Four days.

In the blink of an eye, it's the fourth day.

Hanyu Shirasawa took Sera Marie and flew over the sea for four days.

Fortunately, the weather was fine during these four days, and there was no rain, otherwise they must have fallen into the sea.

at this time.

Both are in bad shape.

Because of the relationship between flying in the sky, it is impossible to land. First, there is a lack of water, and then there is a lack of food.

There is no food, there is water, and it can last seven or eight days.

But there is no water, no food, whether it can survive five days is a problem.

Now they are very miserable, their lips are chapped, their faces are pale, and there is no food supplement, no heat, and their bodies feel cold.

The worst one was Hanyu Shirasawa, who hadn't closed his eyes for four days and always looked like he was about to burp.

This time, the secondary mission of "[-]" can be said to be his worst dungeon mission.

What he faced this time was not human beings, but God. In the face of nature, the abilities he was proud of in the past are not much that he can use now.

"White Pond……"

Sera Marie spoke with difficulty in a weak voice: "Give up, it's not bad for us to die in the sea together."

"You started again." Hanyu Baisawa stared at his bloodshot eyes, licked his chapped lips, and said in a low voice: "Don't give up, I feel that it should be soon, just keep going."

"But you can't hold it anymore..."

"Hold it."


Sera Marie exhaled lightly, and tears flowed down her face. The main reason was that she was in too much pain, her whole body ached, her hungry chest stuck to her back, and at the same time she was extremely thirsty and mentally exhausted.

This series of things added up, even if she was a powerful agent, she couldn't stand it anymore, and she really wanted to die like this.

But she was moved by the man's desire to survive, and she still didn't give up at this point.

She can be sure that the other party is definitely in more pain than her, after all, she has not closed her eyes for four days and four nights.

for a long time.

Sera Marie murmured, "Hey, live with this hope of mine."

Hanyu Shirasawa heard this, and he pulled himself together and asked, "What do you want to do?"


Sera Marie laughed suddenly, and she smiled brightly in such a distressed situation.


She bit her lip hard.

Blood flowed out instantly.

Without any hesitation, he mustered all his strength to lift up, and kissed Hanyu Shirasawa.


Hanyu Shirasawa's eyes widened, he didn't expect her to do such a thing.

Immediately, a rusty smell filled his palate, but he, who had been thirsty for four days, subconsciously swallowed it.

"This woman..."

Hanyu Baisawa understood her thoughts in his heart, and stared firmly into her eyes.

Sera Marie's eyes were full of smiles, she blinked her eyelashes slowly, and showed firm eyes again.

There is no water source.

Then create water.

Blood can also quench thirst.

Sera Marie is sacrificing herself now, letting Hanyu Shirasawa drink her own blood to quench her thirst.

a time.

The atmosphere solidified.

In the eyes of the two, it seems that there is no world, only each other.


Seeing a black line out of the corner of his eye, Hanyu Shirasawa suddenly raised his head and shouted, "Hey! Look! The coastline! We're almost there..."

Sera Marie was in a trance for a while, she tried her best to raise her head and rolled her eyelids, and she also saw that long black line, with a surprised smile on her face.

able to live.

Nobody wants to die.

One hour.

Hanyu Shirasawa controlled the hang glider, looked at the beach slowly approaching in front of him, took a tense breath, and finally let it out.

But it was such a slack.

I just felt that my whole body had no strength, and I fell to the beach uncontrollably.

He turned around in the air, turned his back to the beach, held Sera Marie in his arms, stared at the blue sky above, and murmured:

"God, I will avenge this revenge one day..."

The words fall.

It hit the beach with a "bang", spit out a big mouthful of blood, and passed out just like that.

Sera Marie felt the warm blood on her face, and looked at the motionless Hanyu Shirasawa, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and she began to struggle, biting the cloth strips tied around her body with her teeth.



time flies.

I don't know how long it took.

Hanyu Shirasawa felt that he had slept beautifully and slept very comfortably. When he was satisfied with his sleep, he slowly opened his eyes...

What caught my eye was the white ceiling, and then I smelled a smell of disinfectant. Just as I wanted to move, I found that my whole body was in pain.



"Oh, it's so miserable for the first time."

Hanyu Shirasawa gave a helpless wry smile.

There is nothing to say, or he is too weak.

If he is strong enough, natural disasters can be easily dealt with in minutes.


A "click" sound.

The door of the ward was opened, and Sera Mari walked in with a box in her hand, looking at Hanyu Shirasawa who opened her eyes, she ran over in surprise:

"You're awake!"

"Yeah." Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, looking at Sera Marie who was almost unscathed except for a little bruise on her lips, with a smile on her face.

"That, you..."

Sera Marie had a lot of things to say, but she couldn't say anything when she found her mouth was on the edge of her mouth, so she didn't say anything at all, and threw herself into his arms.

"Hey!" Hanyu Baisawa yelled, "Don't press me down, my body hurts a lot."

"Sorry, sorry!" Sera Mari hurriedly got up from Hanyu Shirasawa's arms, wanting to check his body, but she was a little afraid.

"I'll call you a doctor." After she finished speaking, she turned and ran out of the ward.

Hanyu Shirasawa wanted to call her to stop.

But in the end, I still didn't call 3.1.

He just slowly raised his hand, looked at the dots of light coming out, with a smile on his face, and said in a low voice:

"Mary...see you in the future."

The words fall.

The whole person exploded into a ball of light, and slowly disappeared into the ward.

When Sera Marie came back with the doctor, she saw an empty hospital bed.

"What about people?"

She was a little bit taken aback, reached out to touch the quilt, and found that it was still warm inside, turned around and went to the bathroom in the room to open it, and there was no one inside.

"Strange..." Sera Marie frowned deeply, went to the window and opened it. This is the fifth floor, and there is no place to stay outside.

Gradually, she started to panic and searched directly in the hospital, but after searching around, she couldn't find Hanyu Shirasawa at all, as if he disappeared out of thin air.

Chapter 0237: Sera Marie

Hanyu Shirasawa opened his eyes.

What catches the eye is the familiar ceiling.

He came back, to his bedroom at home.


Gently letting out a breath, Hanyu Shirasawa sat up slowly, touched his body, and said with a smile:

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