"Dog System, this is good. No matter how badly injured you are, you will still be fine when you come back."

Just because of that.

Only then did he dare to waste time in the past.

This time, the mission of Sera Marie is really out of his control. If he has been on the cruise ship, he still has time to deactivate the bomb on it.

But the result was a shipwreck at sea.

He really had nothing to do, and it was a bit of luck that he was able to complete the task in the end, otherwise Sera Marie would really have died.

"System, open the panel."

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Abilities: Bullet Time, Invulnerability, Internal Breathing, Absorption, Eagle Eye, Sixth Sense, Iron Kidney]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F unlimited bullet version, smoke bomb unlimited version, high-explosive grenade unlimited version, flash bomb unlimited version, tear gas bomb unlimited version, hang glider unlimited version, master key, Harley motorcycle unlimited version 】

Hanyu Baisawa looked at the word "Iron Kidney" at the end of the ability column, and finally felt the difference in himself.

My whole body felt much more relaxed.

Suddenly full of energy.

There is a feeling in the dark, that my "endurance" has improved, and my "endurance" has also improved, and it is a very exaggerated improvement.

"Cough cough."

Hanyu Shirasawa coughed lightly twice, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise, he really wanted to laugh out loud, but he held it back forcefully.

Then, he looked back at the name in the column of the dungeon, reached out and clicked on the word "Shiliang Mary".

next second.

Here comes the task.

[Dungeon: Sera Marie (3/3)]

[Customs Clearance Condition: A Hundred Years of Good Cooperation]

[Task Reward: Pikachu]

"Okay, as expected of you, Pikachu is here."

Hanyu Shirasawa really laughed, this dungeon system really gives everything.

Pikachu, he knows it. He didn't know about his childhood.

He still clearly remembers that when he was a child, he dreamed of having a Pikachu when he grew up. When he thought of his childhood, he became nostalgic.

Also at this time.

His "sixth sense" began to give an early warning.

Unable to bear it, Hanyu Baisawa looked at the window with the curtains drawn.

under the moonlight.

He saw a thin shadow standing vertically, swaying left and right outside his window, it looked like a snake from a distance.

But it's definitely not a snake, because the snake can't be that long. It's obvious that someone put a rope down from the top floor and just passed his window.


I saw a large group of black shadows slowly sliding down the rope.

Under Hanyu Baisawa's surprised gaze, he stopped in front of his own window.


Hanyu Shirasawa muttered softly, narrowing his eyes, wanting to see what the black figure outside the window was up to.

next second.

The black shadow suddenly shrunk, and then rapidly grew in size.

"Crack" sound.

The sound of glass shattering sounded, and a figure rolled in along the broken window.


Hanyu Shirasawa's lips twitched twice, without saying a word, just staring blankly at this scene.

He never thought that a woman would come in, and in this way, and at the same time, he still knew this woman.

a time.

There was a dead silence in the bedroom.

half an hour.

The woman kicked the shards of glass on the ground with her shoes, and said coldly, "I told you this morning, we will meet soon."


Hanyu Shirasawa was puzzled, and thought carefully about what happened before going to the dungeon mission.

Soon, he remembered that this sentence was indeed said, and it was said by the other party on the mobile phone at that time.


With a soft sigh, he said helplessly: "Even if what you said is true, there is no need to appear in this way, right? Even if you go directly outside the house and knock on the door, I can't prevent you from coming in, right?"


Sera Marie snorted coldly, rushed up in an instant, raised her leg and swept across.

"Bullet time."

Hanyu Shirasawa whispered in his heart.

The world in front of you slows down.

He slowly stretched out his hand, caught the calf muscle of the kicked leg, and slid forward...

The screen repeats.

Just like when he was in the cabin of the copy "cruise ship", Hanyu Shirasawa stepped forward and wanted to hug Sera Marie, and pushed down on the bed next to him.


Sera Marie is no longer what she was back then. She who suffered a disadvantage once would leave room for kicking people every time.

So when Hanyu Baisawa approached, she had already clenched her fist and punched him hard on the bridge of the nose.

"Clap" sound.

Hanyu Baisawa raised his hand to catch the fist, and said with a smile: "Not bad, there is progress."

Sera Marie was taken aback for a moment, because of the meaning of his words, then anger appeared in her eyes, she raised her other hand, and hit 413 fiercely.

Hanyu Shirasawa let go of her and took two steps back.

But this woman is like crazy now, no matter what she rushes forward, every move is to hit the vital parts below.

"Hey, hey, don't use such obscene means, just hit your face directly."

"Bastard! Give me death!"

When Sera Marie heard what he said, the anger in her heart became even stronger, and she pulled out the pistol from her body.

"Hey!" Hanyu Shirasawa saw it the moment she drew the gun in "Bullet Time".

He hurried forward, grabbed her wrist, twisted her head hard, and kicked off one of her feet at the same time, causing her to fall onto the bed behind her.

Holding her tightly, Hanyu Baisawa said angrily: "It's almost enough, why are you so impatient..."

Sera Marie didn't answer, she turned her head away and didn't look at him at all.

that's it.

There was silence in the bedroom.

It's been a long time.

Sera Marie said lightly: "Let go."

Hanyu Shirasawa said quietly: "You can let go, but you can't use the gun. This is an apartment building. If you use the gun, it will cause a lot of trouble."


"The promise is too straightforward, I am a little worried. Let me think about it, you have to consume your physical strength first."


Sera Mari's face turned black, wishing to give him two punches.

Chapter 0238: Homecoming and Ye

The next day.

When the sun rose, Hanyu Shirasawa opened his eyes in good time.



He stretched slowly, only feeling refreshed.

"Excellent, this ability is really good."

Thinking of his new abilities, Hanyu Shirasawa nodded in satisfaction, glanced at Sera Mari who was sleeping soundly next to him, and reached out to touch her face.

"Good morning."

With that, he got out of bed and dressed.

First, I went to the bathroom to wash up, and then walked into the kitchen to start preparing breakfast.

Hanyu Shirasawa is very energetic now, and feels that everything is very easy to do, so he hummed a song in the kitchen after a while.

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