirst into the sea. By then, he will be fine, and Sera Marie will definitely die.

"Let me tell you..." Sera Marie opened her mouth and said in a low voice, "I don't know, but I'm already suffering, and you must be suffering more than me."

"It's good that you know. Let me tell you, you owe me a life. Now your life doesn't belong to you anymore. At least half of it belongs to me."

"Whatever you say."

Sera Marie subconsciously wanted to continue talking about her frustration, but when she reached the point of her mouth, she realized that this man didn't like to hear it, so she decisively changed the subject again:

"Now I'm clear. You prepared these life buoys and cloth strips, and you wanted to use this method to escape, right?"

"Nonsense, otherwise, what am I doing?"

"That's right. No matter how strong a person is, he might not be able to hold on for a few hours while flying in the sky with a person in his arms. So you try to find a way to tie me to your body, so that you don't have to worry about being unable to hold me behind you. Let me fall."

After Sera Mari finished speaking, her heart was greatly shaken.

Looking at this man's face, she had countless things to say in her heart, but in the end she just asked in a low voice:

"Why do you do this for me?"


Hanyu Baisawa exhaled lightly, lowered his head slightly, stared firmly into her eyes, and said seriously:

"Since you gave up on yourself, although you just want to indulge before you die, in my eyes, you are already my woman. As for my own woman, I will never give up. Even if you want to be together To die, I must die before you."

this moment.

Sera Marie only felt her heart beating fast, and the temperature on her cheeks rose uncontrollably. She silently turned her head to one side, and said with some guilt:

"Don't be sentimental. Even if you say that, I won't regard you as my man. You are just my last tool to vent."

"is it?"

Hanyu Bai Ze said quietly: "If that's the case, I'm going to throw you down, I don't want to save a white-eyed wolf."


The corner of Sera Marie's mouth twitched, and the feeling of being touched just now disappeared instantly, and she said unhappily: "Hey, are you a man after all? Anyway, we have been married for two hours."

"Hehe, didn't you just say that I'm just your venting tool? Why, are you married again now?"


Sera Mari blushed with anger, although she knew that the man in front of her was joking, it still made her feel very upset:

"Really, I was finally touched. You actually said such words that destroy the atmosphere. Is there something wrong with your brain?"

"Ha ha."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled: "I think what you said just now is a brain hole, and you blame me in turn."

Sera Marie pouted and ignored him.

Two people are not talking.

The main reason is that nonsense seems to be quite exhausting.

The atmosphere quieted down.

The ears are full of the sound of the sea.

There are waves and waves, and there is a sea wind whistling wildly in my ears.

From time to time, you can also meet some seabirds, and even see whales spitting water.

for a long time.

Sera Marie said, "I remember that the cruise ship departed from the pier for only a day and a half. How long do you think it will take you to fly back?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

Hanyu Baisawa thought for a while, and replied: "It's hard to say, it will take three or four days at the earliest. If it is slower, it will start in six days at least."

Sera Marie showed a sad expression on her face: "After so many days, your body will not be able to hold it. Moreover, the weight of me alone is hanging on your body, the cloth strips and lifebuoy are strangling you, your muscles It will definitely be unbearable, there will be strains, maybe a fracture."

"Are you worried about me?" Hanyu Shirasawa's tone was full of ridicule.

"Hmph, I'm not worried about you, I'm just afraid that something will happen to you and I will be implicated."

Sera Marie replied very ruthlessly, but her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally she continued to speak in another sad tone:

"Actually... There's no need to do this at all. It's not worth it to implicate you because of me."

.... 0 0

"Hehe." Hanyu Baisawa said with a relaxed smile, "If you feel guilty, just fall in love with me, and it's best to fall in love with me in a short time."


Sera Mari felt the answer was inexplicable, and said helplessly, "Hanyu Shirasawa, do you think I'm a robot?"

"No, why did you say that suddenly?"

"If not, why do you ask that? With your present dedication, even a bad woman would be touched. So, in my heart, I have gradually begun to fall in love with you."

"Understood, knife mouth, tofu heart, right?"

"Hmph!" Sera Marie snorted coldly, her eyes gradually began to yearn, and she said softly: "If I can survive this time, I don't mind marrying you. I think you are not bad, at least you are someone who can love women. It should be very happy to form a family with you."

Hanyu Bai Ze laughed and said, "Hey, didn't you still doubt my identity before? Are you ready to marry me now?"

Sera Marie returned to her senses, and said confidently: "Don't you see where I work? With your status, it's easy to solve with me."

"is it?"

Hanyu Shirasawa twisted his neck and made a series of noises, it was obvious that the neck had already been loaded.

That is to say, the straps on his body are a little tight now, otherwise he still wants to move his hands and feet.

Sera Marie looked at this scene, a look of worry flashed in her eyes

Chapter 0236: Copy of Sera Mary: 2/3

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