
Everyone left the station together.

Just walking, Chikage retreated silently, and even pulled Hanyu Shirasawa along.

Fei Yingli and the others noticed this situation, but they didn't care about anything now that they were on the street, so there was no obstacle.

"What's the matter?" Hanyu Baisawa asked while holding her hand.

"A little bit." Qianying nodded, thought for a while, and organized her words: "By the way, did you encounter any situation last night?"

"last night?"

Hanyu Shirasawa was taken aback.

Immediately, he thought of Sera Marie, and subconsciously prepared to lie.

But at this moment, the "sixth sense of 417" began to warn, and he had to take this topic seriously.

Seeing him suddenly silent, Qianying narrowed her eyes and said, "Why, this question is difficult to answer?"

"No." Hanyu Baisawa came back to his senses, with a smile on his face: "Last night, something did happen. If you want to be more specific, it was a wonderful night anyway."


Qianying pouted.

When she saw the strawberry marks on the neck of her good friend Sera Marie at her home in the morning, she already knew what it was.

Now hearing Hanyu Baisawa's inexplicable tone, he said angrily:

"Must be with another woman."

"Hehe." Hanyu Baisawa didn't give affirmation, but just smiled lightly.

For a while.

Qianying said faintly: "Is that woman called Shiliang Mary?"

Hanyu Shirasawa narrowed his eyes.

Feel something is not normal.

Logically speaking, Chikage should not know Mari Sera's name, but now she knows her name, there must be something wrong here.


He thought of what happened in the "Twilight Annex" last time.

On that day, not only did he meet Chikage, but he also met Sera Marie, but they were already hiding in his car parked in the small town.

In other words, Sera Marie might not have appeared there by accident that time, but was notified to go there by someone.

Thinking of this, he asked:

"Qianying, do you know Mary?"


Qianying raised her head proudly. Although she didn't say a word, this attitude already explained everything.

Hanyu Shirasawa asked curiously, "When did you two meet?"

Qianying said faintly: "I met you when I was looking for you, and found that she was also looking for you. The name of the person I was looking for was exactly the same as yours, so I became a good friend."


Hanyu Shirasawa didn't know what to say, he didn't expect such a situation, it was really fate.

Qianying continued: "Did you meet her yesterday?"

"Yeah." Hanyu Baisawa nodded, and thought of another question: "By the way, does she know about your relationship with me?"

"I don't know." Qianying shook her head.

"That's it." Hanyu Baisawa rubbed his nose and said flatteringly: "Actually, she doesn't know that I still have yours, or else when you get along with her, you can talk around it so that she can be mentally prepared." .”


Qianying's eyes widened, looking at the big scumbag beside him, she curled her lips angrily:

"You bastard! You still want your woman to help you find a woman, don't you? Hmph..."

After finishing speaking, she kicked him lightly, shook off the hand he was holding, and strode towards Fei Yingli and the others.

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, his "sixth sense" really told him that although this (cjdb) woman didn't say she agreed, she already agreed in her heart.


He couldn't help sighing, he felt that he still owed the other party, and this behavior was a bit too shameful.

next second.

Yukiko in front stepped back slowly.

With a "slap", he slapped him on the shoulder and muttered:

"Hey, what did you say to Qianying? I think her expression is ugly."

"Uh... nothing."

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, took her hand directly, and clasped his fingers together.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that it is good to have more women. If this one is angry, the other one will definitely not be angry.

You Xizi said unhappily: "Please, don't say such things that lie to three-year-old children. Let me ask you, do you believe what you said just now?"

"I believe it." Hanyu Shirasawa smiled.

"I hate it." You Xizi squinted at him with beautiful eyes, lightly bumped his arm with her arm, kissed him lightly on the face, and said coquettishly: "Okay, tell me quickly, I'm curious La."

Hanyu Shirasawa glanced at the envious eyes of the passers-by, but he still couldn't resist Yukiko's acting like a baby.

But as soon as the words came to his lips, he forcibly endured them:

"Uh... something..."

"Speak quickly!"

"Youxizi, I think, you better not listen to it, I guess you don't like to hear it."

"You know that I don't like to hear it without saying it?" You Xizi said that she is very generous and not such a stingy person.

Hanyu Shirasawa chuckled.

He still doesn't know what kind of person You Xizi is, but after being soft and hard, he still revealed a little news:

"Hey, to put it simply, you're going to have a sister soon, and you're still good friends with Qianying."


You Xizi stopped talking for a moment, her face darkened visible to the naked eye, and she let go of the hands tightly clasped with his fingers.

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, You Xizi cast him an indifferent glance, and strode forward.


Feiyingli, Chibo Jinghua, Qianying, Yukiko, and the four women started whispering.

In the end, Ikebo Shizuka smiled helplessly, only Fei Yingri turned her head and glared at Hanyu Shirasawa viciously, with a rather unhappy expression.

But it's a pity, they all know Hanyu Shirasawa's ability, and know that some things can't be stopped, at most they can only sulk in their hearts, or find a time to vent.

the next period of time.

It can be said that Hanyu Shirasawa was excluded by the four wives, and they really ignored him, so he had no choice but to talk to Xiaolan and Sonoko.

If it weren't for the two of them, it would probably be another morning with a large group of people, which is equivalent to being alone. Thinking about it, I feel pitiful.

Chapter 0240: Wronged Vodka


A black Porsche 365A pulls up.

Two men in black got out of the car, it was gin and vodka.

"Big brother..."

Vodka looked at the cold expression on his elder brother's face after hanging up the phone, and spoke weakly.

Although his face was usually cold, but now it was even colder, and he couldn't help shivering.

"Brother, did that woman say something?"


Qin Jiu exhaled lightly, narrowed his eyes, and walked forward slowly, while saying quietly: "It's nothing, she seems to have caught a big fish, let me prepare to shoot tonight."

"Brother, what do you mean?" Vodka asked curiously.

Gin is silent.

After thinking about it, he turned on the phone, turned to another number, and dialed it.

When the phone was connected, he said directly:

"Absinthe has caught a big fish. To mobilize my strength is the time tonight."

"That's it..." There was an electronic voice from the opposite side of the phone: "Don't hang up, I'll ask the adult for his opinion."

that's it.

Waited a few minutes.

An electronic voice came from the phone:

"Gin, the lord has agreed, you will temporarily obey Absinthe's orders tonight."

"I see...Rum."

Gin Jiu hung up the phone, with a pensive expression on his calm face, he didn't know what he was thinking.

a time.

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